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Thread: What the **** does a pulled quad feel like

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    What the **** does a pulled quad feel like

    Ouch. Sweet ****, this hurts like a bitch. Ok, so yesterday was leg day. I did a quad shot, but it went fine, no problems, and did it all right, ive done em plenty before. So i do legs right, hit em real hard.

    Last night i feel some pain right above my kneecap area, in the muscle. Im like "eh ****, maybe i pulled something."

    So today, i wake up, and im limping. My entire top part of the leg, towards the outer side, hurts like a champ. Muscle above the knee still hurts too.

    What gives? Pull something, strain, mild tear.......what? Any ideas

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    bump this joint

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    ACLU headquarters
    Too soon to tell could be the shot or the workout. Ice it up today and see what you get later. Is it hot to the touch? I would rule in favor of it being the injection. I never shoot a quad before my leg day, after only........... beacause of this.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    North Charlotte
    use alot of ice.. get that lactic acid out of there, then try some light lifting

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Well, its slightly better today. Still hurts to walk on, but the limp isnt as bad. It could be the injection, but i am extremely conciensious of being sanitary doing shots. Wash my hands twice before shooting, air dry them, swab area with alcohol, use a different needle to draw than to shoot, etc. I think its a strain, cause i did a lot more weight than ive ever done on squats the other day.

    Ill give it another day or so......

    On a side note, should i be good for sumo deadlifts tonight? I dunno if they do more back than legs or not........

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    I'd lay off any leg movements until you are sure you didn't damage the tendon that connects your quad to the kneecap.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Thanks swole. Problem is, i got that post a little too late. What i did tonight was go to the gym (chest back day), and started to try sumo deadlifts with light weight, i think like 150. No problem at all, didnt even feel anything in the leg. So i threw my usual 315 on. Yea, i think that was a mistake. It hurts more now, not to the point where im dying, but i can also handle pain pretty well, and am having trouble walking. I think im goin over to the university health center (they dont know ****, so we'll see what happens), and get come crutches.

    Updates as they come, but i definately learned my lesson tonight. No leg stuff........

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