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Thread: Who here makes their money work for them as opposed to working for their money?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Philly - Better than you

    Question Who here makes their money work for them as opposed to working for their money?

    I know it is risky, blah blah blah, the bigger the risk the bigger the reward, but is anyone seriously in to day trading? Next time I got 10k to spare I am thinking about giving it a shot. I heard there is an online game where you can practice and use actual stocks, and it keeps track of your trades, gains, losses, etc. If anyone is familiar with this game, program, whatever you want to call it, could you PM it to me?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    the knowwhich1
    I'm interested in this program also if there is such a thing. Probably better than playing online poker during the day anyways.

  3. #3
    jordanfanatic23's Avatar
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    Gold's Gym
    wish I knew man, but if you do find this game, let me know, I am definately interested in it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Hoss's Moms bedroom
    Don't play this crap, it's the modern day equivalent of bucket shop trading. For 99% of the people who play speculation games it is a losing proposition. Day trading and all forms of 'investing' like it are almost a Ponzi scheme. Some fools will try to tell you they made such and such day trading and while it might be true, like a good run at the craps table, it won't last for long. Get into real estate or something, the stock market is a bad place to gambling.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lozgod
    I know it is risky, blah blah blah, the bigger the risk the bigger the reward, but is anyone seriously in to day trading? Next time I got 10k to spare I am thinking about giving it a shot. I heard there is an online game where you can practice and use actual stocks, and it keeps track of your trades, gains, losses, etc. If anyone is familiar with this game, program, whatever you want to call it, could you PM it to me?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Philly - Better than you
    My credit won't let me get in to real estate. I am looking for a moderately risky investment because that is where the money is. What I really want to do is open a certain kind of restaraunt in an area that doesn't have this certain kind of restaurant. It is going to take about 50k to do it. I know I can come up with 10k to invest in something, but 50 is a stretch, so I need something to flip the money. People aren't in to day trading because they go broke doing it, there are people that make money in it. I got plenty of time to study trends and stuff like that. I know somedays you lose, some you win. Can't make a cake without breaking eggs. I wouldn't put it all in the quick buy quick sell stocks, I would put a small percentage in blue chips so worse case scenario I walk away with something.

    Quote Originally Posted by chicamahomico
    Don't play this crap, it's the modern day equivalent of bucket shop trading. For 99% of the people who play speculation games it is a losing proposition. Day trading and all forms of 'investing' like it are almost a Ponzi scheme. Some fools will try to tell you they made such and such day trading and while it might be true, like a good run at the craps table, it won't last for long. Get into real estate or something, the stock market is a bad place to gambling.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by chicamahomico
    Don't play this crap, it's the modern day equivalent of bucket shop trading. For 99% of the people who play speculation games it is a losing proposition. Day trading and all forms of 'investing' like it are almost a Ponzi scheme. Some fools will try to tell you they made such and such day trading and while it might be true, like a good run at the craps table, it won't last for long. Get into real estate or something, the stock market is a bad place to gambling.
    Agreed real estate investing is the best way to go and that is where I'm heading,very little risk and very big returns on your investment in fact a lot of millionares in this country have made their millions on real estate investing.

    I was about to do some day trading myself then someone told me it is so risky you are better off gambling in vegas as the odds are better there then day trading.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Hoss's Moms bedroom
    If owning a restaurant is something you are serious about then IMO you should sack away that 10K in some safe investment like a bond fund and figure out a work and savings plan (say 3-5 year) that will allow you to make the restaurant thing a reality. Besides, you want to go into business you may as well get that FICO score up cause you are going to need access to credit at some point in your business career. Don't fall prey to thinking you won't need it, the cash only business model really only works in the illegal goods market.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lozgod
    ... What I really want to do is open a certain kind of restaraunt in an area that doesn't have this certain kind of restaurant. It is going to take about 50k to do it. I know I can come up with 10k to invest in something, but 50 is a stretch, so I need something to flip the money.
    Whomever you spoke to is most definitey correct. Think about it this way...when does a brokerage house make money? When you make a transaction, just like the house in a casino. Day trading is all about convincing people to buy, look for a small fluctuation, sell.

    Just to clarify I'm not against the stock market at all in fact I love it but it's definitely suited for long term investors.

    Quote Originally Posted by IntensityX
    I was about to do some day trading myself then someone told me it is so risky you are better off gambling in vegas as the odds are better there then day trading.
    Last edited by chicamahomico; 03-15-2005 at 01:40 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    What would be best, opening a restaurant or a nightclub? I want to be my own boss, just lack the founds to do so...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Philly - Better than you
    Quote Originally Posted by palme
    What would be best, opening a restaurant or a nightclub? I want to be my own boss, just lack the founds to do so...
    Depends what kind of restaraunt and what kind of club. The restaraunt I want to open isn't existant in the area I want to open it in, plus that area is growing. So it would do better than a club. But if you had a great idea for a club, where that idea would be in demand it would probaly do better than a regular old restaraunt. It is all about selling what people want, and if you can corner a market and take care of the customer, you are going to make lots of money. Then you have the problem of managing too much money, but thats another thread.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    A good sushi restaurant and a irish pub, that would be awsome owning.

    Banks loan you money if you have a good idea right?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Philly - Better than you
    Quote Originally Posted by palme
    A good sushi restaurant and a irish pub, that would be awsome owning.

    Banks loan you money if you have a good idea right?
    Good idea and great credit and an ability to pay. A great idea is worthless if it is ran by a sloppy business man.

  12. #12
    CutieFace Guest
    I'm into real estate baby....keep your stocks....


  13. #13
    Here is the game everyone........ive done a little of it myself...........this simulation is actually quite complex ............

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Montreal (Canada eh!)
    Yeah Ive been watching news and stock markets... watch Genentech (ticker Symbol DNA) its gonna be doing quite well really soon. I have no money to put on it though... im gonna watch anyway see if I'm right

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