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Thread: Quest. of the week: How would you rate your genetics?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    North Carolina

    Quest. of the week: How would you rate your genetics?

    Well, thought I would start a new thread to see what the gene pool of this site looks like.

    Guess the question really asks, do you have what it takes to be competetive genetically? (ie- hips, joints, shoulders, etc; not "are you a huge mofo LOL)

    For me: Not a chance in hell. My biggest problem is my pelvis and hips. I was fortunate enuf to inherit my mothers hips; HUGE.
    I can be at my leanest and down to like 7% BF and still have a wide waist just due to my pelvis width. Im sooo envious of those with that tight narrow waists. I also have large joints that really stand out. Another downfall. On the good side, I do have a fairly broad shoulder frame and good genetic chest potential.

    So how bout it guys? Got what it takes? Whats good and whats bad?

    Figured this might be an interesting thread,


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    My genetics are average.Nothing really stands out as being genetically good.Just with a bit of extra weight and training I changed that around a little and I have people tell me "you must have good genetics" Believe me I do not I just have worked hard.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Good and bad. I have relativly small joints...good. I am genetically pre-disposed to put on, and carry body fat...bad. I have a broad back and shoulders...good. I have a very hard time shaping my delts into nice round caps...bad (the gear is actually helping this). I respond well to increased cardio as far as fat buring abilities...good. I need to drastically increase my cardio to capitalize on fat burning abilities...bad.

    I am competing next May in my first ever show, so we'll see how everything turns out.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    my joints are real small and i have no problem putting on muscle or gettign strong. i have a split bicep and have a generally good genetic makeup for BBing excpept.....i have a real hard time dieting down. i carry around some body fat and water weight even during my most hardcore dieting cycles. my dad is the same way. i've never been able to get my stomach and lower back to look exactly the way i wanted. oh well

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Dane...I think you and I are cut from the same genetic mold!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    that sucks for you!! just kidding. it does suck though becuase i'm tall and i can get big easily. not alot people can do that. but, with that comes my stomach and lower back, which aren't bad, but aren't really good either

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Toronto, Canada
    i'd say mine are fine i guess.

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