I have been this combo for 2 weeks now at 200/200 3 times a week, last week I lowered the dose to 150/150 per week and put 1.5 cc peanut oil in the pin. I have tried everything to get rid of the pain, I have never had so many problems with anything else, I have to stop. I am I having some weird reaction to it, or could it be cause its ug/dirty? Where ever I inject, the site swell up for 4/5 days and its horribly painful, like nothing else I have even injected. In addition I have been extremly lethargic, night sweats, I have pain in my legs, its really weird. I have'nt had a decent workout in the 2 weeks I have been taking it. I am switching over to 600mg of test ethanate a week, which will be a decent replacement.