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Thread: SLEEP......Does this count?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    SLEEP......Does this count?

    Ok, last night I totally cramed for a test and stayed up till 2:00a.m.- then took some GHB and crashed out. I then woke up at 6:00a.m. to study some more...went and took my test (think I did pretty well actually- clap, clap...bowing) and came home took some more GHB and fell asleep at 11:00a.m. and woke up at 2:00p.m. Does this kind of sleep count in the recovery process when rebuilding muscle tissue? Or does it gotta be 8 hrs all at once? I do this alot.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    south florida
    its so ironic you put this post because I was up last night doing the exact same thing. But I replaced the GHB for coffee which helps keep me up. And like you at 10:30 I crashed for a few more hours. Frankly Im not sure if its the greatest thing to do but it must be better than nothing. Personaly GHB makes me feel drowsy for a long time so If i need to go to the gym ill aviod it. I guess its personal preference. When my midterms anf finals come around I tend to drop a few days from the gym to make sure im not overdoing my body. The way I see it as long as im getting a total of around 8 hours im satisfied and will make up for it the next night??

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Unhappy you jerks..I can't believe no one is responding to my diere needs


  4. #4
    ptbyjason Guest
    sorry guys, it doesn't count. You have to be in a deep sleep. I cannot remember what the deep sleep is called or how many hours after you go to sleep it kicks in. Maybe someone can help me here. If not, I will look it up for you.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Hi there

    well my psychology A level comes in now! There are two types of sleep REM sleep & funnily enough Non - REM sleep! REM sleep is associated with your moods and Non - REM associated with repair which is what we are interested in!

    REM or rapid eye movement is when your body is very active and in a dream state

    Non-REM is the deep sleep which consists of four stages! It is actually harder to get into REM based sleep and you need a minimum of 6 hours sleep before you can get this! about 75% of your sleep is spent in Non-REM but only 15% is spent in stage 4 the repair stage

    You can achieve Non-REM sleep in less then two hours!
    stage 1 = dozing
    stage 2 = dozing/loss of conscience
    stage 3 = loss of conscience hard to arouse
    stage 4 = deep sleep (repair sleep)

    Then you will go into REM sleep! so over the course of an entire night very little time is spent in stage 4 therefore this is why it is necessary to have a full 8 hours sleep if possible because the hours you say you had asleep were probably only boardering on stages 2 & 3 and if you consider how important REM sleep is for your moods and focus this i would say is equally important as Non-REM sleep!

    Hope this makes sense as ive done it off the top of my head!
    Ms Figure

  6. #6
    ptbyjason Guest
    Thank you Ms Figure. I knew it was something like that, but I was thinking ROM. I am spending way too much time on this computer. LOL

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    LOL Jason!

    I have just read through my post what a ramble sorry guys im at work and its hard to pretend you are working and typing on the internet at the same time!!

    Ms Figure

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Carolina
    Great stuff Ms Figure. Is it possible to reach that 4th level of sleep in a short time and tell me about the benefits of these 20 minute power naps I hear about. Oh and one more thing. Why do we feel more tired after a 2 hour nap than after a 20 min nap?

    I'm getting sleepy....

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Calgary, Canada
    I disagree with ms. figure although her reputation proceeds her as an intellecual juggernaut, as you can tell by my name, i love the GHB and would even call myself fairly educated about it. GHb does not interupt regular sleep patterns and it helps put you into long wave REM sleep faster, hence you get to stage four (recovery) fasster, if your only gonna get 5-6 hours have a cap youll feel better in the morning, thats my $0.02

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    hey thanks to all for finaly given me some answers

    Ms. Figure, as I remember in my Psycology class you are right on when talking about the Rem. But G-pig I'm right with you on GHB putting you into REM faster therefore helping you get much better rest in a shorter period of least so I've heard - just haven't see any facts on it yet. But that's what I want to know since I do this regularly with late night studies and all. So If anyone can find out if It is true, with GHB you get into Rem sleep much faster therefore getting better rest in a shorter period of time, that would be good news to my ears. Peace...and sweet dreams


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Carolina
    GHB & side effects? Any imput?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2001


    Side effects, none really if you don't abuse it. Mix it with alcohol and the only side effect could be biggie. So don't ever mix it with alcohol. I can tell you some benny's....


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Carolina
    No Alcohol, then I guess I'll need about 6 oz of GHB, instead of the wine!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    NO, NO



  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    ahh im so stupid correct me guys i was talking about sleep only not the GHB part sorry sorry on my part here you go some science for you!

    Gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) is a drug currently used to treat narcolepsy. The present study documents its effect on sleep organization in healthy subjects. GHB and a placebo were given at bedtime and before a morning nap in a double-blind fashion. GHB administered before nocturnal or diurnal sleep increases stages 3 and 4 and decreases stage 1 non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep. In addition, GHB improves REM efficiency at night and reduces wake time after sleep onset when administered before a morning nap recording. GHB also slightly decreases REM latency when administered in the morning, and this effect is correlated with age. Hypotheses regarding mechanisms of action GHB and the involvement of hypothalamic structures in the regulation of REM sleep are discussed.

    So yes i admit defeat i should have discussed GHB!!! I tell you JMO natural sleep is best

    Ps thanks G-Pig for the compliments!
    Ms Figure

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Wow thanks Ms. Fig

    I have one more question, when I take it (G) at night, I take about 2 caps, it starts to make me feel sleepy around 30-min later...but I can stay up if I want, so my question is to enter that (G) REM sleep do I need to basically take enough to make me pass out, meaning I couldn't stay up even if I tried to get that (G)REM benefit out of it? You know what I mean?


  17. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Carolina
    Where do you get this drug. Is it sold by prescription only? Sounds like a bunch of you use it.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    No it's illegal. Black market is where you get careful, I wouldn't get it from just anybody..make sure you know the person.


  19. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Small doses produce relaxation, tranquility and drowsiness which make it extremely easy to fall asleep naturally. Higher doses increase the drowsiness effect and decrease the time it takes to fall asleep. A sufficiently large dose of GHB will induce sudden sleep within five to ten minutes

    effects of GHB can generally be felt within five to twenty minutes after ingestion. They usually last no more than one and a half to three hours, although they can be indefinitely prolonged through repeated dosing. The effects of GHB are very dose-dependent. SMALL INCREASES IN THE AMOUNT INGESTED LEAD TO SIGNIFICANT INTENSIFICATION OF THE EFFECT. Higher levels feature greater giddiness, silliness, and interference with mobility and verbal coherence, and maybe even dizziness. Even higher doses usually induce sleep.

    It is banned and hard to get hold of!

    Ms Figure

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Carolina
    Did some research here...Along with what Ms Figure said, GHB has been reported to be illicitly used, to induce physical dependence, and to relieve effects from alcohol and heroin withdrawal. This was legal to purchase in health food stores until Nov. 1990. GHB is not controlled under the Misuse of Drugs Act, so possession is not an offence. However, as it is classed as a medicine unauthorised manufacture and/or distribution is an offence under the Medicines" drug. OK guess I'll just go tot he corner drug pusher and get me some...NOT!
    Last edited by dumbells101; 10-19-2001 at 07:51 AM.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    NO DUMBELLS NO DONT TAKE IT!! if your natural sleep is alright dont result to GHB!!

    I know these guys say there are limited side effects but every drug has a certain amount of effects dizziness, blurred vision a small dose will give you the same effects as being tipsy i dont recommend it if you have never touched it stay away from it JMO

    and nothing against you guys i dont dish GHB but just wouldnt recommend it
    Ms Figure

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