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Thread: 8 weeks out

  1. #1
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    My competition log from 8 weeks out

    hey boys, just started dieting for the second time in my short bb career and just wanted to post my diet, training, gear, and other information,but first here are my stats:
    27 years old
    BF% 10
    finished second in my last competition, which was a provincial show. i went from 278@20% to a ripped, dry, hard 213. i hope to be on stage at close to 225-228 my trainer figures i will be close to that and one of the local judges says more like 230, but i want to be as dry as posiible so if i am 225dry that will be better that 230 kinda soggy, imo.

    Diet week 1-6:
    40 min cardio heart rate at 126, then abs and calves 3 days on 1 day off
    protein shake (40g protien) after cardio before starting abs and calves
    1st meal 10 egg whites 1 cup of oats
    2nd meal chicken breast and 1/2 cucumber 1 cup brocolli 1 tbsp flax
    3rd meal chicken breast and 1 sweet potatoe
    4th meal chicken breast and 1/2 cucumber 1 cup brocolli 1 tbsp flax
    5th meal chicken breast and 1 cup broccoli 1 cucumber 1 tbsp flax
    protein shake (40g protein)
    6th meal 8egg whites
    5 litres of h2o daily
    my diet will change and i will post it when i get to 2 weeks out but this is what i am eating now.

    day1 chest
    day2 back
    day3 shoulders
    day4 arms
    day5 legs
    day6 repeat
    i am doing four sets per body part and doing between 12-15 reps each i also lowered my weight and trying to concentrate more on the squeeze, and also doing flys, crossovers, and leg extentions more.

    vitamin c 3000mg ed before i train
    vitamin b6 and b12 complex every morning
    niacin just before cardio to help get me sweating

    Clen .125mcg every morning for 2 weeks on 2 weeks off 3 weeks on 2 weeks off to make carb loading easier.
    winny 100mg ed in capsule form till day of show
    tren 75mg ed till 10 days out,
    test e 500mg weekly for week 8 only
    test p 100 mg ed till week 1

    I think thats all, i will try and get some progress pics up asap. please help any advice would be much appreciated.

    Last edited by WEBB; 06-01-2006 at 06:12 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Tren ED is best, the dose is all up to you, 75mg ED ok? Just get an A.I for the water some cabergoline will help alot on the cycle as well.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    thanks for the help. at least someone responded
    i edited my plan, i hope it looks better.
    Last edited by WEBB; 05-03-2006 at 09:52 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    that first meal seems a bit light especially with your weight you should be doing at meast 10 egg whites with 2 yolks and 1 cup oatmeal. the flaxseed oil should be taken with protein meals only which is meal 3 and 5 not a good idea to mix fat with carbs inthe same meal

  5. #5
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    k, i will up my egg whites to 10 and throw in a couple yolks also.
    how does everything else look to ya?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by MrMent1on
    the flaxseed oil should be taken with protein meals

    agreed....dont be afraid of dietary fats...flaxseed is a good choice....I like to eat a grilled cicken breast on a bed of lettuce with flaxseed oil as a dressing(it actually taste good to me!)....Id drop the popcorn in last meal....Id run the Winny all the way up to the show....

  7. #7
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    i actually finished my popcorn last night. i will run the winny up to the day of the show also.

    as for the flax seed, i am uncertain about this because i dont wanna add to many kcal since i am unemployed and the only exercise i get is cardio in the am and my training. but i will listen to you both and add one tbsp. to my meals with out carbs.

  8. #8
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    MM and Doctorherb, i just edited my plan, can you check it out and give me some more feed back please.

    thanks a million, WEBB

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by WEBB
    MM and Doctorherb, i just edited my plan, can you check it out and give me some more feed back please.

    thanks a million, WEBB


    you added the flax with the oats(keep carbs/fat seperate)...add it to meal #3 & 5...

  10. #10
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    sorry, i edited it and forgot to save. i made all the changes now. i think it is just about perfect.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Diet looks pretty solid now for 8 weeks out.

  12. #12
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    what about the other stuff now that i got the diet down?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    i'd drop th etren 2 weeks out along with the prop. when are yo uplanning to drop the test E? i'm not a fan of winny oral. but if thats all you hav then use it. and last. what are you planning to do while 2 weeks off clen? are you going to run ECA??? I'd run clen all the way and use benedrly or ketotifen to keep receptors fresh.

  14. #14
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    i am dropping the prop at 2 weeks and the tren is actually like 10 days out with the amount i have and just the way my shots fit in. i am using winny oral because i have gotten really good results from my stuff in the past. i was going to also run an eca stack during my 2 weeks off but i would like to just run it all the way up to 2 weeks out but i am unsure about the benadryl, both the amounts and when to take it. also i took my last 250mg of test e last night. so i am done with it and i will start my prop and tren tomorrow.
    Last edited by WEBB; 05-04-2006 at 10:57 AM.

  15. #15
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    Week 7

    Here is an update from last week when i weighed 270, i am now 1 week in and things are going great, i am doing cardio every morning, and it is helping, i lost a lot of the water i was holding from the last of my test e cycle, and i can see my upper abs...a little.
    BF% 10
    finished second in my last competition, which was a provincial show. i went from 278@20% to a ripped, dry, hard 213. i hope to be on stage at close to 225-228 my trainer figures i will be close to that and one of the local judges says more like 230, but i want to be as dry as posiible so if i am 225 dry that will be better that 230 kinda soggy, imo.

    Diet week 7:
    40 min cardio heart rate at 126, then abs and calves 3 days on 1 day off
    protein shake (40g protien) after cardio before starting abs and calves
    1st meal 10 egg whites 1 cup of oats
    2nd meal chicken breast and 1 cup brocolli
    3rd meal chicken breast and 1 sweet potatoe 1/2 cucumber
    4th meal chicken breast and 1 cup brocolli
    5th meal chicken breast and 1 cup broccoli 1 tbsp flax oil
    protein shake (40g protein)
    cardio 30 min at 126 heart rate (i am 2 weeks behind so i added additional cardio)
    6th meal 8egg whites
    5 litres of h2o daily
    my diet will change and i will update it weekly but this is what i am eating now.

    day1 chest
    day2 back
    day3 shoulders
    day4 arms
    day5 legs
    day6 repeat
    i am doing four sets per body part and doing between 12-15 reps each i also lowered my weight and trying to concentrate more on the squeeze, and also doing flys, crossovers, and leg extentions more.

    vitamin c 3000mg ed before i train
    vitamin b6 and b12 complex every morning
    niacin just before cardio to help get me sweating

    Clen .125mcg every morning for 2 weeks on 2 weeks off 3 weeks on 2 weeks off to make carb loading easier.
    winny 100mg ed in capsule form till 7 days out then 200mg for 4 days then back to 100mg till the show
    anadrol 100mg for the last 2 days
    tren 75mg ed till 7 days out, starting six weeks out
    test e 500mg weekly for week 8 only
    test p 100 mg ed till 7 days out starting six weeks out
    t3 50mcg ed till 4 days out
    letro .25mg ed till after the show

    I think thats all, i will try and get some progress pics up asap. please help any advice would be much appreciated.

    Last edited by WEBB; 05-11-2006 at 06:11 AM.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    good deal

  17. #17
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    hey, can you change the title of my thread to webb's log or 8 weeks out log, thanks bro. i cant figure out if i can.

    please let me know if i should change any thing....also i would like your input on fat loading, i have read the sticky and everything but there are still a few questions, should i pm you or just ask them here.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Looking Good. I know it's over kill but keep your kidneys in check with the tren. Make sure your drinking a lot of water and not having any pains in the lower back.

    Money, Bodybuilding, and ****ing = all that matters

  19. #19
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    ok so i am posting some pics now, but go easy i already know i look like sh!t but i am 6 1/2 weeks out and i am going to start cardio twice a day now...please be gentle...i am only posting legs and most muscular...they were the better of the six *starts sobbing*
    Last edited by WEBB; 05-23-2006 at 08:21 PM.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    F_ucken Two Bitches
    your thick as **** bro

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    HUGE. Keep workin' hard, my friend.

  22. #22
    Great job Webb, keep us posted on your progress.. Everything looks like it's coming together nicely.
    -B D

    [email protected]
    If asking cycle advice Post up Stats/previous cycle experience/goals!

    If asking diet advice Post Stats/current diet/goals!

    “Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”

    I B D
    AR VET

  23. #23
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    looking good, credit to you

  24. #24
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    thanks a lot guys, i really needed to hear that. i was feeling kinda low after seeing the pics, i was hoping to look leaner, bu ti guess that'll come....i can always count on my boys to make me feel better.

    I edited my log a little, mainly just the gear end after some great advice from a mod.

    i cant remember the dosage of letro i am supposed to take, either .25mcg or 2.5mcg ed. can some one please help me out.

    Thanks boys, WEBB
    Last edited by WEBB; 05-10-2006 at 07:30 AM.

  25. #25
    I believe .25mg... 2.5 is for gyno reversal etc..
    -B D

    [email protected]
    If asking cycle advice Post up Stats/previous cycle experience/goals!

    If asking diet advice Post Stats/current diet/goals!

    “Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”

    I B D
    AR VET

  26. #26
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    ok, thakns man, that was what i read after i had posted 2.5mg, but i will go with.25mg.

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    F_ucken Two Bitches
    no doubt you will take this comp too, and hey, you keep whoring too much i cant keep up

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    Show Me State
    looking awesome bro

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by WEBB
    thanks a lot guys, i really needed to hear that. i was feeling kinda low after seeing the pics, i was hoping to look leaner, bu ti guess that'll come....i can always count on my boys to make me feel better.

    I edited my log a little, mainly just the gear end after some great advice from a mod.

    i cant remember the dosage of letro i am supposed to take, either .25mcg or 2.5mcg ed. can some one please help me out.

    Thanks boys, WEBB

    well, 2.5 mg letro ed is the absolute max you should run it at. im thinking that you should run around 1 mg ed

  30. #30
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    thanks again fella's...i am going to go with .25mg of letro....i also re edited my diet in the 7 week diet, due to the fact i feel a little behin...and i wanna be ready a little early instead of being behind...

  31. #31
    Join Date
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    in a dilapidated apt.
    well, seeing as i am a newbie to the actual technical aspects of BBing, i am intrigued. it looks like everything is falling into place for you, and i really wish you the best. lookin thick in your pics man. your log will be a great learning experience for me. i'll keep watchin... good luck.

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    I think that cycle in timed very well. I would go with .5mg letro ED max

  33. #33
    Join Date
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    ON, Canada
    YOU RANG, saw your post in the AAS forum so here I am. Everything looks pretty good imo. If you are running oral winny it will make it easier to split doses (Im assuming you have 50mg caps) that way you can do 50mg a.m. and 50mg p.m. Thats what I would do to keep it very consistent. You have done shows before so I dont think you will have a prob, everything seems on target.
    Quote Originally Posted by big k.l.g
    I think that cycle in timed very well. I would go with .5mg letro ED max
    I also agree with this. There is no need to run a higher dose than this unless it is for gyno correction. I would probably do .5mg and not .25, just to make sure water is really under control especially considering you are doing a show, that way you wont have to rely to heavily on diuretics the last few days.

  34. #34
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    wow, thanks boys you addressed my major concern, the letro...i was thinking of going with .5 but was unsure...i usually hold water in my lower back so i wanna make sure this is not a problem again....

    Bino, i made my caps at 100mg so i only take on in the morning...should i start new and make them 50mg and split the dose....also how are my tren and prop doses....

  35. #35
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    6 weeks out

    Here is an update from last week when i weighed 258, i am now 2 weeks in and things are going great, i am doing cardio every morning, and it is helping, i lost a lot of the water i was holding from the last of my test e cycle, and i can see my upper abs...a little.
    BF on the way to 5%
    finished second in my last competition, which was a provincial show. i went from 278@20% to a ripped, dry, hard 213. i hope to be on stage at close to 225-228 my trainer figures i will be close to that and one of the local judges says more like 230, but i want to be as dry as posiible so if i am 225 dry that will be better that 230 kinda soggy, imo.

    Diet week 7:
    40 min cardio heart rate at 126, then abs and calves 3 days on 1 day off
    protein shake (40g protien) after cardio before starting abs and calves
    1st meal 8 egg whites 3/4 cup of oats
    2nd meal chicken breast and 1 cup brocolli
    3rd meal chicken breast and 1 sweet potatoe 1/2 cucumber
    4th meal chicken breast and 1 cup brocolli
    5th meal chicken breast and 1 cup broccoli 1 tbsp flax oil
    protein shake (40g protein)
    cardio 20 min at 126 heart rate (i am 2 weeks behind so i added additional cardio)
    6th meal 8egg whites
    5 litres of h2o daily
    my diet will change and i will update it weekly but this is what i am eating now.

    day1 chest
    day2 back
    day3 shoulders
    day4 arms
    day5 legs
    day6 repeat
    i am doing four sets per body part and doing between 12-15 reps each i also lowered my weight and trying to concentrate more on the squeeze, and also doing flys, crossovers, and leg extentions more.

    vitamin c 3000mg ed before i train
    vitamin b6 and b12 complex every morning
    niacin just before cardio to help get me sweating

    Clen .125mcg every morning for 2 weeks on 2 weeks off 3 weeks on 2 weeks off to make carb loading easier.
    winny 100mg ed in capsule form till 7 days out then 200mg for 4 days then back to 100mg till the show
    anadrol 100mg for the last 2 days
    tren 100mg ed till 7 days out, starting six weeks out
    test e 500mg weekly for week 8 only
    test p 100 mg ed till 7 days out starting six weeks out
    t3 50mcg ed till 4 days out taken in the morning
    letro .5mg ed till after the show, taken in the morning

    I think thats all, i will try and get some progress pics up asap. please help any advice would be much appreciated.

    Last edited by WEBB; 05-12-2006 at 04:48 PM.

  36. #36
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ON, Canada
    75mg Tren and 100mg Prop are pretty standard doses, they should get you some decent results FOR SURE. Depending on your cycle experience you could go a little higher, but before a comp I think those doses are probably just fine for you.
    As for the winny it is NECESSARY to split doses, I just figured if you could it would be a little better for you, but it wont be a big deal if you already capped them at 100mg.

    And letro at .50mg is great, stick with that ed. And as for timing of letro it doesnt matter, I know you didnt ask but many people wonder when to take it. It makes no difference, it is absorbed the same in your GI tract regardless of if its on an empty stomach or not etc.

    Keep us updated.

  37. #37
    Join Date
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Looks like the chicken and brocolli are working for you BRO, good luck

  38. #38
    Join Date
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    F_ucken Two Bitches
    sooooooo hows it goin

  39. #39
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    5 Weeks out now...

    Here is an update from last week when i weighed 254, i am now 3 weeks in and things are going great, i am doing cardio every morning, and it is helping, i lost a lot of the water i was holding from the last of my test e cycle, and i can see my upper abs.
    BF on the way to 5%
    finished second in my last competition, which was a provincial show. i went from 278@20% to a ripped, dry, hard 213. i hope to be on stage at close to 225-228 my trainer figures i will be close to that and one of the local judges says more like 230, but i want to be as dry as posiible so if i am 225 dry that will be better that 230 kinda soggy, imo.

    40 min cardio heart rate at 126, then abs and calves 3 days on 1 day off
    protein shake (40g protien) after cardio before starting abs and calves
    1st meal 8 egg whites 1/2 cup of oats
    2nd meal chicken breast and 1 cup brocolli
    3rd meal chicken breast and 1 sweet potatoe
    4th meal chicken breast and 1 cup brocolli
    5th meal chicken breast and 1 cup broccoli 1 tbsp flax oil
    protein shake (40g protein)
    cardio 20 min at 126 heart rate (i am week behind so i added additional cardio)
    6th meal 8egg whites
    5 litres of h2o daily
    my diet will change and i will update it weekly but this is what i am eating now.

    day1 chest/tri's
    day2 back/bi's
    day3 shoulders
    day4 legs
    day5 repeat
    i am doing four sets per body part and doing between 12-15 reps each i also lowered my weight and trying to concentrate more on the squeeze, and also doing flys, crossovers, and leg extentions more.

    vitamin c 3000mg ed before i train
    vitamin b6 and b12 complex every morning
    niacin just before cardio to help get me sweating

    Clen .125mcg every morning for 2 weeks on 2 weeks off 3 weeks on 2 weeks off to make carb loading easier.
    winny 200mg ed in capsule form till 4 days out then back to 100mg till the show
    anadrol 100mg for the last 2 days
    tren 100mg ed till 7 days out, starting six weeks out
    test p 100 mg ed till 7 days out starting six weeks out
    t3 50mcg ed till 4 days out taken in the morning
    letro .5mg ed till after the show, taken in the morning started 5 weeks out

    I think thats all, i will try and get some progress pics up asap. please help any advice would be much appreciated.


  40. #40
    Join Date
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    Please feel free to give me any help...i can use it all

    Also i was thinking of dropping my prop and tren to EOD injections...any thoughts???

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