i was shopping around the vitamin shop in my area today and noticed muscletech's version of CEE..a little pricey, but if it works well I will give it a shot. Anyone try it? Anyone know of other good makes of CEE that aren't pricey?
i was shopping around the vitamin shop in my area today and noticed muscletech's version of CEE..a little pricey, but if it works well I will give it a shot. Anyone try it? Anyone know of other good makes of CEE that aren't pricey?
i was also looking at bsn's cellmass..seems pretty popular..do name brands matter with this stuff?
I used the MT version, and it was pretty good. Lion has a CEE for like $19, that I will use on PCT. So far I haven't found a better price.
There is a brand iSatori. I've been stuck on there products for a while. I've been taking the H+ Blocker. I love it. Anyways, their line of CEE is in a product called CE-XL. I plan on taking it as soon as I order it within the next 2-3 weeks.
Bodybuilding.com link ---> http://www.bodybuilding.com/store/lean/ce.html
Isatori's Website --->
so nobody knows about cellmass?
I used it early in my training about 1 1/2 years ago in conjuction with NO-Xplode. If your not a stimulant freak meaning youve used everything on the market and dont react well to enery supplement then you wont feel as much. If you havent then its a very good compound in my book...just a bit pricey but you can find both on the net for around 55-65
i already have a full unopened bottle of noexplode, i am sensitive to stimulants so i only use half the serving size. So if i were to stack the noexplode with cellmass i would see some decent results?
Been on CellMass now for almost 3 weeks. LOVE IT. I usually do it on an empty stomach before and after a workout. My bench has already gone up 25lbs and I'm not experiencing as much bloat as I did with the monohydrate. I am also taking it with Nitrix so that may also be contributing to my increase in strength. Mass wise, i've put on about 4-5lbs.
It tastes great too! I've heard other CEE taste like asshole but the Fruit Punch is great. Only problem is this: It's very hard to mix and dissolve - u get some clumps after mixing. I tried a blender but you get TONS of foam that I don't like to drink.
hope this helps
thanks..I will probably go with the cellmass then. I already have a full bottle of no-explode, so i might as well use noexplode pre and cellmass post. My calories are a little low because I am trying to cut, will low calories take away from the creatine?Originally Posted by savax
Take away? No, i don't think so.. Ur suppose to take this on an empty stomach. I usually wait 1 hour after the CEE before I eat anything.. Are you on Whey too?
of course I use wheyOriginally Posted by savax
purecee, works great for me.
you can get the high power brand from bodybuilding.com, 36 bucks for 1000 grams. Lasts me 100 days. oh, but it tastes rancid. like vinegar. price does it for me though.
if you have to use 10 grams a day then its not CEE. higher power stuff tested badly several times. I like bb.com but their supp line is low end quality wise.
so is cellmass my best bet?
if you are looking for CEE, I reccomend purecee.Originally Posted by Venum
its like 28$ and lasts about 60 days.
BSN makes decent stuff but its over priced and the fact they use maltodextrin as the base is a real turn off. They should be using dextrose if you are going to put a sugar with creatine.
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