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Thread: How Legit does this sound?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Mid-East Coast

    How Legit does this sound?

    A buddy at work who is a big football player and has weight training experience told me he had a source for me. I trust this guy, hes worked with me for a year and is a good guy. He said his source is a good friend and is a football player on his team. He said he can vouch for him x10 as he has made gear with him many times and has known other people on their team who have used him as a source and have goten great results. He himself has never used but is planning to with this order hes taking. Overall I trust what he says hes giving me but a bit hesitant....This guy makes the goods himself and gaurentees his gear at 250mg/ml or slightly above. I requested a price on Test E (12wk) and Dbol (4wk)

    He said hes going to give me a 50ml unmarked bottle of test, which should be good for close to 50 shots, says hes very clean and very sterile. Should I send this out to be tested? Friend from work said I can do that If I'd like but he can vouch this guy is legit.

    Also said he can get Dbol for me but he recommends Anadrol since this adds tons of strength and mass with Test...

    Whats your thoughts? Was hoping to get for sure sterile marked amps but I guess since he orders powders and makes himself this may be my option?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Just do it

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Mid-East Coast
    Oh yea he said It will Include 84 orals, which he believes are dosed at 20mg but he will have to check with the source to be sure...he said this should last 12 weeks, although I'll only be running this 4-6wks

    Pins Included in this deal then planning on geting my PCT from Lion

    Also Im not gonna list the price as to not upset board rules but If a mod or vet would pm me I would like to get an Idea how decent the price is for these Items.....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Den sitta på huk ställ
    Homebrewers don't necessarily label there vials, except maybe compound and dosage.

    If you are hearing alot of good things about him and his products and you say he is a good friend, I would think you can trust him.

    If you're that worried though, the only way to know for sure what you've got is to get it lab tested.

    Good luck,

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Mid-East Coast
    Im gonna look in to lab testing and prices, not using this cycle for another 3-4 months so I got plenty of time, Just wanted to have It while I had excess money and a source

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