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Thread: ok 2run anavar during cycle & pct?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    dublin eire

    ok 2run anavar during cycle & pct?

    im heading towards the mid way point of my test cyp cycle,on thurs ill be 6wks into my 12wk cycle
    its my 1st cycle so i ran dbol naps for the 1st 4wks at 25mg ed and ive been stacking 25mg proviron ed since i finished the dbol with 5mg of nolva ed also as the proviron has a nice affect with the test(apart from the painfully hard erections i get at nite i plan on running proviron for the duration of me cycle and pct also
    the 1st question i have is could i run anavar at say 30mg ed up until the end of my cycle,and maybe half the dose during pct to help me hold my gains.
    anavar is quite mild so it aint all that toxic so it shouldnt really hinder my pct no? or would i experience vry little positive affects of anavar at anything under 60mg ed so id be wasting my cash and the anavar?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    You can run var in PCT because it's mild on your HPTA but you will not fully recover and it would be considered a bridge, not unheard of but IMO not recommended. IMO it's better to just do the PCT, recoever and plan your next cycle. GL either way.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    you will only further supress yourself making pct useless

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    dublin eire

    Red face

    kinda expected them answers alrite,im dreading pct...
    i dont wana loose to much of my hard earned gains,i suppose ill run tribulus frm the 8th week on through pct and beyond,up my whey and creatine intake and pray my natty levels return sharpish
    have u guys or anyone else any other tips that may help during pct?? TANX

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