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Thread: how to break my plateau mid cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    The South West

    how to break my plateau mid cycle

    I am on my 6 week mark (out of 11) of test E 550mg per week, deca 550mg per week, and d-bol 50mg ed week 1-5. The first three weeks I went from 265-278, now in the last three weeks I weigh in at 277 every single day, but I am getting allot stronger. This is only the second time I have ever ran a cycle longer than 5 weeks. So I am wondering what now? Can I expect any more growth? If so how do I acomplish this. This cycle is an experiment to try to change my bias towards short cycles, but I am not getting convinced that cycles need to be ran longer. I lift every muscle once a week 15-20 sets 6-10 reps. My diet is almost the same every day and right now it is this.
    average day. I was thinking of upping my test to 850mg per week.
    fat free yogurt
    1/2 cup grapenuts
    2 scoops protein in water

    1 hamburger patty
    2 slices wheat bread
    2 eggs
    6 eggs 2 egg whites
    2 tortillas

    10:30 am
    pbj sandwich
    2 scoops protein in water

    1 can tuna
    2 slices of bread or 1 tortilla
    1 orange or apple
    train from 2-4

    1 yogurt regular
    1 banana
    2 scoops protein in water

    10oz chicken
    2 red potatos or 1 cup cooked rice
    1/2 cup vegatable

    8:30 pm
    what ever wife makes for dinner I will tweak it to get enough protein.

    2 scoops protein in water
    1 tbs olive oil

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    My guess is that the gains will come. Are you running any AI's? My guess is that the dbol has done its job, and added some strength with water/muscle gains which is your 7 pounds. The test MIGHT not have kicked in yet, some dont feel til just around week 6-7. So you might be in the middle of your dbol fading, and your test just beginning to kick in. Can you post your exact workout for a muscle group? 20 sets could be overtraining.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    u are going to hate this
    but ur diet needs megafacelift.

    Quote Originally Posted by buffgator
    fat free yogurt
    1/2 cup grapenuts
    1/2cup Fat free cottage cheese (mix it w/ yogurt to make it more pallateable
    2-3 JUMBO eggs and 5-7whites

    1 hamburger patty (add a good heaping or romain lettuce here and a tomatoe if u can, u need the nutrients, onion is ideal as well)
    2 slices wheat bread
    2 eggs
    6 eggs 2 egg whites
    2 tortillas

    10:30 am
    pbj sandwich Ommit personaly
    2 scoops protein in water (food would be SO MORE IDEAL here)
    if u could replace the whole thing w/ say a TURKEY WRAP or something, maybe lil avacado u would be GOLD!)

    1 can tuna (add another serving of cottage cheese, yep dont mix well do they...)
    2 slices of bread or 1 tortilla
    1 orange or apple
    train from 2-4

    1 yogurt regular
    1 banana
    2 scoops protein in water

    10oz chicken
    2 red potatos or 1 cup cooked rice
    1/2 cup vegatable

    8:30 pm
    what ever wife makes for dinner I will tweak it to get enough protein.

    2 scoops protein in water (if its whey.. forget it.. big waste..only in system for 45min.. swap to a casein/dairy source. or a fatty meat.. preferrably a beef or salmon type of meat w/ some almonds on the side.)
    1 tbs olive oil

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    The South West
    I dont normaly do this many sets, but I am trying to mix things up today i did chest this was my work out

    incline barbell
    1set at 135 15 reps
    1set at 185 15 reps
    1 set 225 10 reps
    2 sets 295 6 reps
    1 set 225 10 reps

    flat dumbell
    1set 80 12 reps
    3sets 120 6 reps

    decline dumbell
    1 set 80 12 reps
    3 sets 110 8 reps

    high cable flys
    3 sets 12 reps
    1 drop set 6 6 6

    mid cable flys
    3 sets 12 reps
    1 drop set 6 6 6

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    The South West
    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    u are going to hate this
    but ur diet needs megafacelift.
    I can do that, I work as a cook at a correctional facility I order for my self anything that I want from sysco. So basicly I should not be using protein other than post work out. That sucks its like precontest all over. One other thing that I worry about is right now my body fat is at about 17% so I dont want to add in to many extra calories

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by buffgator
    I am on my 6 week mark (out of 11) of test E 550mg per week, deca 550mg per week, and d-bol 50mg ed week 1-5. The first three weeks I went from 265-278, now in the last three weeks I weigh in at 277 every single day, but I am getting allot stronger. This is only the second time I have ever ran a cycle longer than 5 weeks. So I am wondering what now? Can I expect any more growth? If so how do I acomplish this. This cycle is an experiment to try to change my bias towards short cycles, but I am not getting convinced that cycles need to be ran longer. I lift every muscle once a week 15-20 sets 6-10 reps. My diet is almost the same every day and right now it is this.
    average day. I was thinking of upping my test to 850mg per week.
    Try bulking with a keto diet, good way to not only shock your body and keep it guessing, but also an amazing way to get a very high amount of cals, IMO.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    I agree with Tia's diet editing

    Also the test e and deca probably just kicking in. Most of what you saw was from the dbol

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    The South West
    thank you for the feed back guys. If anyone else has suggestions I am very open minded.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    it should kick in any day now! get ready!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Ya man, WAY too many chest sets. Overworking the pecs

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    The South West
    Yeah keep in mind that this is not my regular style of training. I am just traing this way for a month or two, and that the first set or two for each excersise is far from failure

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    city of brotherly love
    if your bulking.then you need to eat more and not be doing 20+ sets for each body part,do about 10 sets but heavy as possible,upping your test to a gram wouldnt hurt either,as you get bigger you need more of everything but not overtraining.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by DEVLDOG
    if your bulking.then you need to eat more and not be doing 20+ sets for each body part,do about 10 sets but heavy as possible,upping your test to a gram wouldnt hurt either,as you get bigger you need more of everything but not overtraining.
    training for strongman just isnt LIFTING HEAVY
    you need muscular endurance as well.. so EXTREMELY HIGH VOLUME is CRUCIAL.. as well as short rest periods and continue systemic stress..

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    city of brotherly love
    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    training for strongman just isnt LIFTING HEAVY
    you need muscular endurance as well.. so EXTREMELY HIGH VOLUME is CRUCIAL.. as well as short rest periods and continue systemic stress..
    "strongman"...what are you talking about...a "strongman" contest??? where is that mentioned? want endurance,run a marathon!!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    The South West
    yeah the strong man is something that is not mentioned in the thread, but thai knows about it. It takes extreme muscular endurance. Say for instance you pull a 350lb chain 20 yards, than instantly turn around and flip an 800lb tire 6-7 times on the way back. That takes in insane amount of endurance and you have to keep your stregnth from dropping. Than in a half hour you are deadlifting 600lbs for as many reps as possible, then a half hour later you are doing log military press for as many reps as you can get in a minute thirty at 230 lbs. It takes allot out of you. As for the new diet thai I have followed it to the t today and I will tell you, thats not easy to eat that much, the protein shakes for sure are more convinient, and help keep the bloat down. Right now my stomach sticks out in front of me 3 inches farther than my chest.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    shakes arent ideal in anyway.. work on trying to ommit them.. it will help immensely in the long run.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    The South West
    Hell with the price of protein going up so much food will end up being cheaper. So in all the articles where pros say they are drinking 300g a day in whey protein is that just political b.s.? (Wow that was kind of off my thread topic)

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by buffgator
    Hell with the price of protein going up so much food will end up being cheaper. So in all the articles where pros say they are drinking 300g a day in whey protein is that just political b.s.? (Wow that was kind of off my thread topic)
    first get a food proccessor (works better than a blender) chop the shit outta oats.. into a FINE POWDER.. next put liquid eggwhites and cottage cheese into a blender w/ the powder oats.. add a lil chocolate whey protein for flavoring and u got a pre chewed meal.

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