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Thread: guys even if i took a small cycle of just winny or anavar it still gonna stuntheight?

  1. #1

    guys even if i took a small cycle of just winny or anavar it still gonna stuntheight?

    even if i took a small mild cycle of just either ONE not both but just one like anavar or winny that can still stunt my growth? its not like dbol or anything like that? i would take clomid post cycle to im not looking to get explosive gains cause i am gonna wait older till im 20 to do the other stuff. so the main question is taking a small anavar cycle or winny cycle alone gonna stunt my growth?i heard anavar is even used to increase height in childeren and winny is fairly weak. specially by itself. any thoughts or imputs would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    You seem to be quite worried about aas use stunting your growth. If you are I wouldn't recommend any aas. How old are you now? How tall are you? You could always go to the doctor and have them check to see if your growth plates have closed. Hopes this helps

  3. #3
    i am 17 i think i might have stopped growing cause my feet havnt grown. i think my body is matrue for my age cause i do have to shave every day. but anyways to get an ex ray do i have to take off my clothes? and will winny buy itself or anavar by itself in a small cycle u think close the plates sorry i hope im not getting annoying.

  4. #4
    Just because your feet havent grown doesnt mean you wont grow any taller. I grew an inch my sophmore year of college, and my shue size hasnt changed since 8th grade.

    And either one of those drugs can shut down your hpta, and possibly hurt your hormone balance for life. Why not just stay on the safe side and keep gaining naturally for a couple years.


  5. #5
    guess ill stick to creatine i hav but i wna cut though so my abs can show so should i not take the creatine then?

  6. #6
    Yes stay away from creatine if you are trying to cut. You could try using clen and eca if you are trying to get cut. However diet and cardio will be your determining factors there.

  7. #7
    clen and eca is that a steriod?

  8. #8
    CLENBUTEROL Substance: Clenbuterol hydrochloride
    Trade Names:
    Veterinary: Ventipulmin 0.016 mg/gr.; Richter A, BL-Vetmedica
    Ventolase 0.02 mg tab.; Juste ES
    Spasmo-Mucosolvan 0.02 mg tab.; Thomae G
    Spiropent mite 0.01 mg tab.; Thomae G
    Spiropent 0.02 mg tab.; Thomae G, Bender A, De Angeli 1, Europharma ES, Pr
    Prontovent 0.02 mg tab.; Salus I
    Novegam 0.02 mg tab.; Chinoin Mexico
    Monores 0.02 mg tab.; Valeas I
    Monores 0.01 mg tab.; Valeas I
    Contraspasmina 0.02 mg tab.; Arzncimittel Werk Dresden G
    Contrasmina 0.02 mg tab.; Falqui I
    Clenbuter.Pharmachim 0.02 mg tab.; Sopharma Sofia BG
    Clenasma 0.02 mg tab.; Biornedica Foscama
    Cesbron 0.02 mg tab.; Fidelis
    Broncoterol 0.02 mg tab.; Quimedical PT
    Broncodil 0.01 mg tab.~ Von Boch I

    Remark: The substance Clenbuterol hydrochloride is also available in various other forms of administration, including syrups, drops, liquids, dosing aerosols, injectable solutions, and granules. Since athletes usually prefer tablets, manufacturers and trade names- offering this oral version are listed.

    Clenbuterol is a very interesting and remarkable compound. It is not a steroid hormone but a beta-2-symphatomimetic. Clenbuterol, above all, has a strong anticatabolic effect, which means it decreases the rate at which protein is reduced in the muscle cell, consequently causing an enlargement of muscle cells. For this reason, numerous athletes use Clenbuterol after steroid treatment to balance the resulting catabolic phase and thus obtain maximum strength and muscle mass. A fur-ther aspect of Clenbuterol is its distinct fat-burning effect. Clenbuterol burns fat without dieting because it increases the body temperature slightly, forcing the body to burn fat for this process. Due to the higher body temperature Clenbuterol magnifies the effect of anabolic/androgenic steroids taken simulta-neously, since the protein processing is increased.

    Athletes usually take 5-7 tablets, 100-140 mcg per day For women 80-100 mcg//day are usually suffi-cient, It is important that the athlete begin by taking only one tablet on the first day and then increasing the dosage by one tablet each of the following days until the desired maximum dosage is reached. The compound is usually taken over a period of 8-10 weeks. Since Clenbuterol is not a hormone compound it has no side effects typical of anabolic steroids. For this reason it is also liked by women. Possible side effects of Clenbuterol include restlessness, palpitations, tremor (involuntary trembling of fingers), headache, increased per-spiration, insomnia, possible muscle spasms, increased blood pres-sure, and nausea. Note that these side effects are of a temporary nature and usually subside after 8-10 days, despite continuation of the product. In the meantime, Clenbuterol is well distributed on the black market and costs between $0.70 and $1.20 per 0.02 mg tab-let

    ECA stands for Ephedrine, Caffeine, and Aspirin. This stack has been shown to synergistically strip off fat, while preserving muscle mass.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    You could also try an NYC stack and some Yohimburn for stubborn fat deposits. Juice at 17 isn't a wise idea though, never mind stunting your growth, your endocrine system could suffer serious damage from doing juice at such an early age.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Boise, Idaho
    Originally posted by tryingtogain
    but anyways to get an ex ray do i have to take off my clothes?

    If you're scared to get naked for an exray, you must still need some growing to do.

  11. #11
    RE: Juice at 17 isn't a wise idea though, never mind stunting your growth, your endocrine system could suffer serious damage from doing juice at such an early age.

    NJ, I've been telling him that for weeks. It doesn't seem to get thru.

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