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Thread: Lump from UG juice at injection site

  1. #1

    Lump from UG juice at injection site

    Well last cycle was my first cycle with UG gear. I am not sure what happened as I have done many cycles but for some reason I have a jaw breaker size lump in my shoulder where I injected frequently. I did get lazy with my injections and quit using rubbing alcohol.
    I have been to the doctor and first they gave me antibiotics, it did not clear it up. I had just told them I injected vitamin b-12. I went back to the doctor and he said it will go away on its own that it just takes time.
    Well its been over 6 months and its still there. Am I safe to cycle again. I guess I could go back to the doctor but they dont seem to think its anthing to worry about. It is noticable and once in a while is painful (may be in my head).
    dont worry I am not going to Valitino it myself. the first doc I seen gave me the antibiotics said next step would be to drain it and than surgery, but when i went to a different doctor he said it would go away on its own. I dont want to remove it with surgery as I have a huge shoulder tattoo that I dont want to ruin.
    ANy advice?

  2. #2
    i'd get it checked out asap to make sure it's not cancerous or something. it might not even be from the injection. i would hold off on a new cycle till i resolved it. it's probably nothing but i'd wanna know exactly what it is. you could try a heat pad or massaging it.

  3. #3
    thanks bro, I am going to go this week, < I know its from the steroids though or dirty needle as I got it within a few days of injecting there.

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