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Thread: Alternative methods of cycling!!!!!!!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Alternative methods of cycling!!!!!!!!!

    I want to start a thread all about alternative cycles and styles of gear usage. Anyone with expirience or usefull ideas or theorys please post here so we can have some interesting discussions. thanks!

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
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    Good post, pretty much all of my cycles are what would be considered typical, I'll be following this to see what unusual cycles people may have taken and what the results and effects were.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    im planning on running a 16 week cycle in sept or oct times,, 16 weeks 8 weeks 3 compounds then the next 8 weeks 3 totally differnt componds
    and YESS test will be my base,,, but im switching esters after 8 weeks

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    womb raider
    looking at peoples view on high mg of deca ew (800-1000 mgs)with a hrt of test ew???

    any thoughts guys???

  5. #5 very first cycle (a long time ago when I was new to the game) was a cycle of Eq and test prop. I can't remember the mg's but i only ran them for 6 weeks because it was my first time. I realized that I cut my cycle waaaayyyy short....Eq is pretty amazing if you run it around 10 weeks, I love it....I think my cycle are considered the normal now. I also like to end the last few weeks of my cycle with Masteron, by far my favorite compound!!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2007
    a friend of mine is running a cycle right now that includes:
    wk1-4: dbol 50mg ed
    wk1-8: test suspension 100mg ed
    wk1-8: sus 250 800mg ew
    wk8-16: sus 250 1400mg ew
    wk1-10: deca 600mg ew
    wk1-10: eq 800mg ew
    wk11-16: tren 150mg ed
    wk11-16: winni 70-100mg ed

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    im considering

    wk1-6: dbol 50mg ed
    wk4-8: test p 150mg e3d
    wk4-20:test e 400mg ew
    wk4-16: tren e 300mg ew
    wk16-22 winny 50 mg ed

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by canttouchthis9 View Post very first cycle (a long time ago when I was new to the game) was a cycle of Eq and test prop. I can't remember the mg's but i only ran them for 6 weeks because it was my first time. I realized that I cut my cycle waaaayyyy short....Eq is pretty amazing if you run it around 10 weeks, I love it....I think my cycle are considered the normal now. I also like to end the last few weeks of my cycle with Masteron, by far my favorite compound!!!
    What type of gains did u see on EQ?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Once I ran eq 800mg and deca 600mg for 6 months with hcg on and off. Granted by the end of the cycle I was having trouble getting it up but the gains were very nice, solid and mostly kept.

    Another odd cycle that impressed me was when i did 10mp per day d-bol and 15mg per day anavar for a couple months. Huge pumps, my arms grew very well, people thought i was on a lot of gear. I felt really good and coming off was easy and again the gains were well kept.

    One odd cycle i was dissapointed with was 2400mg per week of eq for 3 months. I lookes AWESOME and felt great but the scale barely went up so now days if i use eq it's stacked with something that will help with growth and i don't bother going over 600mg per week because my high dosage expirience with it showed me that it just wont make me much bigger no matter how much i take.

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