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Thread: Isotretinoin topically - need input

  1. #1

    Isotretinoin topically - need input

    Anybody tried fighting acne with isotretinoin (the active ingredient of accutane) topically ? There is that "Isotrex" gel and some other products as well that contain it. I know that you cant compare local treatment over the oral one but the side effects of accutane seem not to be worth it..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by anabolicpower View Post
    Anybody tried fighting acne with isotretinoin (the active ingredient of accutane) topically ? There is that "Isotrex" gel and some other products as well that contain it. I know that you cant compare local treatment over the oral one but the side effects of accutane seem not to be worth it..
    I have run accutane back in my teen years and it was pretty rough. Try out the megadose pantothenic acid treatment. Works very very well.

    First month: 10g a day/ divided doses
    After Maintance: 3-5g/ depending on need

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    can i take something like 10mg of isotretinoin per day and take sun not too much...?? like 2 sunbed session per wk...

    10mg i guess is not a high dose that need to avoid too much sun...

    i never user isotretinoin before so im asking..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
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    the stuff isnt that bad at all.

    the cream is worse then the oral accutane and doesnt work as well.

    the alcholo preservatives int he cream are a bitch and give u rashes, burns, and if u sweat it hurts. if u go for the cream its annoying to keep putting on and dont use to much.

    accutane gives u dry skin, dry nose, and some nose bleeds.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by anabolicpower View Post
    Anybody tried fighting acne with isotretinoin (the active ingredient of accutane) topically ? There is that "Isotrex" gel and some other products as well that contain it. I know that you cant compare local treatment over the oral one but the side effects of accutane seem not to be worth it..
    ive been using istrorex since 2004 when i had severe acne on my forehead

    cleared it up in 10-12 weeks (it was 4 years ago, so i dont remember exactly). I just apply it once a day before i sleep, and it maintains my clear skin.

    I once stoped using it for a couple of months when i hit 20, because i assumed i grew out of acne. But i broke out really bad, and had to go back on it (been clear ever since).

    The stuff is great, there are no side affects or health risks (dry and red skin in the begining, but give me that over liver failure anyday).

    I strongly recomend you try this before taking acutane. Acutane should only ever be a last resort.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Back The Way you Came
    well alot of opinoins but you get the bloodwork done on that stuff and youll be fine. if your not going through the dermatologist its risky.

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