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Thread: Obama Acceptance Speech

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Obama Acceptance Speech

    I can't vote and I'm not too politically savvy but WOW! I was in awe in all the pre-written speech, pyrotechnics, music, confetti, and MLK like approach. This guy is are next President.

    Anyone else watch, have an opinion?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    As far as speeches/shows go, it was pretty awesome. People love this guy

    I def think he will beat McCain.

    But how "good" is he? Thats a different story....

  3. #3
    It was a great "show".....

    I'll leave it at that

  4. #4
    It was a very powerful speech filled with confidence. I'm weary of all the promises made, but somehow it can't be worse than the mess we're in now. A chance has to be taken. His campaign "CHANGE" is excellent.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yeh true, you never know these guys true intentions but I just thought it was a moving speech and ended like the Olympics opening/closing ceremony too, visually & sound stimulating euphoric...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    You guys better do some research on Obama's VP selection. I personally liked him until I researched his VP. Biden is the guy behind the increased "steroid law penalties" and drove the PH ban. He has also been reported talking about creatine and I'm worried that this will lead to a much larger supplement ban.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    I would not be so sure that he is going to beat mcain polls are polls but with the mood the country is in right know he should be at least 10 points ahead minimum, i think if he does not get at least a 5-6 point bounce after his convention he will lose unless he does outstanding in debates.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    I'm really looking forward to Obama pushing his socialist agenda as well as trying to crumble the 2nd amendment as much as he can. OMG but he's such a good speaker!! He can unite people!!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2007
    I dont think he will be "our" president. Why? Because why would we elect a socialist muslim president, when we are at war with islamo-facism?
    Let me guess "HES NOT MUSLIM"....ok , and his wife isnt a racist cracker hater.

    I dont feel like paying more taxes so I can bribe everyone with vote buying incentives.

    VOTE FOR ME, AND YOULL GET FREE STUFF!!!!! (yeah with my money). Instead of the adult approach of saving, they go with the child approach of vote buying.

    Also, I dont need someone in command who doesnt know the difference between a brigade and a battalion as he demonstrated a few days ago.

    The other day Biden said they want to follow a time table to pull-out of iraq, and to put 3 more "brigades" in Afghanistahn. (dont care if I spell wrong because it is a demented moonscape). Well the audience didnt clap or know what to do, because the confused audience wants no war at no time. There is no reason ever for pascifist democrats to go to war. Just a bunch of wishy-washy, SAY WHAT PEOPLE WANT TO HEAR DESPITE THE OUTCOME, vote buying. They sound like they really dont have a clue.

    Then they say McCain uses his POW status too much. Well, I say Obama uses his African Americanism too much. I'm not shocked a black guy is running for president, its not 1848. HOWEVER, THE BIASED ASS NEWS CONSTANTLY TALKS ABOUT HOW HISTORIC THIS EVENT IS, GIVING OBAMA 99% MORE FACE TIME, AND (as if we are so dumb we dont notice), ABC/NBC/CBS/MSNBC IS BASICLY TELLING YOU TO GO VOTE FOR BARRACK, BECAUSE ITS "HISTORICAL", not because of their political aggenda. The talking heads are so sweet and innocent, they dont mean to be so %100 biased, and if you asked them why they were so biased, they would say they are INDEPENDENT.
    Last edited by Diary of a Mad-man; 08-29-2008 at 07:38 AM.

  10. #10
    Then they say McCain uses his POW status too much. Well, I say Obama uses his African Americanism too much. I'm not shocked a black guy is running for president, its not 1848. HOWEVER, THE BIASED ASS NEWS CONSTANTLY TALKS ABOUT HOW HISTORIC THIS EVENT IS, GIVING OBAMA 99% MORE FACE TIME, AND (as if we are so dumb we dont notice), ABC/NBC/CBS/MSNBC IS BASICLY TELLING YOU TO GO VOTE FOR BARRACK, BECAUSE ITS "HISTORICAL", not because of their political aggenda. The talking heads are so sweet and innocent, they dont mean to be so %100 biased, and if you asked them why they were so biased, they would say they are INDEPENDENT.[/QUOTE]

    Excellent point!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Middle East
    Quote Originally Posted by Diary of a Mad-man View Post
    I dont think he will be "our" president. Why? Because why would we elect a socialist muslim president, when we are at war with islamo-facism?
    Let me guess "HES NOT MUSLIM"....ok , and his wife isnt a racist cracker hater.
    Way to ruin a perfectly good post and argument with that neo-conservative propagandized "islamo-facism" rhetoric. I bet you couldn't even define what the fu*k an "islamo-facist" is. Thats just a piece of propaganda the far right has created out of thin air to be the new boogeyman in everyones closet to justify an endless war. Please do not cheapen your argument by using their propaganda, as the rest of your argument was solid but you overshadowed it with that comment. Those people are fighting for their freedom from the real tyranny, THE UNITED STATES MILITARY! End of story.

    Onto the next point.

    You people are absolutely CLUELESS. You like his "CHANGE" campaign? Please tell me, what kind of change? Can you articulate exactly what Obama plans to "CHANGE" about our country?

    Because all I see is a new face in Washington, and nothing more. Obama wants to promise entitlements, demonise the wealthy class who create jobs for this country, and take a giant heaping SHIT on the 2nd amendment. Higher taxes and less freedoms, those are the changes Obama wants in this country. Obama is a socialist, and I dont think that its even debateable. Most people who would choose to vote for Obama have absolutely no grasp on politics, and absolutely no clue about how this country is run. The rest who do, are most likely voting for him just because he is he lesser of the two evils that the establishment GAVE you the choice of voting between. This election is partisan politics just like every previous election.

    Vote for Obama, Vote for McCain....It doesn't really matter, you will get the SAME result with either candidate that you got with all the previous administrations. Both candidates talk about minor changes they want to make which really do nothing towards solving the overall problems in this country.

    Until any of these candidates start talking about the REAL issues in this country, they will NEVER get my vote even if strictly out of principal. I'm voting for Bob Barr.

    Real issues:

    Illegal Federal Reserve Bank

    Illegal Income Tax

    Non-Interventionism as opposed to Pre-Emptive warfare

    2nd Amendment- No Gun restrictions what so ever

    Reduction in the size of the Federal government

    etc, etc, etc...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Voice of Reason View Post
    I can't vote and I'm not too politically savvy but WOW! I was in awe in all the pre-written speech, pyrotechnics, music, confetti, and MLK like approach. This guy is are next President.

    Anyone else watch, have an opinion?

    Yeah, I mean we need ****ing pyro and confetti....oh and an "MLK" approach instead of someone who actually talk about the U.S. Constitution and his/her plans of abiding by it and speaks of the real issues such as the Federal Reserve and lobbyists in Washington.

    No wonder this country is ****ed up....I bet people will vote for that cocksucking asshat because he is "cute", "has MLK quality", "is black", "isn't Bush"....

    I mean why vote for someone who actually has a plan that follows the Constitution, you know that thing that is the foundation of our very existence as a country...or excuse me...WAS the foundation for what was once a wonderful country with endless potential. Then again as Bush said himself "It's just a goddamn piece of paper".

    It's a sad ****ing day indeed.
    ***No source checks!!!***

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja View Post
    Yeah, I mean we need ****ing pyro and confetti....oh and an "MLK" approach instead of someone who actually talk about the U.S. Constitution and his/her plans of abiding by it and speaks of the real issues such as the Federal Reserve and lobbyists in Washington.

    No wonder this country is ****ed up....I bet people will vote for that cocksucking asshat because he is "cute", "has MLK quality", "is black", "isn't Bush"....

    I mean why vote for someone who actually has a plan that follows the Constitution, you know that thing that is the foundation of our very existence as a country...or excuse me...WAS the foundation for what was once a wonderful country with endless potential. Then again as Bush said himself "It's just a goddamn piece of paper".

    It's a sad ****ing day indeed.

    Comments like this are why political threads are closed! If you want one to remain open watch your language!!

    Completely Cleanse Your Body of Steroids in Only 5 Days!

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