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Thread: I'm a speed junky!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    I'm a speed junky!

    What are the dangers of long term caffine use? I don't drink coffee, but if I don't take 200mgs of caffine a day, I feel like I get nothing done.

    I use to use ephedra, but have been away from that for over a year now.

    I don't drink coffee or pop at all, just take a caffine pill. I can't use clen as it makes me way to shaky.

    I did not use it at all for a few weeks and I got a head ache for a few days but was fine after. I think I'm a little depressed right now though, and if I don't take it I don't feel like leaving the house or doing much of anything.

    I risk my career and life, but should I quit? Is 200mgs a day that bad for me right now? I'm 28 and in good shape. I was thinking the average american probably consumes more than 200mgs a day by the four 20oz pops they drink. or 5 cups of coffee.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Scenic Purgatory
    Hmmm, have you tried the 5 hour energy stuff? I have never drank them, but a lot of them have no sugar, no carbs and promise a lot of energy. I don't know, may be worth a try.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by J-Dogg View Post
    What are the dangers of long term caffine use? I don't drink coffee, but if I don't take 200mgs of caffine a day, I feel like I get nothing done.

    I use to use ephedra, but have been away from that for over a year now.
    I don't drink coffee or pop at all, just take a caffine pill. I can't use clen as it makes me way to shaky.

    I did not use it at all for a few weeks and I got a head ache for a few days but was fine after. I think I'm a little depressed right now though, and if I don't take it I don't feel like leaving the house or doing much of anything.

    I risk my career and life, but should I quit? Is 200mgs a day that bad for me right now? I'm 28 and in good shape. I was thinking the average american probably consumes more than 200mgs a day by the four 20oz pops they drink. or 5 cups of coffee.
    That is Me talking to a T. Although I can end up "popping" anywhere up to 600mg/day.

    I'm also clearly addicted to Ephedrine too. Without it, I feel like shit. I'm drained. I'm fatigued.

    Mornings are the worse.

  4. #4
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    taper yourself down slowly.
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    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maverick_J8 View Post
    That is Me talking to a T. Although I can end up "popping" anywhere up to 600mg/day.

    I'm also clearly addicted to Ephedrine too. Without it, I feel like shit. I'm drained. I'm fatigued.

    Mornings are the worse.
    600mgs and I get so worked up I can't do anything. I've been sensitive to caffine my entire life. If I drink tea in the morning, that will have me doing cartwheels.

    I use to use ephedrine also, but I get the same result it seems using ephedrine free products. The old ephedra products (like stackers, yellow swarms, black jacks) use to work pretty well for me, better than the caffine alone.

    I don't use it until the afternoon normally. The mornings I expect to be groggy, I just zombie though the first few hours of the day. By 9am I normally feel alright and use caffine to get an extended day.

    A lot of my problem is I think I let my ambition get the best of me. It comes in spurts, some days, I honestly feel like I can take on the world, do anything. I commit to doing it on those days and am forced by my stubborness to follow through then. It's made for a good career, but it's made for a very stressfull lifestyle.

  6. #6
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    200 mgs is childs play for me. I drink around 4 cups a day which is roughly 500mgs. If you're concerned about it, try alternatives like the B vitamins. I don't think 200 is a problem though.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by J-Dogg View Post
    What are the dangers of long term caffine use? I don't drink coffee, but if I don't take 200mgs of caffine a day, I feel like I get nothing done.

    I use to use ephedra, but have been away from that for over a year now.

    I don't drink coffee or pop at all, just take a caffine pill. I can't use clen as it makes me way to shaky.

    I did not use it at all for a few weeks and I got a head ache for a few days but was fine after. I think I'm a little depressed right now though, and if I don't take it I don't feel like leaving the house or doing much of anything.

    I risk my career and life, but should I quit? Is 200mgs a day that bad for me right now? I'm 28 and in good shape. I was thinking the average american probably consumes more than 200mgs a day by the four 20oz pops they drink. or 5 cups of coffee.

    I'm an addict too lol.
    If you can, I'd honestly recommend ditching caffiene and high sugar drinnks all together.
    The wind up really making your life more stressful then the other way around.
    My last cup of coffee is usually around 6pm, and I've given myself insomnia because of it.

  8. #8
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    You're ok man. 200mgs is nothing, hell i've already surpassed that and i've only been up for half an hour. On workout days, i'll take one ephedrine after my 4th meal, then i drink 1 small rockstar just before work out. Then back to water. The only problem sometimes is getting a good meal in me after workout cause i'm a little juiced.

  9. #9
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    200mg is supposedly equal to one cup of coffee a day. trust me thats nothing. I take about 600mg a day depending if I take any addyz. Youre perfectly fine at that dose.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by J-Dogg View Post
    I don't use it until the afternoon normally. The mornings I expect to be groggy, I just zombie though the first few hours of the day. By 9am I normally feel alright and use caffine to get an extended day.

  11. #11
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    kloter1- Do you think you have control over addy? man i tried caffeine and ephedra but adderrall makes me manic, i felt so good i took more and more and drove everywere and spent alot of money on shit it didnt and wouldnt need. had to get rid of that prescription it made me nutz. last day i remember i went so manic i took 300mgs and POOF, lost my mind. be careful.

    J-dogg dont sweat it, 200 is rather low compared to most.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by dirtball_619 View Post
    kloter1- Do you think you have control over addy? man i tried caffeine and ephedra but adderrall makes me manic, i felt so good i took more and more and drove everywere and spent alot of money on shit it didnt and wouldnt need. had to get rid of that prescription it made me nutz. last day i remember i went so manic i took 300mgs and POOF, lost my mind. be careful.

    J-dogg dont sweat it, 200 is rather low compared to most.

    Haha isnt adderal made with amphetamines? So in a round about way you were taking meth that would proly explain the whole loosing your mind thing

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by fattymcbutterpants View Post
    Haha isnt adderal made with amphetamines? So in a round about way you were taking meth that would proly explain the whole loosing your mind thing
    yes, its mixed amphetamine salts

    not something anyone should be using unless you really need it.

  14. #14
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    I used adderal in college, the doctor gave me 30mgs and I was suppose to take it daily.

    I never did though, I'd take half a pill because it worked just as good. I swear when it kicked in I felt so on top of everything. I was awake in class for once, answering questions and guess what? Paying attention!!!!!

    I've suffered from ADD/ADHD my entire life. I eventually opted away from addereal and started on Stretara (SP?), it's non stimulant.

    I don't use anything now, I've just accepted the fact I have a bad memory and I'm scattered. I still get more done by noon than most people do all day, so I manage.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by fattymcbutterpants View Post
    Haha isnt adderal made with amphetamines? So in a round about way you were taking meth that would proly explain the whole loosing your mind thing
    I dont think its fair to compare d,l-amphetamine to d-methamphetamine. Even so they are both available by prescription. Theres a difference between use and abuse, this being a steroid board, you ought to know this.

  16. #16
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    me too, i feel the best way to deal with the problem is to drink a pot of coffie and pop some more pills.
    Last edited by wilson9d; 08-27-2008 at 07:02 PM.

  17. #17
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    ditch the caffiene pills and switch to coffee or tea. Coffee will have more caffiene, but a lot of people dont like it. Tea will have less, and you can choose between many types and sugar honey or whatnot.

    But the main reason i suggest ditching the caffiene pills, is because both coffee and tea are loaded with antioxidants. You can kill 2 birds with one stone. Tea is also very good for cardiovascular health. If you want to ween off, use tea, maybe a green or white. I use tea to ween off of coffee if ive had a very busy month or so that has required me to drink a alot.

  18. #18
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    I have the same problem....I cant wake up in the morning.
    I cant get through the morning without a lot of caffeine...i take usually 4 shots at starbucks straight up or in a coffee latte but that costs $4.99
    Too much!!
    Im going to get the caffeinne pills....I like them better.
    That 5 hr energy, has absolutely no effect but placebo on me. Ne1 feel the same?

  19. #19
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    My prob is I can't drink coffee early because it makes me anxious as shit throughout the day. So when I get home and have to do things, and am not around people I have a cup, then I can't go to bed. Which is why I'm up right now.

  20. #20
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    Just tried the 5hr energy AGAIN and it doesnt do shit.
    I was still groggy.
    Caffeine pills is the way to go

  21. #21
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    Caffeine is one of the safest substances in and most highly studied. Caffeine's positive effects on the body are virtually endless, practically every study published on this substance reports only the mildest side effects if any are reported at all.

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    Caffeine is one of the safest substances in and most highly studied. Caffeine's positive effects on the body are virtually endless, practically every study published on this substance reports only the mildest side effects if any are reported at all.
    Yeah, but caffeine is a gateway drug.

  23. #23
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    Maybe, but the world over uses it, and the world over isn't snorting the pills.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by JiGGaMaN View Post
    Yeah, but caffeine is a gateway drug.
    Very true, we should ban it and anyone who sells or uses it should be imprisoned......

    Almost forgot its a performance enhancing substance.

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