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Thread: 10 Day Update

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    10 Day Update

    So, i know this is odd for me to post my progress every week in a half, but i think its a crucial part of building (being able to see where you have came from, and also the feedback from you guys )

    Anyways, if there is a problem with doing this, then just let me know, and i will stop.

    click here to see the before pictures, here are the after, please critique and comment.

    Thanks guys!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    Looking good bro....your getting there.
    Whats your diet like now: how many carbs, calories, protein you taking in each day? and how old are you?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    My diet is like this, with a little more carbs...:
    Meal 1 Pro/Carb
    6 egg whites (24 / 0 / 0)
    1 scoop whey (22 / 6 / 2)
    2 english muffins (10 / 48 / 2)

    54g protein / 54g carbs / 4g fat

    Meal 2 Pro/Fat
    2 cans tuna (60 / 0 / 1)
    1.5 tbsp olive oil (0 / 0 / 21)

    60g protein / 0g carbs / 22g fat

    Meal 3 Pro/Carb
    1 chicken breast (38 / 0 / 2)
    1 english muffin (5 / 24 / 1)
    3/4 cup cooked brown rice (3 / 32 / 1)

    46g protein / 56g carbs / 4g fat

    Meal 4 Pro/Fat
    2 scoops whey (44 / 12 / 4)
    1 tbsp olive oil (0 / 0 / 14)

    44g protein / 12g carbs / 18g fat

    Meal 5 Pro/Carb
    1 chicken breast (38 / 0 / 2)
    3/4 cup cooked brown rice (3 / 32 / 1)

    41g protein / 32g carbs / 3g fat

    Meal 6 Pro/Carb
    2 cans tuna (60 / 0 / 0)
    4 slices whole wheat bread (16 / 40 / 4)

    76g protein / 40g carbs / 4g fat


    Meal 7 PWO
    2 scoops whey (44 / 12 / 4)
    2 1/3 scoops carbs (0 / 70 / 0)

    44g protein / 82g carbs / 4g fat

    Meal 8 Pro/Fat
    2 turkey patties (38 / 0 / 18)

    38g protein / 0g carbs / 18g fat

    Totals: 405g protein / 276g carbs / 77g fat
    Roughly 3.4k cals

    And, I'm 18

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    hi, looking good

    in terms of diet i think you need more carbs and maybe even cut down on the protien - you dont look like you need that much. Increase your carbs in meal 1 and personally i'd increase them in meal 6 aswell. Also meal 6 - 76g protien - no need for that much pre workout IMO

    Diet experts can correct me if i'm wrong

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    New York
    only count protein sources that are from meat fish or poultry, all other forms of protein i would say aren't sufficient

    your second meal is protein fat... your protein and fat meals should be at the end of the day when you are going to sleep soon..

    fat slows down the metabolism and you don't want that to happen in the beginning of the day

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    yeah, i will take all of that into account!
    thanks for the replys, guys.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Ajc330
    fat slows down the metabolism and you don't want that to happen in the beginning of the day
    If he's trying to gain weight he sure does

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    honestly, when you are a really light weight and you want to bulk, you can basically eat as much as you want, as often as you want, as long as you arent eating a lot of simple sugars and saturated fats.

    Gaining some bodyfat is part of the process, especially when natural, you need both to get more muscle onto your frame.

    when you've bulked a fair amount of size and have a solid base, then i believe it is time to focus a bit more on a strict diet.

  9. #9
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    I think if you listen to their advice and follow it you'll end up looking like young Frank Zane.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic
    honestly, when you are a really light weight and you want to bulk, you can basically eat as much as you want, as often as you want, as long as you arent eating a lot of simple sugars and saturated fats.

    Gaining some bodyfat is part of the process, especially when natural, you need both to get more muscle onto your frame.

    when you've bulked a fair amount of size and have a solid base, then i believe it is time to focus a bit more on a strict diet.
    cool, yeah, i just wanted to put on as much muscle weight as i can, while leaving off as much fat as i can.

    Quote Originally Posted by chuck_redhill
    I think if you listen to their advice and follow it you'll end up looking like young Frank Zane.
    hell, i would love to look like he does

    do you guys think that if i keep up what i have been for the past month, for the next 11, that i will see decent results by this time next year?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    EAT like a monster, lots of real high quality nutrients, Train smart, BUST your butt in the gym...EAT...TRAIN......EAT......EAT......EAT....EA T.....EAT.....SLEEP......EAT....TRAIN.......EAT... ..EAT......EAT.......EAT......EAT.....SLEEP....... EAT....TRAIN....EAT.....EAT......EAT......EAT....E AT....SLEEP.....EAT.....TRAIN.....EAT....EAT.....E AT......EAT.....EAT.....EAT......EAT......EAT..... .EAT.......EAT......EAT.....

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Canada - No source checks
    Quote Originally Posted by nd95450
    do you guys think that if i keep up what i have been for the past month, for the next 11, that i will see decent results by this time next year?
    yes, you should notice a ton of gains in a year.

  13. #13
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    yes, you should notice a ton of gains in a year.
    thanks for the encouragement, i just hope the work im putting in pays off

    and chuck, i eat like a horse alrealdy, and my workout days are rather limited, so i can work out intensly for only about 2 hours every M, W, F

    is that enough for a weekly training?

  14. #14
    i just hope the work im putting in pays off
    Don't worry man. If you put in the work you'll get the results. Some would say 2 hrs is a little long but 3 or 4 days a week is good. Keep up the good work.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    thanks slice, i will see if i can cut down on times a little bit at the gym

  16. #16
    goodluck with your transformation. in a year you will definately see gains if you can keep up with that diet. I have a similar build and I'm starting a diet like yours. How much do you weigh now?

  17. #17
    FireGuy's Avatar
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    There should be a rule against noobs bumping year old threads.

  18. #18
    no kidding

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    ridin dirty
    so don't post and add your 2 cents

    i never look at the date of start, quit flaming
    Last edited by 1badcamaro; 09-12-2008 at 01:04 AM. Reason: to old of post

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    In The Kitchen :)
    Why tr u here? go EAT man. Fats during day or not don't matter if u wanna get big, just eat'em then go burn'em the more u eat hit the gym as much.

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