Ok I've been reading as many var posts that I have had time for over the last few months and it seems like its not very clear what the sides of var are or how to cycle it.
It's a DHT derivative, but suppost to be safest in terms of side effects including prostate and hairloss. T/F
It supposedly doesn't aromatize much so no need for SERM's or anti-e's. T/F
Lose significant BF and gain slight amount of muscle mass and keep most of it after cycle. T/F
Not very hard on nat test so no need to post cycle. T/F
Don't need to run any kind of test with it. T/F
I've been training with only OTC supplement for 17 years. 30 yrs old, good diet, 230lbs, ~15% bf, train 6 days wk 3hrs/day if I include cardio (1hr/daily, 3.5mph walking).
Been considering var/clen cycle to shed some fat and add strength with small weight gain, but I feel like I'm prone to gyno as recently I have used muscle up and it made me sensitive but cleared up if I used formadrol or 6-oxo. I have thick hair but is receeding slightly in the front and I don't want to speed it up.
I basically just want some more solid info on using var before I decide to use it or not.
I know there are ALOT of knowledgeable people here that have used var/clen and would just like their opinions.