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Thread: Whats the REAL story of var?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Whats the REAL story of var?

    Ok I've been reading as many var posts that I have had time for over the last few months and it seems like its not very clear what the sides of var are or how to cycle it.

    It's a DHT derivative, but suppost to be safest in terms of side effects including prostate and hairloss. T/F

    It supposedly doesn't aromatize much so no need for SERM's or anti-e's. T/F

    Lose significant BF and gain slight amount of muscle mass and keep most of it after cycle. T/F

    Not very hard on nat test so no need to post cycle. T/F

    Don't need to run any kind of test with it. T/F

    I've been training with only OTC supplement for 17 years. 30 yrs old, good diet, 230lbs, ~15% bf, train 6 days wk 3hrs/day if I include cardio (1hr/daily, 3.5mph walking).

    Been considering var/clen cycle to shed some fat and add strength with small weight gain, but I feel like I'm prone to gyno as recently I have used muscle up and it made me sensitive but cleared up if I used formadrol or 6-oxo. I have thick hair but is receeding slightly in the front and I don't want to speed it up.

    I basically just want some more solid info on using var before I decide to use it or not.

    I know there are ALOT of knowledgeable people here that have used var/clen and would just like their opinions.

  2. #2
    100% true

    Var was the worst on my hairline.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    As a rule its supposed to be relatively safe on hair ans prostate but individual results can vary.

    It doesn't aromatize, but messing with your endocrine system is complex, you should always have at least a serm ready. (you also never really know what you are taking until you've taken it for a bit, insurance my friend)

    Steroids do not directly cause fatloss, but can contribute to an envinment condusive to fatloss if diet is right.

    If you have trained that long naturally, the "slight" muscle gain you see will be staggering if diet and training is right. 10-15lbs of muscle is a freakin lot in a month or two, you wouldn't be dissapointed.

    It does suppress test, you should always run a pct to insure maximum retention of gains.

    You don't NEED to run test with it but this is a very test happy bored, almost everyone will tell you gotta runh test with everything but that isn't neccasarily true, esp if you aren't trying to be huge.

    And guys who run gear are interested in getting huge and slam anyone who doesn't share their view on it. Var will not make you huge but will make you bigger and stronger, MUCH faster than you have ever experienced naturally.


  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Bjohnson View Post

    If you have trained that long naturally, the "slight" muscle gain you see will be staggering if diet and training is right. 10-15lbs of muscle is a freakin lot in a month or two, you wouldn't be dissapointed.
    um im not sure what this means, but if you are suggesting hes going to gain 10-15lbs of muscle while cutting in 1-2 months, you are a jackass.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    So ok you do need to run a pct after var? Just wanna be clear. I know someone who wants to run it because he DOESN'T need to run a pct with it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    tip of africa
    Quote Originally Posted by JiGGaMaN View Post
    um im not sure what this means, but if you are suggesting hes going to gain 10-15lbs of muscle while cutting in 1-2 months, you are a jackass.
    lol x2

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by jc95605 View Post
    So ok you do need to run a pct after var? Just wanna be clear. I know someone who wants to run it because he DOESN'T need to run a pct with it.
    I did var for 6 weeks and had bloodwork done one week after my last day on var. test came up extremely high (1,000+), higher than i normally get. So he might be onto something there. This was at 120mg/day. Personally id at least have 20mg/day nolva for a couple weeks, it doesnt hurt.

  8. #8
    yes at VAR CAN shut you down so PCT is RECOMMENED.....I'd say it has been the easiest on the hair line for me (solo)

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    tip of africa
    Quote Originally Posted by JiGGaMaN View Post
    I did var for 6 weeks and had bloodwork done one week after my last day on var. test came up extremely high (1,000+), higher than i normally get. So he might be onto something there. This was at 120mg/day. Personally id at least have 20mg/day nolva for a couple weeks, it doesnt hurt.
    120mg ed...thats a shitload bro,how where the results?

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Freakish View Post
    120mg ed...thats a shitload bro,how where the results?
    It's been a while. I wouldnt say I gained more than 5lbs of muscle, but the strength was just insane. As was the back acne. The vascularity was pretty f'in freaky as well.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by JiGGaMaN View Post
    I did var for 6 weeks and had bloodwork done one week after my last day on var. test came up extremely high (1,000+), higher than i normally get. So he might be onto something there. This was at 120mg/day. Personally id at least have 20mg/day nolva for a couple weeks, it doesnt hurt.
    Wow bro.....must have been some sh*ty ass VAR....that's a freakin high dose....the stuff I get is overkill over 80mgs daily.....infact I know most people run it 40-60 range with good results.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    tip of africa
    Quote Originally Posted by JiGGaMaN View Post
    It's been a while. I wouldnt say I gained more than 5lbs of muscle, but the strength was just insane. As was the back acne. The vascularity was pretty f'in freaky as well.
    yeah mustve looked like hosepipes

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    dude weighs 230 lbs and its his first cycle, could easily put on 10 lbs of muscle....jigga.
    Last edited by Bjohnson; 09-04-2008 at 02:06 AM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Thanks for all the replys guys! So I guess my question now would be if you want to lose some bf and get stronger, which is pretty difficult all natural, but don't want to end up with a hairline like hulk hogan or pam anderson tits would the var/clen be a relatively safe choice for my first cycle?

    I have access to sus/cyp/tren/equi/adex/nolva/clomid, but since I felt I was slightly succeptible to gyno I wasn't that excited bout running a stack or even 500mg+ of cyp b/c I would want to run the arimadex the whole cycle then post with nolva and clomid just to be safe. I would also be wanting to protect myself from hulk head so I'd want proscar and nizoral 2% shampoo. As you can see that would become pretty expensive.

    Any cycle/stack suggestions?

  15. #15
    It's a DHT derivative, but suppost to be safest in terms of side effects including prostate and hairloss. T/F

    It supposedly doesn't aromatize much so no need for SERM's or anti-e's. T/F
    dht cant aromatize at all- t

    Lose significant BF and gain slight amount of muscle mass and keep most of it after cycle. T/F
    replace significant with hardly just a little- t

    Not very hard on nat test so no need to post cycle. T/F
    bbiiiig falso, always pct

    Don't need to run any kind of test with it. T/F
    need? no
    should? abso****inlutely

    post your diet

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by one8nine View Post

    dht cant aromatize at all- t

    replace significant with hardly just a little- t

    bbiiiig falso, always pct

    need? no
    should? abso****inlutely

    post your diet

    Meal 1: 12 egg whites 2 yolks, 2 slices cheese, 1/2 cup oatmeal with 1/2 cup blueberries +splenda, 2 cups iced coffee+splenda

    Meal 2: protein shake, 1scoop BMF X4, 1 scoop Muscle Milk, 4oz skim milk, ice

    Meal 3: 10oz chicken breast, tsp extra virgin olive oil, a little bbq sauce, broccoli or green beans

    Workout: 2hrs+cardio1hr

    Meal 4: post workout meal, 10oz chicken breast, no olive oil, bbq sauce+large gatorade

    Meal 5: 1/2lb extra lean hamburger/turkey burger/steak depending on what I have already cooked, broccoli or green beans

    Meal 6: same as meal 2 plus a little cottage cheese.

    Sleep time ALWAYS at least 8 hrs.

    Permanent supplements: ZMA, Original Animal Pack, multivitamin, flax/fish oil.

    Occasional supplements:Muscle Up, 6-oxo, BMF EC2 creatine, clen, have used many others but this is what I have been using most lately.

    I am kinda on a diet right now so my carbs are pretty low. I do this about 4 days/wk then 3 days I will have 2 packs of cheese grits with breakfast instead of oatmeal and on those days I usually replace the greens with 1 cup brown rice. The higher carb days depend on whether I was feeling weak or flat by the fourth low carb day. I just play around with it alot, but this is basically the diet right now.

  17. #17
    imo run prop with it, can you handle ED injections?

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