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Thread: Next cycle ???'s

  1. #1

    Question Next cycle ???'s

    I'm coming off a test 600, decca 400 & EQ 400 cycle.... about to start a Prop/winny cycle and really want to take D-bol between and during the first few weeks. Do I need PCT between the two or will my levels be high enough top just bridge with the d-bol??

  2. #2
    I know I need or have been told i need to wait between these two cycles, but I am running out of time before I go home. Plus all this gyno talk has me worried about going home with bumps all in my chest. WTF?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008
    R.I.P. TMOS
    How long have you been off of the Test Deca and EQ?

  4. #4
    My last shot is monday. I'm down to 10 weeks before I go home, so time is critical..

  5. #5
    I am trying to do a quick 6 week cycle of the prop/winny. But was really wanting to hit the d-bol up for a couple weeks prior and during the cycle..
    I have nolvadex and about two weeks worth of clomid.. Hard to get what is needed over here.

  6. #6
    God... Whats wrong with you man? Deca and EQ take a long time to clear so throw in the winny right now while you are waiting to start pct. problem solved.

  7. #7
    JiGGaMan the problem is that I don't have the winny yet. And I didn't get the results I wanted from what I took. maybe it was the quality of gear I was taking. Could have been the diet, but it wasn't from lack of working out. We have been killing ourselves since we got over here. I have 10 weeks before rotating back to the states. Gotta get closer to where I want to be before I get home. Any suggestions on what I am working with? Gear is hard to come by over here, so what I have is what I have.

  8. #8
    time on + pct = time off
    look out for your health
    a bridge is still staying on thats called steroid abuse

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by AXEHANDLE View Post
    JiGGaMan the problem is that I don't have the winny yet. And I didn't get the results I wanted from what I took. maybe it was the quality of gear I was taking. Could have been the diet, but it wasn't from lack of working out. We have been killing ourselves since we got over here. I have 10 weeks before rotating back to the states. Gotta get closer to where I want to be before I get home. Any suggestions on what I am working with? Gear is hard to come by over here, so what I have is what I have.
    what were your expectations?
    either your expectations were too high or your diet sucks
    post both

  10. #10
    I'm in Iraq, so yeah, diet sucks. Taking 3 protein shakes a day and trying to eat as healthy as possible. Brown bag specials aren't that healthy and the chow hall food sucks. Expectations weren't too high, just trying to get bigger and slim down. Not looking for 6-pack abs, not disciplined enough to maintain those.

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