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Thread: whats wrong with my body? Help

  1. #1

    whats wrong with my body? Help

    Im 35 Asian. Started training and running 7mths ago as I was real fat at 97kg.Currently at 82kg. I think i belong to the flabby spieces as in how much effort i put in, my body seems be very flabby.
    My dream is to have very nice rounded shoulders and traps. so that I can look good in clothes. Based on my picture, wats wrong with it? Maybe shoulders did improve abit but still sucks..always compare with the model pcitures.. something is not right and not there...
    What exercise do u guys recommend me to do to achieve my dream?
    I always trying to figure wats wrong with my shoulders? Am I lacking in some training? I tot its my front deltoids tats missing...correct me if im wrong
    Help me get those full rounded shoulders ..pls thank you
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    military press, front dumb bell raises, side dumb bell raises, shrugs, dead lifts if you wanna get serious about getting thick

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    15kg is impressive fat loss, Keep training and dieting and dont give up. Start a weight lifting routine to make your body harder.

  4. #4
    Thanks Bro. but u guys agree i dun have any front that what im lacking?

  5. #5
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    Mar 2007
    delts in general and traps is what your lacking to make you look good in cloths, also bring up chest, just a general weight lifting program like redz stated would help out a ton, and eating a lot would also help, not junk but eating a lot of good food, i'm sure right now your not eating much food at all while your trying to loose weight so, weight training isn't going to be as beneficial to you right now unless you bump cals

  6. #6
    what should I do? should I concentrate to lose weight first? Continue do both cardio and weight lifting or just do weight lifting? Im at a lost.

  7. #7
    Or do you guys think I should start going on roids? To cut and gain at the same time...

  8. #8
    Your not ready for AS bro. Continue Lifting and low intensity cardio and proper diet. Getting in shape is not a sprint its a marathon so just be patient.

  9. #9
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    It takes years to build a quality physiche. Take your time and enjoy the journey.

  10. #10
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    Good advice, Keep cutting as long as you are dropping fat you are on the right path, as you start to lean up you should definitely change diet and start a weight lifting routine. As stated above take it step by step it is a life goal not a next week goal hold of on steroids they are not magic.

  11. #11
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    I think you should pick up a book called "Body for Life". Not necessarily for the weight loss, but to teach you the basics. Another good read is, "The Truth about Six Pack Abs." Read one of those or both. You will learn a ton of useful knowledge.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Oh really

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Try ball drops and tea bagging that always got me hard

  14. #14
    could simply be genetic

  15. #15
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    If you aren't squatting heavy and deadlifting, forget it.

  16. #16
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    you're just a beginner, work on setting up a proper training schedule and all your lagging groups will get better.

  17. #17
    True..i guess sometimes it may be genetics too. My body seems to belong to the flabby type. So I guess i just concentrate on losing fats first is it? And then i start weight lifting is it? Dun Roids help me in anyway now? Thought winstrol helps to get rid of fats and do some cutting? I have lots of them with me now..very tempted to try..haha

  18. #18
    Again dont even think of AS! Build muscles naturally first . Workout, eat right do light cardio. You need a base to use AS bro. A building without good foudation will collapse.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by glenam View Post
    True..i guess sometimes it may be genetics too. My body seems to belong to the flabby type. So I guess i just concentrate on losing fats first is it? And then i start weight lifting is it? Dun Roids help me in anyway now? Thought winstrol helps to get rid of fats and do some cutting? I have lots of them with me now..very tempted to try..haha
    contrary to popular belief, winstrol is not a diet pill

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by glenam View Post
    True..i guess sometimes it may be genetics too. My body seems to belong to the flabby type. So I guess i just concentrate on losing fats first is it? And then i start weight lifting is it? Dun Roids help me in anyway now? Thought winstrol helps to get rid of fats and do some cutting? I have lots of them with me now..very tempted to try..haha
    you sound like the Bell brother who made the docu-movie Bigger,Stronger,Faster- his first foray into gear was winstrol!!! hah, no wonder he had so much to complain about He'd be singing another tune if he started off with test!

    seriously, I belong to the flabby type and have the worst genetics anyone can possibly imagine (looking at both my mom and dad side turned up no potential family member either) is no excuse... Where there's a WILL there's a WAY - my development has been painfully slow - but you can do it... that's good news really! Lose as much Bf as you can, bulk up, then cut; rinse and repeat until you hit a plateau, built good dieting and exercise descipline... then in a year or two (or more) start contemplating gear


  21. #21
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    Do some Compound movements training regimens, start with the whole body exercise 3 times a week, do it for 3-6 months, take alot of protein, and rest.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Curtis212 View Post
    could simply be genetic
    I agree, a lot of people have gotten away from that theory because it is the a untimate discouragement. But end of the day, look at the folks on both sides of the family and see who frame yours most resembles.

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by glenam View Post
    True..i guess sometimes it may be genetics too. My body seems to belong to the flabby type. So I guess i just concentrate on losing fats first is it? And then i start weight lifting is it? Dun Roids help me in anyway now? Thought winstrol helps to get rid of fats and do some cutting? I have lots of them with me now..very tempted to try..haha
    trust me, dun use the winstrol... i'm asian too and i made the mistake of using it to reduce fats few years ago. i take it alone and without PCT and it was a huge mistake.

    then i decide to train hard and diet hard, forward 4 years and i almost finish my first real cycle of test Prop with good result, this cycle is done with good understanding of how steriod works and tons of research and how important PCT is.

    key is not jump into steriod and think that it will do magic. Steriod won't do a single good if your diet and training is not in check.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by swifttorres View Post
    trust me, dun use the winstrol... i'm asian too and i made the mistake of using it to reduce fats few years ago. i take it alone and without PCT and it was a huge mistake.

    then i decide to train hard and diet hard, forward 4 years and i almost finish my first real cycle of test Prop with good result, this cycle is done with good understanding of how steriod works and tons of research and how important PCT is.

    key is not jump into steriod and think that it will do magic. Steriod won't do a single good if your diet and training is not in check.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Heres what you need to work on-

    Anterior delt
    posterior delt
    median delt
    pectorus major
    pectorus minor
    rectus abdominus
    erector spinadus
    glutus maximus
    glutus medius
    vastus medialis
    vastus intermedius
    vastus lateralus
    rectus femorus
    bicep femorus
    bicep braccii
    tricep braccii
    external obliques

    Just to name a few, once you get those and some others into shape (take about a year) come back

    oh and my spelling sucks I know...

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by glenam View Post
    Im 35 Asian. Started training and running 7mths ago as I was real fat at 97kg.Currently at 82kg. I think i belong to the flabby spieces as in how much effort i put in, my body seems be very flabby.
    My dream is to have very nice rounded shoulders and traps. so that I can look good in clothes. Based on my picture, wats wrong with it? Maybe shoulders did improve abit but still sucks..always compare with the model pcitures.. something is not right and not there...
    What exercise do u guys recommend me to do to achieve my dream?
    I always trying to figure wats wrong with my shoulders? Am I lacking in some training? I tot its my front deltoids tats missing...correct me if im wrong
    Help me get those full rounded shoulders ..pls thank you
    I use to be in Japan for about 12yrs, dont get down on yourself too hard, but also never let us if that makes sense. Starting off at 35 is rough enough as it is. ONE HUGE THING!!!! Eat Beef!! Its a regional thing and regardless of your die you need to add beef if you havent already. Lack of beef and all around MEAT will kill your muscle growth and genes for that growth.

    Ok dont just go to the store and start pounding meat, but lay off the starches a little, add some beef, and continue your diet and workout. I had a few asain buddies that just cant understand it. I knew a Japanese body builder over there, we werent friends but talked shop a few times and he said it too, fish is good but you can NOT neglect beef and alot of asians do.

    Now I think I kicked this one hard and if your eating beef like I said no reason to really add more just keep it in your diet....

    BEEF CAKE!!! haha

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    Sarawak, East Malaysia
    Quote Originally Posted by kickinit View Post
    I use to be in Japan for about 12yrs, dont get down on yourself too hard, but also never let us if that makes sense. Starting off at 35 is rough enough as it is. ONE HUGE THING!!!! Eat Beef!! Its a regional thing and regardless of your die you need to add beef if you havent already. Lack of beef and all around MEAT will kill your muscle growth and genes for that growth.

    Ok dont just go to the store and start pounding meat, but lay off the starches a little, add some beef, and continue your diet and workout. I had a few asain buddies that just cant understand it. I knew a Japanese body builder over there, we werent friends but talked shop a few times and he said it too, fish is good but you can NOT neglect beef and alot of asians do.

    Now I think I kicked this one hard and if your eating beef like I said no reason to really add more just keep it in your diet....

    BEEF CAKE!!! haha

    Ah... I take more then Beef for my breakfast every morning
    I'm Asian too... Malaysian

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swiftlet View Post
    Ah... I take more then Beef for my breakfast every morning too.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    If you aren't squatting heavy and deadlifting, forget it.
    nothing truer could be said... you have to squat!!!

    Get that bar on your shoulders, your traps will be forced to grow.

    I like a 20 rep squat rep program.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Texman View Post
    nothing truer could be said... you have to squat!!!

    Get that bar on your shoulders, your traps will be forced to grow.
    I like a 20 rep squat rep program.

  31. #31
    Make sure your form is right on your workouts, and do cardio

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