i just started workin out and when i do my lats im never sore the next day so i dont think im doin somethin right. what are some good excisess for lats? how do you isolate your lats?
i just started workin out and when i do my lats im never sore the next day so i dont think im doin somethin right. what are some good excisess for lats? how do you isolate your lats?
Once you learn how to squeeze the back muscles when you do you back exercises you will get sore. Don't pull with your bi's and forearms pull with your elbows.
tells us your back routine.
i start out with pull ups, 3 sets of 10
2. t bar rows 3 sets 10,8,6 reps
3. db bent over rows 3 sets 10,8,6
4. lat pull downs wide and narrow grip, same sets and reps
5. dead lifts 3 sets of 8
i started workin out with a buddy and this is what he does. and had good luck with it but i dont feel nothin in my lats, i get more of a burn in my bi's.
The best way to hit your lats is to pull in a vertical plane with a close grip...in other words, close-grip reverse pulldowns. Also, if you have a good pullover machine at your gym that will get your lats as well. You need to spend alot of time stretching your lats in between sets and, as mentioned above, learn to pull with your lats and not your biceps.
Top 3 exercises for lats are:
Close-Grip Reverse Pulldowns
Pull-Ups (any grip on these, but not too wide)
Pullovers on machine
Rowing movements are not as much for your lats as many people think...they are good for overall back development.
If your doing your back and you can't feel it during the exercise or later by being a little sore, odds are your going too heavy therefore sacrificing proper form. If your feeling a good pump in your biceps when training back lower the weight some and at the contraction of the exercise sqeeze your shoulder blade and hold it for a second. After all your training back not bi's. Hope this helps.
Use a false grip, thumbs over the bar, same side as fingers.
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