Any body seen these before?
Any body seen these before?
These haven't been around for as long as other regular generics brands. I have not heard anything bad about these.
hgh should be a lyophilized disc at the bottom of the vial. That looks like salt or sugar. No thanks - I'll pass.
that is bunk!! is that what youve been taking all of this time??
My Blue Caps are the hockey puck type but have you guys ever seen HGH as a loose powder?
Been taking them for a while and all my sides are still there. Still loosing weight and feeling good.
I remember when I switched from Blue Caps after being on 'em for a while to these and I felt the sides all over again. Was sleepy and hands would fall asleep during the day etc.
i have seen different kinds even american pharm grade come in a loose powder before so just because its not a disk like most chineese hgh dosnt mean its fake. if your getting the typical sides then i am sure its legit
After doing a bit of research on HGH loose powder I found this little nugget of info:
"According to statistics by the German Drug Administration, 42% of the HGH vials confiscated on the North American black market are fakes. In addition to a display of labels in the Dutch or Russian language the fakes are distinguished from the original product, in sofar as the dry substance is not present as lyophilic but present as loose powder. The fakes confiscated so far use the name "Humatrope 16" under the name of Lilly Company (with Dutch denomination) or "Somatogen" (in Russian)." Nowhere can this much money be made except by faking STH. Who has ever held original growth hormones in his hand and known how they should look?"
Quality control doesn't mean much to the lab that produced that HGH
Either way I'll be doing my Blue's until I hear more about these reds...
But I can say
Last edited by takincareofbusiness; 12-01-2008 at 04:41 PM.
hah!! thats awesome! i love seeing success like this! good job bro, keep it up. im still a lil leary on those red tops. i would stick to what works..if you have blues that helped you get to this id stick with them..
I have been on hgh for at least 5 yrs and would never think of trying any type of loose powder hgh until the best source on this planet who is also a great friend asked me to try it. I did and it is by far the best hgh I have ever had the pleasure of trying. It is hands down better than the thanktropins, Jintropins and getropins that I use on a regular basis. I am on week four of 4 iu's a day and plan to get my levels checked next week, I know they will be very high by the way I feel. They may or may not be from this mfg. all I would like to add is you just cannot judge the book by its cover! I will definately be buying me an year supply of these powders.
Thanks bro. To be honest, if I didn't feel great off of these REDS I'd drop 'em quick. But the sides are still there.Originally Posted by widowmaker2;42***19
I do have Blue's and am thinking about runnin w/ those until I get a lil more feedback on these Reds...
Am also qurious to see if the sides change when I switch back to Blues.
Man those pics are amazing. Great job... I know that's a lot of work even with the help from hgh.
why wouldnt you use a loose powder hgh? i had nutropin a few years ago in a loose powder and its the best hgh i have ever used. i also had kexing which came looseOriginally Posted by punknstien;42***75
only because I have read about scammers passing off ghrp-6 powder as hgh. I am sold as long as my source keeps offering it I will use it. I dont know if the hgh I am using is overdosed because the sides I am getting as far as making a tight fist takes a little effort. I had to buy some "hooks" to use on my chin up bar since the sides I am getting prevent me from gripping the bar.
Hey, has anyone ever experienced stiffness in one particular finger than the others? I feel my middle finger in my right hand gets stiffer than any others. Sort of like what Punkenstein says happens to his whole hands. Hurts to grip tight. And my hands still fall WAY asleep at night. Notice it right when I wake up. Does anyone know what causes this?
pics are unreal
wow man congrats on those pics life changing huh
Excellent results, well done and keep up the good work.
Thanks Gear!
Hey, how about this stuff?
Dont mean to hijack this thread,
After doing a bit of research on HGH loose powder I found this little nugget of info:
"According to statistics by the German Drug Administration, 42% of the HGH vials confiscated on the North American black market are fakes. In addition to a display of labels in the Dutch or Russian language the fakes are distinguished from the original product, in sofar as the dry substance is not present as lyophilic but present as loose powder. The fakes confiscated so far use the name "Humatrope 16" under the name of Lilly Company (with Dutch denomination) or "Somatogen" (in Russian)." Nowhere can this much money be made except by faking STH. Who has ever held original growth hormones in his hand and known how they should look?"
Does this mean that all Lilly products of hgh are fake? i just purchased Humatrope, powder and BW are both in vials
This looks like good information, definitely worth considering. However, how can you believe ANYTHING that comes from the drug "authorities" from the United States. If their lips are moving, you can safely bet that they are LYING.
And to expect that they get a random sampling of HGH that's floating around this country is giving them WAY TO MUCH CREDIT. From my experience, they are like a blind mare... they will occasionally find an acorn but don't hold them to any standard, especially related to truth or integrity. It's like the stickers on the cop cars that proclaim "honesty and integrity"... the sticker is quite large, but has only a few thousandths of depth.
They have their agenda and speaking the truth does not support it.
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