I have never heard of anyone actually doing a fasting diet to get ready for a show really, and i can't really say that this is a good idea. Just wanted to know what u guys thought about it.
I have never heard of anyone actually doing a fasting diet to get ready for a show really, and i can't really say that this is a good idea. Just wanted to know what u guys thought about it.
Just do the Hollywood diet bro.
weight loss, yes... but considering that during a fast you lose 60% muscle and 40% fat, it's gonna make body composition worse... you basically shrink into the same, only less muscled you.
There is no review process on the articles posted on Obviously, almost any kind of bullshit can get published, this including. There are no scientific references to back up this rediculous "fasting" diet, and nothing to go on except "try it, what have you got to lose?" Well... muscle.
There are lots of good articles on, of course the bad thing is that there are also a ton of bad articles. I think alot of em are written by teens, nothing wrong with that but alot of em haven't really had to experiment with alot of different things yet.
I never gave this diet consideration, just thought it'd be funny and i'm honestly surprised that anyone would even try a diet like this. I guess it shows you how bad some of those articles are.
It seems to be good practice as a detoxifier. They say you have like 5 pounds of crap in you that you potentially can lose from a simple fast. Since your body is able to brake from the digestive process you're constantly putting on it, it starts to pick up gears in other areas - like cleaning out toxins. Even tumors and abnormal growths are fast to be removed. Some say it helps get rid of allergins too! I would suspect it would have a direct influence on insulin sensitivity...
But obviously you stand to lose some muscle but believers in fasting will say you can come back more cut than before. You should limit training to just toming and low intensity so you don't burn too much muscle. Also - it's a fast but a better way to actually be able to deal with yourself is to sip dilluted fruit/veggie drinks during the day. You need something - or you may end up talking like Tom Hanks in Castaway
If you plan for longer than three days you should slowly ween into it and you shouldn't do it too long, and slowly come back to eating again. Raw fruits and veggie drinks are ways to work it in. BTW - if you decide to go off the fast with something that would put Thanksgiving to shame - you'll get pretty sick and probably f' up something down the tube...
10 days should be the max you allow yourself. 3 days being a better way to try it.
a seven day fast is definitely way to much
give me a "suppliment" that can pack on 2 lbs of muscle mass in a week
after you've completely depleted your glycogen stores close to 90% or you body's glucose needs are met by glyconeogenesis...for a total of 7 days, you body starts manufaturing large amt of Ketone bodys to fuel your brain and your nervous system creating a huge drop in your energy level and your is this 7 day fast any different than being sick? you come out of the fast being weak, you'll probably need at least 3-5 days just to recover.....thats a total of 7-8 days off from heavy intensive training
show me a "suppliment" that will pack 2lbs of muscle mass on in 8 days
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