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Thread: I dont want to die

  1. #1
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    I dont want to die

    9 days i lost my brother to a heart attack. he was a healthy and very active 32 year old. He left behind a son with no mother around. he is my responsibility now and love my nephew like no other. I want and need to be around for him. I am 6'2 440lbs and 29 years of age. I know when you all read this you are all gonna be like DAMN! you may thinnk im lazy and clumsy. I dont blame you. I do want to say that I am not that. I work my ass off everyday. I get home and its about the kids sports. I play competitive basketball all year round and also play quite a bit of softball and flag football. I can run the field or court with no problems. I can dunk a basketball. This may not mean much, but im not lazy and fat. Im just fat. Im not scared to work hard I just never cared how big i was because no one else i knew or cared about or considered my friends or family did either. I do now. I will read and search the forums and learn all I can. I need to know I can do this. Any advice or sugeestions would be great. I need to learn how to eat. My nephew needs me.

  2. #2
    amcon's Avatar
    amcon is offline physical pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside... The pain of quiting will lasts forever!!
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    i would believe most of this but 440 and you can dunk... even with pic i dont know if i can believe this... or the run the whole field at that weight and still be standing not passed out from exhaustion (im not kidding)

    however... read this diet or every diet in the fourm... i dont recommend these supliments at all not one of them the diet is solid though

    your lucky im a soft hearted guy for the well being of the kids... be very scared at your weight - but dont be discuraged

  3. #3
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    Im not asking you to believe me wethere I can dunk or run the field or court. I honestly dont care. I was trying to get the point across that I'm not just some dude that eats and sit on the couch. Yes I eat and eat the wrong things at the wrong time.

  4. #4
    amcon's Avatar
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    yes you do... u just dont know it... what am i saying - i dont believe you are who you say you are if you say you can do those athletic things.

    and you diet would be the prob nothing else

  5. #5
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    It might be in your genetics. There are tests your doctor can run to find this out for you.

  6. #6
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    well your welcome to feel the way you do about me. I way 440lbs. That is nothing to be proud of. Im not here in here saying Im a stud for being 440lbs and can dunk or run up and down the field. Losing my brother opened my eyes and if you ask me, I think its pretty pathetic to weigh as much as I do. I appreciate the comments and advice.

  7. #7
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    Thanks tigershark. I do have a appointment tuesday morning with my doctor.

  8. #8
    Tigershark's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fatboy08 View Post
    Thanks tigershark. I do have a appointment tuesday morning with my doctor.
    Keep us posted.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    yes you do... u just dont know it... what am i saying - i dont believe you are who you say you are if you say you can do those athletic things.

    and you diet would be the prob nothing else
    what difference does it make if you believe him or not?

    fatboy, i'm sorry for your loss. it's good your nephew has you around.
    you will get the best diet info here so stick around. a lot of people who live "busy" lives eat bad because it's easy and society leads them in that direction. i recommend you start by going to whole grain carbs. stay away from enriched and starch processed foods. stay away from whole grain foods with high fructose corn syrup as well. eat good lean meats like chicken breast, turkey breast, tuna, etc etc.
    others here will give more detailed info but try to pay attention to what i have given you to start with.
    hang in there.

  10. #10
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    Ihate that you lost your brother. Most all of us know what it is like. Two things can happen here.
    1)You can ues this to your DIadvantage and use the loss of your brother when your being lazy and not working out.
    2)You can uise this to your ADVANTAGE and gety off your A$$ and workout like you have never worked out before.

    You need to see a nutritionist or read every damn thing you can find on how to eat correctly and how to workout correctly.

    I havw not had a cigeratte in 11 days . I was addicted to crystal meth I was an alcholic. I was able to beat all these things.

    You can do this but it needs to be your main focus. You need to out your weight loss above everything . Even put it before your nephew. I say this because if you dont loss the weight you will be dead and he will have been left again. First by his mother then by his father and if you dont lose the weight he'll lose you too. How much do you think that boy can take. Start now get out there and get to work. I m saying it like this because you need the motivation. PM me if I can ever give you any advise.

  11. #11
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    aright.. i think it's time i stepped in...

    fatboy, dont let your weight discourage you.. though it's high, we can bring it down.. but it's gonna be 80% diet, so you need a will of steel..

    can u tell me what your diet looks like on a typical day??

    please include the times of your meals.. for example

    4 eggs
    2 slices of toast

    subway sandwich... etc

    u get the point???

    im gonna personaly help u customize a diet... dont trip

  12. #12
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    welcome, are you familiar with BMR and have you wtached the dvd vids?

    those 2 links are the basis of what you need right now, come back with goals, proposed diet with macros (pro, carbs,fat) of all foods, meals, day along with calories. then post up your BMR and your CURRENT diet and that is what we need for a proper critiqe. GL

    ALSO, i have good threads on cardio, workouts, etc. and can recommend you some great stuff just let me know...but first take care of those couple links i sent you

  13. #13
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    yea, i think we need to pay a little more attention to detail with this one eat.... let's slow it down..

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamyjamjr View Post
    yea, i think we need to pay a little more attention to detail with this one eat.... let's slow it down..

  15. #15
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    Hey everyone, thanks for posting a reply and actually being supportive and understanding. I started watching videos lastnite, but did not make it through as I was dozing. I will watch them and plan on reading everything I can. I woke up this morning and went for a 2 mile walk. I im dedicated to beating this.

    jamyjamjr, here is how my typical day is. I wake up at 4:30 to get ready to be to work by 6:00am. I do not have breakfast. I will wait till about 8:00 am and grab a breakfast burrito which consits off egg, sausage, potato and cheese. I dont drink soda or juice, just never really have. I drink tons of milk and water. At lunch time I usually do not eat, but if I do I grab something off the roach coach like tacos or tamales or another burrito. I would say 80% of the time I do not eat. After work i am usualy in a hurry and will grab a burger and fries and meet the kids for practice or take care of other things I may need to. About 8:00pm when we finally get home and everything is taken care of I will sit down for dinner. I know my diet is terrible and as I go on, its quite embarassing and rediculous, but dinner is the worst. I will eat whatever is made and dont care. Lastnite I had 3 pieces of fried chicken, potato salad, coleslaw, 2 biscuits. I then ate about 6 cookies and big glass of milk.

    That is my typical day. Terrible and ashamed

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by fatboy08 View Post
    Hey everyone, thanks for posting a reply and actually being supportive and understanding. I started watching videos lastnite, but did not make it through as I was dozing. I will watch them and plan on reading everything I can. I woke up this morning and went for a 2 mile walk. I im dedicated to beating this.

    jamyjamjr, here is how my typical day is. I wake up at 4:30 to get ready to be to work by 6:00am. I do not have breakfast. I will wait till about 8:00 am and grab a breakfast burrito which consits off egg, sausage, potato and cheese. I dont drink soda or juice, just never really have. I drink tons of milk and water. At lunch time I usually do not eat, but if I do I grab something off the roach coach like tacos or tamales or another burrito. I would say 80% of the time I do not eat. After work i am usualy in a hurry and will grab a burger and fries and meet the kids for practice or take care of other things I may need to. About 8:00pm when we finally get home and everything is taken care of I will sit down for dinner. I know my diet is terrible and as I go on, its quite embarassing and rediculous, but dinner is the worst. I will eat whatever is made and dont care. Lastnite I had 3 pieces of fried chicken, potato salad, coleslaw, 2 biscuits. I then ate about 6 cookies and big glass of milk.

    That is my typical day. Terrible and ashamed
    will you be able to pack and lunch and scarf something down every two or three hours?
    also, try to get the breakfast in there, at least some eggs and oats.
    your body starves by missing meals and then when you eat it stores for more starving. that's bad because it stores in fat. on top of the "survival" mode that it stores for the nasties that you are eating are causing it to store more and worse things than would be normal. if you can eat a breakfast and pack a couple of meals for work you will see HUGE changes imo, even with little to no work out.

  17. #17
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    good luck, dont quit, keep us posted

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by fatboy08 View Post
    9 days i lost my brother to a heart attack. he was a healthy and very active 32 year old. He left behind a son with no mother around. he is my responsibility now and love my nephew like no other. I want and need to be around for him. I am 6'2 440lbs and 29 years of age. I know when you all read this you are all gonna be like DAMN! you may thinnk im lazy and clumsy. I dont blame you. I do want to say that I am not that. I work my ass off everyday. I get home and its about the kids sports. I play competitive basketball all year round and also play quite a bit of softball and flag football. I can run the field or court with no problems. I can dunk a basketball. This may not mean much, but im not lazy and fat. Im just fat. Im not scared to work hard I just never cared how big i was because no one else i knew or cared about or considered my friends or family did either. I do now. I will read and search the forums and learn all I can. I need to know I can do this. Any advice or sugeestions would be great. I need to learn how to eat. My nephew needs me.

    You my friend can NOT dunk a basketball on a regulation size hoop. at 6'2 and 440lbs. I have played bball ALL my life, AAU, Varsity and could of played D2 college bball but chose D1 golf. I am 6'4 245 and can only dunk on a good day.

    This thread sounds like a load of shit!!

  19. #19
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    That just means you have no hops and probably why you chose golf. If I could go back and rewrite this post I would have not put in that I can dunk a ball or run down the field. I did not come into this place to get Sh*t on. I came in here to get some advice and support. Not to have some fu** tell me I cant tell me my story is bull. I have a family I want to be around for. A family I need to be around for. That is why I am here. If I was trying to tell some bull crap story I probably would have hyped it up with I can do a mile in 5 minutes or run a 4.3 40. I might have even put in I can drive the ball 400 yards. Im not here to try and impress anybody or make up stories. If you do not have anything positive to say, please just do not respond at all.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by (1*) View Post
    will you be able to pack and lunch and scarf something down every two or three hours?
    also, try to get the breakfast in there, at least some eggs and oats.
    your body starves by missing meals and then when you eat it stores for more starving. that's bad because it stores in fat. on top of the "survival" mode that it stores for the nasties that you are eating are causing it to store more and worse things than would be normal. if you can eat a breakfast and pack a couple of meals for work you will see HUGE changes imo, even with little to no work out.
    Yes I will be able and will start doing so. I watched all the videos today and learned a lot. I was so blind.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by MACKATTACK View Post
    You my friend can NOT dunk a basketball on a regulation size hoop. at 6'2 and 440lbs. I have played bball ALL my life, AAU, Varsity and could of played D2 college bball but chose D1 golf. I am 6'4 245 and can only dunk on a good day.

    This thread sounds like a load of shit!!
    lets stop flaming the matter.. we're here to help him out... not call him out...


  22. #22
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    BMR (men and women) = 370 + (21.6 X lean mass in kg)

    do the math..

    u lean mass = your bf weight - your total body weight... take that number and divide it by 2.2 and your have your lean mass in kg.....

    since u said your 38%, multiply .38 by your total weight...

  23. #23
    i was 441 and i am 305 now go to a diet nutritionist that do the b12 triple complex injections it works there is a good one that i go to in clear water Fl. Dr. Brent agin

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by jamyjamjr View Post
    lets stop flaming the matter.. we're here to help him out... not call him out...


    Thats right! the guy came here for help. He wants change so just lets just help him out.

    Hang in there buddy , like the guys said here you need a will of steel .

  25. #25
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    best of luck to you........

    and to the people flaming and talking shit... stfu.. and give him a break if he is for real

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by (1*) View Post
    what difference does it make if you believe him or not?

    fatboy, i'm sorry for your loss. it's good your nephew has you around.
    you will get the best diet info here so stick around. a lot of people who live "busy" lives eat bad because it's easy and society leads them in that direction. i recommend you start by going to whole grain carbs. stay away from enriched and starch processed foods. stay away from whole grain foods with high fructose corn syrup as well. eat good lean meats like chicken breast, turkey breast, tuna, etc etc.
    others here will give more detailed info but try to pay attention to what i have given you to start with.
    hang in there.
    read what he wrote... 440 lbs and dunking? no way!!! run up and down the field at 440 lbs and do it with no problems ?? no way!!!

    i dont believe the guy - yet i still answered him in a caring way if and only if he was telling the truth...

    i wish him best of luck... he will need support and help - and i hope he is motivated to get it

    ...wait!!! this is a joke the guy isnt telling something right

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by MACKATTACK View Post
    You my friend can NOT dunk a basketball on a regulation size hoop. at 6'2 and 440lbs. I have played bball ALL my life, AAU, Varsity and could of played D2 college bball but chose D1 golf. I am 6'4 245 and can only dunk on a good day.

    This thread sounds like a load of shit!!
    a big load of ship... like 440 lbs - but, if it is not stop eating, see if that works

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by fatboy08 View Post
    That just means you have no hops and probably why you chose golf. If I could go back and rewrite this post I would have not put in that I can dunk a ball or run down the field. I did not come into this place to get Sh*t on. I came in here to get some advice and support. Not to have some fu** tell me I cant tell me my story is bull. I have a family I want to be around for. A family I need to be around for. That is why I am here. If I was trying to tell some bull crap story I probably would have hyped it up with I can do a mile in 5 minutes or run a 4.3 40. I might have even put in I can drive the ball 400 yards. Im not here to try and impress anybody or make up stories. If you do not have anything positive to say, please just do not respond at all.
    just the fact that you know those numbers in atheletic shows you are not what you say... maybe just maybe - you are a big sports fan - but, not imo

    and why would we take this stance against you (as you put it)... cause just being 440 lbs may not be your problem - lieing would be the first issue you should take care of if you love that kid so much.... think

    and fyi - if you didnt put that crap in... yes, we would have more compassion for you

  29. #29
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    and i do hope that if this is real you stay... i will be your biggest supporter

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    a big load of ship... like 440 lbs - but, if it is not stop eating, see if that works
    dude.. seriously im not liking your additude... we're here to help people.. some people are self-concious.. u ever think about that??? why dont you add a filter to that thought process and look deeper into the situation??? the guy is reaching out to us the best way he knows how... this is what iv been busting my ass to do in the diet forum.. im in here 4 hrs a day minimum trying to help people who were in the similar situation.. i was nearly 30% myself at one point... iv made the changes through this diet forum.. i plan on helping others do the same thing..

    so get over the flaming bro.. let's help the guy out... if he is bullshit, that's his curse.. if he's not, thats my responsibility... and everyone elses on this forum...

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    just the fact that you know those numbers in atheletic shows you are not what you say... maybe just maybe - you are a big sports fan - but, not imo

    and why would we take this stance against you (as you put it)... cause just being 440 lbs may not be your problem - lieing would be the first issue you should take care of if you love that kid so much.... think

    and fyi - if you didnt put that crap in... yes, we would have more compassion for you
    You can keep coming back in my thread and say how you feel. You say you came in showing you cared? cared about what? Second of all do not ever doubt my love for my nephew or my family. You amcon, you should be proud to talk some shit through a website. Keep it coming though because your just motivating more.

  32. #32
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    ^^x3 agreed GROUP HUG!

  33. #33
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    Wow whats with the negativity with this post? We will believe him till there is a reason not too.

    Good luck man

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamyjamjr View Post
    dude.. seriously im not liking your additude... we're here to help people.. some people are self-concious.. u ever think about that??? why dont you add a filter to that thought process and look deeper into the situation??? the guy is reaching out to us the best way he knows how... this is what iv been busting my ass to do in the diet forum.. im in here 4 hrs a day minimum trying to help people who were in the similar situation.. i was nearly 30% myself at one point... iv made the changes through this diet forum.. i plan on helping others do the same thing..

    so get over the flaming bro.. let's help the guy out... if he is bullshit, that's his curse.. if he's not, thats my responsibility... and everyone elses on this forum...
    To everyone that have been positive, I thank you. Your the reasons I will be successful

  35. #35
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    amcon is offline physical pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside... The pain of quiting will lasts forever!!
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamyjamjr View Post
    dude.. seriously im not liking your additude... we're here to help people.. some people are self-concious.. u ever think about that??? why dont you add a filter to that thought process and look deeper into the situation??? the guy is reaching out to us the best way he knows how... this is what iv been busting my ass to do in the diet forum.. im in here 4 hrs a day minimum trying to help people who were in the similar situation.. i was nearly 30% myself at one point... iv made the changes through this diet forum.. i plan on helping others do the same thing..

    so get over the flaming bro.. let's help the guy out... if he is bullshit, that's his curse.. if he's not, thats my responsibility... and everyone elses on this forum...
    you are passionate about helping people so your clouded to the issue at hand... i'll make a deal w you ... you take care of his diet and i will call him out on his lieing - that is what i do daily and get paid stupid money to do so...

    issue at hand he loves his family and wants to be there for his bro's kid...(thank God we have people like this in this world!!!) problem: he says he can dunk and that other crap... at your former weight could you do that? do you really think he can?

    you = diet
    me = his mind

  36. #36
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    amcon is offline physical pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside... The pain of quiting will lasts forever!!
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    Quote Originally Posted by fatboy08 View Post
    You can keep coming back in my thread and say how you feel. You say you came in showing you cared? cared about what? Second of all do not ever doubt my love for my nephew or my family. You amcon, you should be proud to talk some shit through a website. Keep it coming though because your just motivating more.
    lol... i am very excited that you love you bro's son - we need more people like you to take that kind of responsiblity... proud to talk ship thought a web site???? no no, just being straight forward - lieing is a bad way to go through life... good cause if i motivate you then you will change (if you are what you say you are)

    so make the change

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    you are passionate about helping people so your clouded to the issue at hand... i'll make a deal w you ... you take care of his diet and i will call him out on his lieing - that is what i do daily and get paid stupid money to do so...

    issue at hand he loves his family and wants to be there for his bro's kid...(thank God we have people like this in this world!!!) problem: he says he can dunk and that other crap... at your former weight could you do that? do you really think he can?

    you = diet
    me = his mind
    im going to have to disagree here and for the sake of the diet forum, thers not me and you its WE and WE are here to help not flame

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    you are passionate about helping people so your clouded to the issue at hand... i'll make a deal w you ... you take care of his diet and i will call him out on his lieing - that is what i do daily and get paid stupid money to do so...

    issue at hand he loves his family and wants to be there for his bro's kid...(thank God we have people like this in this world!!!) problem: he says he can dunk and that other crap... at your former weight could you do that? do you really think he can?

    you = diet
    me = his mind
    and who put u in charge of such a thing??

    seeing as how the only place u can flame people is in the lounge, who's "paying" you to flame people???

    what he said doesn't make sense... i wont disagree with you there.. but look past that and follow the true problem.. his diet and lifestyle... let's focus on that...

    i really bust my ass not to turn anyone away at this diet branch.. when i initialy posted my diet here, no one responded for 5 days till phate came and saved the day.. i will not turn willing people away, and do not tolerate flaming..

    please, allocate your knowledge and help me set this guy straight with his diet.. and let the rest be oblivious..

  39. #39
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    We need to get back to topic as well and help this dude out.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    lol... i am very excited that you love you bro's son - we need more people like you to take that kind of responsiblity... proud to talk ship thought a web site???? no no, just being straight forward - lieing is a bad way to go through life... good cause if i motivate you then you will change (if you are what you say you are)

    so make the change
    I thank you. Your entitled to feel the way you do. I just need the help and support. Ill take it in any way I can get it.

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