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Thread: Cycle Almost Done...What now, besides PCT

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Cycle Almost Done...What now, besides PCT


    Ok i started soft a pudgey, now im hard but pudgey. 12 weeks test. I lost about 8-10pounds, but have put on considerable muscle, it is clealry visable in alll areas, so i am assuming i ave lost more body fat. I have worked hard, and for most of it eaten well.

    Now i have two weeks left of cycle and i want to make sure i am doing this next step right. I am going to start my pct 14 days after my last shot and continue to lift heavy, BUT i want to lean out, so i was thiking dropping set by one of two and picking up cardio for 30-60 min a day.

    I am hoping to drop around 12 pounds over the next 8 weeks working hard.

    1. Is this possible during pct, will weight fall of me due to water retantion?
    2. Am i going to loose heaps of my gains?
    3. Anything else i should know ?


  2. #2
    keep lifting heavy and training hard and just add ya cardio ...continu eating well .... yes youll lose some gains .... also lose the water weight its upto your training and diet to howmuch u lose /keep gains wise

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Why do people cycle when they are pudgy or soft??? There are usually the same people that as soon as the cycle is finished they STOP working out and somehow think they will keep the muscle. They work out for a couple months, jump on a cycle to get some size then they are done

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2009
    use some supplements creatine,n.o.,and bcaas to help you with the gains

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    South Park
    Dont starv yourself in pct! You should really start adding more kcal from now and until pct is done. Cut after pct or else you will feel like shit. Been there, done that.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    southern ca.
    Quote Originally Posted by Gipps View Post

    Ok i started soft a pudgey, now im hard but pudgey. 12 weeks test. I lost about 8-10pounds, but have put on considerable muscle, it is clealry visable in alll areas, so i am assuming i ave lost more body fat. I have worked hard, and for most of it eaten well.

    Now i have two weeks left of cycle and i want to make sure i am doing this next step right. I am going to start my pct 14 days after my last shot and continue to lift heavy, BUT i want to lean out, so i was thiking dropping set by one of two and picking up cardio for 30-60 min a day.

    I am hoping to drop around 12 pounds over the next 8 weeks working hard.

    1. Is this possible during pct, will weight fall of me due to water retantion?
    2. Am i going to loose heaps of my gains?
    3. Anything else i should know ?

    eat more but clean as possible and dont focus on gaining more strenghth . you still might gain some though but make your workouts more intense.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Why do people cycle when they are pudgy or soft??? There are usually the same people that as soon as the cycle is finished they STOP working out and somehow think they will keep the muscle. They work out for a couple months, jump on a cycle to get some size then they are done


    Can i have my 10 seconds back, but thank you for asking a question in my thread that has noting to do with what i asked. Good work.

    To Everyone else cheers

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