Ok guys last Friday night I started a test e at 400mg per week and winny at 60mg eod cycle. I am pinning test at 230mg e4d so I decided to front load my first shot with 460mg on Friday night.
On Saturday I felt fine and before bed I dosed my first .25mg of liquidex.
Sunday I woke up feeling strange then during the day I started feeling dizzy and crappy. I didn't know what it was so that night I had my 2nd winny shot and another dose of liquidex.
Monday woke up feeling like crap and dizzy again so I though it may have been the liquidex.
Yesterday I felt that I was getting better so I had my next shot which I mixed test e 230mg and winny 60mg.
This morning I felt sooo crappy and dizzy I just wanted to die! I popped an advil and am feeling better but head is still foggy. I've had a cough since Sunday so I've suspected test flu but I'm not sure what to do at this stage...? I don't think it's the liquidex so I'll dose that again tonight and continue at .25mg eod insead of my original Ed plan. I've checked my bp and it's in the normal range. I'm not sure if I should keep pinning the winny..
To sum up here are my shots so far
460mg of test e and 60mg of winny Friday night (right glute and left delt)
60mg winny Sunday night (right delt) then had mayor dizziness the following day
230mg of test e and 60mg of winny (mixed in my right quad)
Any suggestions or experience would be most welcome! Thanks for taking the time to read this!