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Thread: Tendon/ligament Strength

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Tendon/ligament Strength

    I'm in the process of getting myself ready for possibly trying a cycle in a year or so. I know there is a strong risk of tendon/ligament damage from muscular imbalance on-cycle. My question is, is there a way to be proactive about strengthening my connective tissue prior to aas to help lessen this chance? Thanks in advance.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    yes there is run eq with your cycle at 6-800mg pw and just make sure you warm up correctly, ...oh yea don't tey to lift the whole

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Thanks, lol. Just as it'll be my first cycle I had planned on just test e. I have read where deca, equi, and anavar will help with joint/tendon problems though. I was more wondering if certain rep ranges or motions have been shown to help strengthen said areas? I take a couple joint supp's already due to a semi-bad knee. Thanks again.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Business as usual yeah?
    I am seeing more and more and more people doing rotator cuff warmups in the gym. As someone who probably needs surgery I would encourage you to get into these. I do not know offhand if there is something for a knee injury with bands etc.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    so cal
    as said above dont lift too much too soon and warm ups are key for sure !!! ive injured a few things my first cycle just cuz of super strength and not warmimg up! now i deal with those problems every workout!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    stretching/warming up certainly helps.

    the issue is and will be out of balance strength between muscle/tendons. if you haven't spent the time in the gym pre cycle, then taking additional steroids to ward off tendon damage is really not the way to go. Yes, certain steroids will improve collegen synthesis, no doubt. The real problem is that tendons do not give warning signs before sustaining damage.

    Let's be real honest folks. Telling a bloke to "go easy" while on cycle is a joke. There will be a point during the cycle where OP will feel strong, and want to test his strength. So he will push. And it is during this time he will be exposed to the greatest risk of injury. Maybe not the first time he pushes it. And because he will feel "OK", the likelihood of pushing it a second time will be high. Again he will will feel "OK" (tendons do not hurt when you push them). Soon, there will be a tendency to push it regularly. I've done it, most of us have done it. And this is why I say to hold off a few years until tendon strength has increased and the OOB (out of balance) has become less.

    You are right in waiting at least a year. there are no shortcuts. You can google "how to increase tendon strength" for more information.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Thanks Roman. I'm no stranger to the gym, I've been working out most of my life. The first half mostly bodyweight for martial arts and wrestling, the past 10 years with weights. I just don't want to go at this half cocked, no need to spend all my time and money on gear, supps, and food just to get hurt mid cycle and throw it all away. I just didn't see much on here about preventative measures to help keep injuries at bay. Thanks again, and I'll see what google shows me.


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