working my ass off right now, trying to pack it on...
working my ass off right now, trying to pack it on...
some front pics...
I weigh 210 right now, BF is around 8%. As you can see, I need way more mass. Tell me my weak points, besides being too small?
nice body, legs need work, entire body needs more mass if you want an opinion !
Bro, I'd say you're doing all right! You looked ripped, but if you want to pack it on and not worry about the cuts you could really do some damage!!!! What is your cycle like? and what are you lookin for? I'd say F* the summer pack on the beef! and just diggin in for a year of serious bulk and then next Feb cut it up! That's what I think I'm gonna try and I'm not as shredded as you I just lost patience with being leaner...I'm 180 ish right now, and would love to be 200 and cut as you next summer. Kick some Ass bro!
You are definitely in shape bro... Nice cuts... Going more from your avatar then the other pics... I would say Chest, Delts and Bis are strong bodyparts for you...
Legs look good, but look like they need more sweep and more mass down by your knees... Maybe it's the angle the pic was taken...
No doubt you look like you have been working your ass off... How tall are you?
6' and 1/2" and I'm working on those legs every week. Sunday (leg day), I had to ride home in the backseat racked out while the wife drove... I came close to hurling out the window, felt like old college daysOriginally posted by buff87
How tall are you?![]()
Good deal brother... You look solid, just need more size to fill out that frame...
You a Maryland boy huh?
Does Vince Taylor ever come around anymore? He used to live in Havre De Grace before he made it to the pros... I ran into him once down there way back when... Nice all around guy....
Excellent job! I wish I could get that ripped. I might be on my way to trying a first cycle. You look cut up just at the right time before memorial day! I say stick with that look and then go through a bulk period starting in septemeber/october if you want to put on more weight. If not, there is nothing wrong with the look you have. Heck I personally would rather look like the cover of men's fitness than Ronnie Coleman and I figure that is a more realistic goal for me. Keep up the good work!
At 6' and 210 and 8%, I bet you look bigger in person than in these pics. Not that there's anything wrong in the pics...Originally posted by pumpseeker
I weigh 210 right now, BF is around 8%. As you can see, I need way more mass. Tell me my weak points, besides being too small?
Never seen Vince before, I never knew he lived around here. Levrone has his World Gym in Severna Park though. I want to see it but I haven't yet. One thing I am getting excited about is Shawn Ray's muscle camp coming up in VA...with him, Gunter, Darrem Charles, and Garrett Downing! I will definitely be thereOriginally posted by buff87
You a Maryland boy huh?
Does Vince Taylor ever come around anymore? He used to live in Havre De Grace before he made it to the pros... I ran into him once down there way back when... Nice all around guy....
Your huge bro! I just want to get to where you are at, and then maintain! Keep up the good work.
looking big bro, yoru traps seem too be really growing well! how many cals are you eating a day? take it from someone at the opposite end of the spectrum, ive got mass and no cuts at all, but i know how too eat like an absolute inhumane beast of a hav responded too AS very well youve got the genetics to get freaky big if you just eat and use them too your like yovue never eaten before. you remind me of my bro when he was not trying too patronize bro, obviously you know what your shit and know youve got too eat a ton which goes without saying considering your on a "bulker", I just know alot of guys on the ecto-meso side of the gene pool who have the ability too get monsterous, but dont eat enough, they think they eat alot, but they dont.
im talking every 2-3 hours huge meals eating untill you puke if you have too ESpecially on this cycle, if you work hard in the gym AND the kitchen i bet you could come out of this cycle 240...dammit i wish i was in your shoes bro, ive got some pounds too lose and it sucks!
anyway good luck bro keep us posted, youve got one of my favourite physiques on the board im looking forward too watch it progress over this cycle and get scary!
your body is very proportional, cut and lean. my opinion stay this way during the summer and enjoy summer abs and bulk up in winter (which is easier) to add lb.
You look very good bro! Keep packing it on.
Your comments always motivate me to keep pushing it. Alevok and Tank- I'm all about bulking right now, I want to add a lot more size. However, my bulk diet is to eat big and clean as hell, so I will stay fairly lean (like Alevok) even when bulking. I'm eating every 3 hours, getting 300-350 grams of protein ED and taking in tons of water, watching the sodium. I'm not out eating fast food and shit. If I cheat, it will be a few scoops of PB or a detour bar. My main stays are egg whites, tuna, chicken, turkey, steak and protein/MRP shakes...for carbs I stick with oatmeal, brown rice, potatoes, wheat bread, lima beans, kidney beans, and pasta (occasionally). My fat is either from flax oil or natty PB. I rarely eat anything besides these foods. Right now, I'm increasing the portions each week on my carbs and fat until I get to 4,000 calories per day and I will probably stay with that. My protein always stays at 300-350/day. Tank, if I reach 240 on this cycle, I'd prolly be fat, bloated and have stretch marks everywhere.I need to get up there though, so like you say, I'll be stuffing myself at every meal and pushing it hard in the gym.
Looking great bro! I don't think you need to "seek" any more "pump" as you are jacked right now! Sorry that's a lame attempt at trying to be funny....Keep eating quality food though bro - that and your training which you obviously have a good handle on will get you those extra lbs of muscle you are looking for. I think you will be like another Alevok - bulking while still having a six-pack! Good luck man and keep hitting it hard!
pump seeker. Your size is good.
THATS WEAK! Haahaha just kidding bro damn nice job.
Seriously you look pretty damn good. Good definition with some very decent mass. Try to get the bis and tris proportionate to your delts and then think about adding mass again to the delts. Thats my problem my delts just grow w/o working them and they over shadow the rest of the arm muscles. Do what you gotta do for the legs.
Other than that great job.
Lookin jacked as always!
You look nice and tight. Your physique looks very proportional to me.
Are you wanting to compete? If that's the case then yes you need to put on tons more size. If you're not looking to compete then I'd say your fine the way you are. You'll get more tail with your proportions now than you would with more beef.
Like Scott said, better to be on the cover of men's fitness.
I want to enter a contest next spring. I plan to bulk the rest of this year and add size to prepare. I need to add more muscle everywhere but especially the legs. I'd love to be 220 and 5% when I step on stage for the 1st time.Originally posted by demetri
Are you wanting to compete? If that's the case then yes you need to put on tons more size.
Damn pump your lookin good boy! As far as mass goes thats a personal choice however I think you got good mass now MHO .Keep up the great work brother .Peace
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