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Thread: xXhulkXx tb500 thread

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    xXhulkXx tb500 thread

    Not a big poster, as u can see my post count compared to my time here. But, I decided to run a log on tb500.

    I have several injuries, some old and some recent, that have made my progress to a pro card slow down.

    First off my stats,

    I'm currently on a small bulking cycle. (I'm on all year.) This consists of,
    Prop-350 mg a week
    Tren a- 700 mg week
    Mast p- 350 mg week
    Tbol- 80 mg day
    Have adex, letro, clomid, and nolva.

    My list of "pains" are,
    Rotaror cuff surgery a few years ago left shoulder
    Golfers elbow on right side
    Herniated L5
    Slight pain on left knee

    I will update on a weekly basis. (Try, lol.) I will follow Romans protocal from his log.

    Note: nothing will change in my daily routine. Don't want anything else being a factor.

    Wish me luck, guys.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Good luck and I'll be following.

  3. #3
    Good luck. You are f-ing HUGE! 5'4" 220! There is hope for me to hit 200+

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    First update.

    I am completely pain free....... Yea, I wish. Lol.

    I slept like a baby last night. It was weird because I usually wake up many times with minor aches. But, last night only woke up once and not from aches. I'm guessing it has something to do with placebo effect.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Second pin last night.

    I got pretty much the same effects. Slept well and woke up with minimal pain on my back and no stiffness in my shoulders.

    I've been doing rehab on my elbow with light hammer curls. So far, it has gotten better. But, it still does hurt once in a while. For example; using my hand tools or trying to pick up engine parts.

    My back has been feeling great during the days, even after squats or deads.

    All in all, I'm feeling good. Hope it continues and fully heal with this stuff.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    new york
    good luck i will be also following.what is your dosing schedule looking like? how many mg a week

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Thanks, twin. I've been keeping up with your log. Good luck as well. It seems as it affects everyone a bit different.

    My schedule will be like TR's.
    Week 1- 5mg
    Week 2- 2.5 mg
    Week 3- 2.5 mg
    Week 4- 2 mg
    Week 5- 2 mg
    And, then 2 mg a month to maintain.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Quick update.

    It was chest and tricep day for me today. Now, I normally do 3-4 warm up sets and then do 8 working sets. Today I started warming up, and my elbow was not hurting, a bit stiff, but no pain. I started my working sets and was able to go to failure. This was a surprise because I normally go until the elbow starts to become uncomfortable. But, I was able to complete each set to good failure and now, 3 hours later, I have no pain or inflamation on my elbow.

    Let's see how leg day goes tomorrow.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Good to hear and Ill bet it keeps getting better. I posted a lot in the other TB-500 log. It has helped me a lot. For me though I have to do about every 2 weeks for maintenance of my back starts to get sore again but after I do my maintenance shot within 2 days it's better.

    Only think I'm worried about is since it seems to be working for most people it will be pulled/banned in the future. I may have to stock up soon.

  10. #10
    Brazensol's Avatar
    Brazensol is offline Productive Member~ Recognized Member Winner - $100
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    I'm getting ready to give this stuff a try too. When you start your maintenance dose (2mg/month) should this be done in one injection per month or divided into weekly doses?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Did the 3rd dose last night. Not much to report.

    I felt slight pressure on my elbow this past Wednesday, shoulder day. It wasn't pain and went away after a few warmups and first set. No swelling or pain afterwards.

    My sleep has not been as great either. But, this is totally the trens fault. Sweats, dreams, and just plain uncomfortable. Seems like I always say, "this is the last time I run tren." But, I never do. Lol.

    Brazensol; I'm going to do a single, 2mg, dose once a month. If you read two posts up, lovbyts is doing it differently. But, I'm going to play it by ear once I start maintaining.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Haven't updated for 2 weeks, so here goes.

    Last week, 1-24-13, was 2.5 mg dose. Sleep was disturbed, trensomnia. Everything that week was weird. My elbow hurt for a few days, after tricep and chest day. My knee hurt for a few days too. And, my forearm hurt after curling. This last one can be due to the fact I went way over my normal rehab weight. All the pain ceased a couple days into the week, but my forearm still bugged me.

    Last night was another 2.5 mg dose. Slept well, for a change. Woke up with no forearm pain, but as soon as I stepped outside, I started getting that numb pain feeling. It's a bit cold this morning, so....

    Won't be training chest and triceps, as I will be in Florida this weekend. And, I won't pin again until 2nd week of Feb. I start maintaining this month.
    I'll update how I feel with this crazy Texas weather. Because I think it is affecting me somehow.

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