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Thread: can i mix frag,ghrp6,cjc in the same pin ?

  1. #1

    can i mix frag,ghrp6,cjc in the same pin ?

    Will they still all work , iv been using ghrp and cjc in the same pin some times my stomach gets a little itchy

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    I dont see why not

  3. #3
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    It is my understanding yu can if u inject right away but you cannot preload and store as the ghrp and cjc react. Now Im no expert but that is what i have read so better safe than sorry. When i did my cjc ghrp i mixed in syringe and imjected right away and they def worked.

  4. #4
    What about preloading before going to the gym then pinning directly after workout??

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    PIN / wait 25 min eat if need be / go to gym... ( had to edit this lol i typed it in wrong order)

    pinning after gym wont help much, also most people use a shake or carb/pro intake right after as it would make most sense so pinning after would lead to you missing your meal or you pinning peptides that are now usesless

    Quote Originally Posted by Perseverance1 View Post
    What about preloading before going to the gym then pinning directly after workout??
    Last edited by largerthannormal; 04-24-2013 at 11:30 AM.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by largerthannormal View Post
    PIN / wait 25 min eat if need be / go to gym... ( had to edit this lol i typed it in wrong order)

    pinning after gym wont help much, also most people use a shake or carb/pro intake right after as it would make most sense so pinning after would lead to you missing your meal or you pinning peptides that are now usesless

    My understanding is that a GH pulse is especially effective after a workout. I pin at the gym, then drive home (takes 20-25 mins) then make my simple carb///whey insulin spike meal (takes about 3-5 minutes) and boom...all done.

    Am I missing something? I'm certainly not an expert on any of this...I just read stuff online lol.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Perseverance1 View Post
    My understanding is that a GH pulse is especially effective after a workout. I pin at the gym, then drive home (takes 20-25 mins) then make my simple carb///whey insulin spike meal (takes about 3-5 minutes) and boom...all done.

    Am I missing something? I'm certainly not an expert on any of this...I just read stuff online lol.
    i actually have same understanding

  8. #8
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    Its quite tough some even say morning can produce the more frequent rhythms and higher magnitudes of the pulse since your body is in a fasted state ( similar to not eating before pinning) eliminating unpredictable effects of mixed nutrients on GH secretion) fatty acids/ glocose etc etc

    Some nutrient are even show to increase secrection ( kind of goes against what some think)

    Honestly I ran them for a long time and I can really feel it the best pre bed. despite when we naturally have the highest pulse it comes down to effects. Some people use it only for sleep " increase slow wave sleep"

    I guess if tis fits your schedule give it a whirl,

    I guess one could defend easily what time is better than other, i can see why after workout would be high after a workout, i guess what best fits you bro on an empty stomach of course

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Perseverance1 View Post
    My understanding is that a GH pulse is especially effective after a workout. I pin at the gym, then drive home (takes 20-25 mins) then make my simple carb///whey insulin spike meal (takes about 3-5 minutes) and boom...all done.

    Am I missing something? I'm certainly not an expert on any of this...I just read stuff online lol.
    no your not missing anything bro, the thing here is you waiting the 25 min + cook time ( i see why you are because of the peps) but dont forget the food is much more important than any of these peps. If your waiting 20 min after workout for one your missing a very fragile stage in muscle recovery and you need those (carbs/protein) in a specific window.

    if thats the only time you can eat then keep going about it the way you are

    I am only giving suggestions that i would presume pre workout might be better....

  10. #10
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    Jan 2009
    As far as the guy who injects pwo at the gym then drives home, I don't see an issue with that. You have at least a 30 minute window to get your protein and carbs (if applicable) post workout.

    If only been running peps for about 3 months. I started at 100 mcg 3x a day. Then I thought I would try it for 4x a day for awhile. I noticed longer pumps, increased well being and sleep. It was weird, but I could definitely feel a difference. I did read that more frequent dosing (if possible) was where its at.

  11. #11
    I've been dosing 2-3x at 100/100 (a little more actually) for a couple days now and haven't really noticed much other than I think more vivid dreams...I just started SYSTEMIC igf-1 lr3 today mixed with my ghrp/cjc/MT-II (hope that's not a problem) and all I can say is AA injections SUCK

    I'm going to finish this mg off (doing 120mcg doses on lift days to get rid of it) and mix it with bac water only so I can attempt spot injections without crying like a little girl. My arms are a bit more dominant than my chest and now that I'm starting to lean out again its becoming noticeable.

    Ill be doing a total of 100mcg a day of igf spot injections so it should run out before the bac weakens it (kept cold as **** in my mini fridge)

  12. #12
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    I guess its all timing. I figured it was 25 min ride home plus cooking whatever that entails..I would sure like to have protein carb source in long before 30min...personal pref I guess

    Quote Originally Posted by Dante Diamond View Post
    As far as the guy who injects pwo at the gym then drives home, I don't see an issue with that. You have at least a 30 minute window to get your protein and carbs (if applicable) post workout.

    If only been running peps for about 3 months. I started at 100 mcg 3x a day. Then I thought I would try it for 4x a day for awhile. I noticed longer pumps, increased well being and sleep. It was weird, but I could definitely feel a difference. I did read that more frequent dosing (if possible) was where its at.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    I have tried all MGF IGF GHRP CJC . I think using GH results much better and less side effects

    I feel these new peptides are mixed wil insulin

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Backload the AA mixed IGF Lr3 with a 5:1 ratio of Bac water to AA. You won't even feel it.

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