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Thread: TB-500 Questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    TB-500 Questions

    Been having on going shoulder issues for 3 years.

    I have spent thousands on different types of physical therapy to try get back to normal, but I only ever have a few times for very BRIEF periods (and even then I wasn't 100%).

    Scans recently confirmed subacrominal/subdeltoid bursitis in both shoulders and low grade infraspinatus tendionpathy in my right shoulder.

    The course of action usually taken is rest and physical therapy, however that route has been explored many times and at this current stage I have not trained properly in about 5 weeks. So rest and therapy is out of the question.

    The Doctor referred me to get a Cortisone injection, but after what I read about, I really did not want to take another month of training and possibly weaken my tendons for future complications.

    So TB500 was considered after what I read about it, however it is extremely difficult to get in Australia. AR-R informed me a while back that small amounts shave been shipped successfully.

    My questions is this:

    Is TB500 useful for decreasing inflammation of the bursa?
    If a shipment of TB500 is successful should I also have a Cortisone injection with TB500 and would there be any complications?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    a couple of thoughts on this....

    forget about cortisone. with prolonged use, it decreases bone mass, and really doesn't cure anything.

    TB is primarily a healing agent, and not much of an anti inflamatory. if you can get your hands on some, i'd suggest trying.

    However, you may wish to consider MSM
    Methylsulfonylmethane - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    it is a "natural" organic sulphur based compound. It improves collegen synthesis and is a mild anti inflamatory. This may be exactly what you need. Very inexpensive. 5lbs runs $34, which is a fifteen (15) month supply. you take it orally, 5 grams a day forever. do not expect to see any relief for at least 30 days. it is very subtle, and i've used it for knee pain for over 15 years. when i first started taking, after about 4 or 5 weeks, it occurred to me that most of my pain was gone. highly recommend.

    least expensive, best quality i've been able to find

    I can give you a history of how it's use became popular, and why doctors do not prescribe, but we can save that for another conversation


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    I am actually waiting on some MSM when I checked out my cart on an online site, but I didn't realize they had none in stock so could wait a few more weeks before it arrives.

    Is there a difference between granules/crystals and a powdered form?

    I will give TB a shot, if after a month long run of some natural anti-inflams, various joint products and MSM doesnt work.

    Thanks so much for that information!

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