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Thread: Newb here wanting to know how to better find source(not asking for source)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2014

    Newb here wanting to know how to better find source(not asking for source)

    So ive spent the past few days researching sites and i feel like i cant trust any forum as if they are source operated. I thought ****** was a place i could trust but so many people are talking badly about it. Im willing to put in the time and do the research but i was hoping someone might be able to guide me to the knowledge. Im not asking for a source(even though thats what i really want) I didnt read the rules but im guessing ur not supposed to ask for sources here and i wouldnt trust u if u did start throwing sources at me lol. Any advice for a dedicated newb would be greatly appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Juice696 View Post
    So ive spent the past few days researching sites and i feel like i cant trust any forum as if they are source operated. I thought ****** was a place i could trust but so many people are talking badly about it. Im willing to put in the time and do the research but i was hoping someone might be able to guide me to the knowledge. Im not asking for a source(even though thats what i really want) I didnt read the rules but im guessing ur not supposed to ask for sources here and i wouldnt trust u if u did start throwing sources at me lol. Any advice for a dedicated newb would be greatly appreciated
    Guiding you to the asking for a source no matter how you put it!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    i just feel like there is a mountain of knowledge out there that can be shared to newbs about what to avoid and what to look for in legit sources. Also perhaps sites where i could learn about these things

  4. #4
    To quote the one and only Jerry Garcia.
    ..from Shakedown Street.

    " just gotta poke around!"

  5. #5
    That was a serious reply by the way...
    You really just have to look EVERYWHERE on this www thingy.
    The info is there...the knowledge your talking about is LEARNED.
    Google is your friend.
    This site isnt for source checks...but it IS a great site.
    Just look at my sign up date.
    Start here...
    Read about first cycles...find a compound your gonna EVERYTHING and anything u can about it.
    DIG DIG DIG!!!
    Learning about this stuff is almost as fun as taking it.
    Forge on young grasshopper!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    I have to

    So you have spent a whole couple or 3 days researching and you are getting disappoint it's not easier to find a highly publicized in a negative way illegal substance that is banned in all sports?

    I'm sure I was here for well over 6 months before I found a what I was looking for and even then it didnt exactly work out as planned. Careful what you wish for because there are plenty of people who are more than willing to point you in the right/wrong direction and help make your wallet a whole lot lighter with nothing or near to nothing to show for it.

    Your going about it the wrong way. Either put in the time researching and learning about aas cycles, AI, PCT and what to expect in the way of side effects as well as benefits instead of trying to find a source or dont bother because you are sounding more like a 19 year old looking for instant gratification than a 28 yr old who is supposed to be a little more mature,

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    AZ Side

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