Hey guys I just need a little input on what some of you experts think of this cycle im gonna go on for a while. I have been "cheating" for a little over a year now off and on. I have taken the quality muscle cycles that dont put any water on and havent been pleased. I am going to start with the good old bulk cycle for the next couple months. Test Enathate 250, Deca 200 and Boldenon 200 to harden it up as much as possible. I am currently about 220 6'0 I want to be at 250 before i stop then i intend to shred up to about 235-240. I want to be 235-240 and no more than 9 % bodyfat. Do you think I am going about this the right way, and if not, what advice do you have except for go natural cause there is no way in hell i could be where im at if i did that. Your input would be much appreciated fellas.
thanks in advance,