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Thread: Extra skin

  1. #1

    Extra skin

    Not sure if this is the proper area to post, or if it should be in diet or anabolic area.. but I'm at 193lbs at 8% body fat, however around my belly area and aided just below my lats it's too loose for my liking . It definitely doesn't show 8% there . I'm a Physique guy and need more of a V taper . Ideas on how to get rid of extra skin, loose skin there ? I'm diet is spot on, with the only carbs being eaten are sweet potatoes and red potatoes. It's a high protein, mid carb low fat diet. Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    I had a similar problem. The only real way is to have an operation however, there are ways that this may be minimized. The best way that I habe found is radio frequency. It is rather expensive, but provides the best results without an operation. The result is only temporary. Makethe other options are preparation H. Theere is also abs of steel which helps to tighten up the skin however very limited in effectiveness.. I was told that HGH works but you a e talking about 6 months (so I am told). Hope this helps.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Did you used to be bigger in those loose areas or has it always been like that? I have a similar problem. At about 5% body fat I had fat on my chest. So frustrating. It wasn't gyno either, just soft fat. I trained my pecs like crazy, they grew, the fat remained and I actually looked worse.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by gym_fit View Post
    Not sure if this is the proper area to post, or if it should be in diet or anabolic area.. but I'm at 193lbs at 8% body fat, however around my belly area and aided just below my lats it's too loose for my liking . It definitely doesn't show 8% there . I'm a Physique guy and need more of a V taper . Ideas on how to get rid of extra skin, loose skin there ? I'm diet is spot on, with the only carbs being eaten are sweet potatoes and red potatoes. It's a high protein, mid carb low fat diet. Thanks
    If you have a lot of extra loose skin surgery sometimes is the only way to remover,,again,,depending on how much you have.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Asia but not Asian.
    localized sonic or freeze fat techniques could help

    IGF also works very localized (real IGF) If it is actual skin then take 5000 usd to thailand and fix it. super basic surgury

  6. #6
    Have you lost a lot of weight? Have you looked at a cut cycle with Test/Mast/HGH? I've had really good luck with my lower abs running HGH.

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