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Thread: Pinning in certain muscles with certain AAS to concentrate growth in them.

  1. #1
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    Jan 2020
    South Australia.

    Pinning in certain muscles with certain AAS to concentrate growth in them.

    Back in the day (90s or mid 2000s) I remember reading about some builders saying that with certain steroids they would inject in certain muscles to spot grow them slightly ahead of other muscles. I don't read that anywhere lately, is it because newer studies have found it doesn't work, or is it only a very limited amount of substances which will do this? (I.m fairly sure they weren't talking about those temporary muscle inflaming injections but might be wrong)

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Outside the walls

    Pinning in certain muscles with certain AAS to concentrate growth in them.

    Esicline was the inflammatory substance used to spot inject..That and synthol which is a oil they spot inject to bring up weak body parts..I’ve heard about certain kinds of AAS that would stretch out fascia, but I’ve never tested the theory so?

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    Last edited by KINGKONG; 01-14-2020 at 09:14 PM.

  3. #3
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    Jun 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by PHunter View Post
    Back in the day (90s or mid 2000s) I remember reading about some builders saying that with certain steroids they would inject in certain muscles to spot grow them slightly ahead of other muscles. I don't read that anywhere lately, is it because newer studies have found it doesn't work, or is it only a very limited amount of substances which will do this? (I.m fairly sure they weren't talking about those temporary muscle inflaming injections but might be wrong)

    From my experience, I haven’t noticed any measurable difference in my side delts, and that’s primarily what I pin.

  4. #4
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    If that were the case my ass would be bigger than Kim Kardashians!!

  5. #5
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    spot injecting is an advanced concept that was used and developed in the 90s and 2000s.. kingkong is spot on in regards to escaline.
    spot injecting is cosmetic and lots of things were added to average AAS injections then just the AAS.
    guarantee you when Kevin levrone injected his delts with gear, it wasn't straight from a bottle of bayer test . it was a pre concotion blend of all sorts of things drawn from a vial of "juice" sauce for contest prep (which is where modern day UGLs got the idea of creating blends)
    old school guys made their own blends and added site enahcnmets to their injections and this is where spot injection came from .

    if you think your going to spot inject your TRT dose of test e , you are clueless . spot injecting is a real thing in the right context with the right person right blend of the right drugs

  6. #6
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    stupid drug addict IFBB pros that never made anything out of their life and are now trying to be online coaches and youtube sensations, preach shit like "spot injecting" to the general public so they sound smart and in the 'know' .. these fools don't realize most their damn followers are just running 500mg of test e per week and thats it . let alone all the shit that makes spot inject actually work

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    stupid drug addict IFBB pros that never made anything out of their life and are now trying to be online coaches and youtube sensations, preach shit like "spot injecting" to the general public so they sound smart and in the 'know' .. these fools don't realize most their damn followers are just running 500mg of test e per week and thats it . let alone all the shit that makes spot inject actually work
    What is “ all the shit that makes spot inject actually work”?

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  8. #8
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    Feb 2014
    I injected a bunch of DHB into my calves one time and they looked great for like the first time ever. I also couldn’t fucking walk for like 3 days... so a bit of a double edged sword there.

    I do like to smack test or Tren suspension in my bis, tris, and forearms before arm days. The pump is extremely good

  9. #9
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    Just pin test once a week and that's all, that thing about depending where you pin depends how much that muscle grows it's not real. Test once a week at 500mg would do the job in the whole body

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by i_SLAM_cougars View Post
    I injected a bunch of DHB into my calves one time and they looked great for like the first time ever. I also couldn’t fucking walk for like 3 days... so a bit of a double edged sword there.

    I do like to smack test or Tren suspension in my bis, tris, and forearms before arm days. The pump is extremely good
    Injected in your fore arms? I wish my fore arms were big enough to inject into. How far do you pin in with your fore arms?

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    What is “ all the shit that makes spot inject actually work”?

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    That's what I would like to as well, but no one is saying.
    I remember talk back in the day about one certain AAS which had this effect, but I really wish I could remember which it was. (if it is for real)
    Last edited by CR500; 01-20-2020 at 02:12 AM.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by CR500 View Post
    Injected in your fore arms? I wish my fore arms were big enough to inject into. How far do you pin in with your fore arms?
    Until the needle disappears. 1/2” slin pin

  13. #13
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    Gregg Valentino use to inject 50ml bottles of EQ into his arms.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Super User 4 View Post
    Just pin test once a week and that's all, that thing about depending where you pin depends how much that muscle grows it's not real. Test once a week at 500mg would do the job in the whole body
    The thing that you are forgetting is the 1/2 life. I assume you are talking about the decanoate esther.
    I personally inject daily. It keeps the serum levels steady and minimizes the sides.
    You are just referring to just 500 test. Most cycles are more than that.

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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    The thing that you are forgetting is the 1/2 life. I assume you are talking about the decanoate esther.
    I personally inject daily. It keeps the serum levels steady and minimizes the sides.
    You are just referring to just 500 test. Most cycles are more than that.

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    What? I'm talking about pinning in different parts or muscles won't make a muscle bigger than the other and that test at 500 will make all the muscles grow even. Yes many cycles are more than just test, I wasn't giving a cycle layout or anything.

  16. #16
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    The only benefit i notice from injecting the muscle im training is that the pip allows for some “muscle mind connection”. So in my opinion there is an indirect advantage to pinning the muscle you are trying to grow.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Octaneforce View Post
    The only benefit i notice from injecting the muscle im training is that the pip allows for some “muscle mind connection”. So in my opinion there is an indirect advantage to pinning the muscle you are trying to grow.
    But in the sense of pinning certain muscles with certain aas help them grow quicker that's not true. And about the muscle mind connection there's nothing proven that works so the overall answer would be that you pinning in different muscles don't affect the end result

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Super User 4 View Post
    What? I'm talking about pinning in different parts or muscles won't make a muscle bigger than the other and that test at 500 will make all the muscles grow even. Yes many cycles are more than just test, I wasn't giving a cycle layout or anything.
    I referenced your statement on one pin once a week of 500 test.
    Although there is no evidence, I do pin in the muscles. I guess it’s just a mental thing that I think that it works.

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  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    I referenced your statement on one pin once a week of 500 test.
    Although there is no evidence, I do pin in the muscles. I guess it’s just a mental thing that I think that it works.

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    A placebo effect is still an effect!

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    I referenced your statement on one pin once a week of 500 test.
    Although there is no evidence, I do pin in the muscles. I guess it’s just a mental thing that I think that it works.

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    I don't believe it does work to pin several times a week diving the dose through out different muscles but if you feel that works for you that's your business on how many times you wanna pin yourself. Are you currently running a cycle?

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Octaneforce View Post
    A placebo effect is still an effect!
    But a placebo effect doesn't means that pinning in different parts of the body helps those muscles grow. ( as something proven )

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Super User 4 View Post
    I don't believe it does work to pin several times a week diving the dose through out different muscles but if you feel that works for you that's your business on how many times you wanna pin yourself. Are you currently running a cycle?
    I am cruising, but about to start.

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  23. #23
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    A few years back in my high dose years - 1.5cc+ in each tri eod. . . I’d cut high concentration gear with gso and sometimes kick it to 1.5cc’s qD

    Yes, the pump - def gave me that in my Avi look - shit, just got old

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    I am cruising, but about to start.

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    Nice bro!

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