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Thread: Mentally Stressed...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    One up on you

    Mentally Stressed...


    I keep having this same problem over and over again. I **** my diet up because I am driving myself nuts not eating stuff I like.... then when I decide to take a cheat meal, I binge for like an hour on anything in sight with sugar. Take for example tonight.... I ate clean all day...infact I am about 10 days straight eating clean with no cheat meal... I felt great...then after my Post work out meal I decided to eat some peanut butter.... but I didnt stop there. I made myself a PB&J sandwhich.... and ate 2 bowls of cherios with milk, then I decided to eat a Fruit and Nut bar.... and I finally stopped myself there. Oh yea, I also ate about 3 servings of Almonds. I feel fat as ****, infact I feel kidna sick to my stomach. It feels bloated and ****... but it is just mentally exhausting to do this to myself... and it has happened 2 or 3 times over the last month. I need to start taking a cheat meal in once every few days or something otherwise I feel might continue to do this every week or so, and I can't stand feeling like this.

    Anyone else eat so clean that on a day you decide to cheat you binge on everything in sight? Then feel sick afterward? I need to figure out a way not to do this anymore. Anyone got some tips besides have more will power?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    Happened to me all the time before bro. I would diet for a good couple of days, then say **** it and eat whatever was in sight. And I have a huge appetite. You gotta stick it through, this time around I only cheat once a week. Just stick to it mentally. If I can do it, you can.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Dude, I know exactly what ur talking about. Once I start cheating, i clear the pantry. I just quit buying sweet stuff. The first few days i went through withdraw similar to crack, but eventually i began enjoying my tuna-out-the-can again. My suggestion would be to stop buying the stuff that is the most tempting to you. I also had the sick feeling last weekend after a greasy ass phili cheese steak with fries. Don't know if it's a mental thing or what. But definitely throw in a cheat meal every week or so depending on your body fat. Do a search, i remember reading a thread somewhere on cheat meals. Good Luck my friend.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    well i schedule a cheat day every week so that eleviates a lot of stress...also like dno says try to limit the amount of bad ****t in your pantry and fridge...granted i live on my own and am able to really control what is in my pantry, you still can talk to parents and ask that they stop buying certain things...then you actually have to go out to spend your own money on cheat food, which makes it less likely to occur...and dont worry bro, every 7 days i cheat in a pretty big way and am still getting decent planning to stop cheating about 4-6 months out from my show.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by LeanMeOut

    I keep having this same problem over and over again. I **** my diet up because I am driving myself nuts not eating stuff I like.... then when I decide to take a cheat meal, I binge for like an hour on anything in sight with sugar. Take for example tonight.... I ate clean all day...infact I am about 10 days straight eating clean with no cheat meal... I felt great...then after my Post work out meal I decided to eat some peanut butter.... but I didnt stop there. I made myself a PB&J sandwhich.... and ate 2 bowls of cherios with milk, then I decided to eat a Fruit and Nut bar.... and I finally stopped myself there. Oh yea, I also ate about 3 servings of Almonds. I feel fat as ****, infact I feel kidna sick to my stomach. It feels bloated and ****... but it is just mentally exhausting to do this to myself... and it has happened 2 or 3 times over the last month. I need to start taking a cheat meal in once every few days or something otherwise I feel might continue to do this every week or so, and I can't stand feeling like this.

    Anyone else eat so clean that on a day you decide to cheat you binge on everything in sight? Then feel sick afterward? I need to figure out a way not to do this anymore. Anyone got some tips besides have more will power?


    man.. you dont even know the first i used to do that day in day out.. you know how i prevent things like that.. either a. take an appittie suppresent or b. do crunches or push ups till you knock your self out.. im usuly extreamly tierd after my workouts and i fight to stay awake to get thoes two meals in.. but do try an appitie supressent..

  6. #6
    what do u use for a appitite suppresent?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Xenadrine EFA the non ephedra version since i got like 4 120's from a friend that works at vitshoppe.. they really do work well.. i take it around 7pm before going to the gym.. eat my pwo meal around 9:30-10 then my last at 11.. never feel hungry or in need for food..

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    beatin it up...
    just drink lots of water. 75% of the time you feel hungry or the need for "bad" foods is because your dehydrated. Caffiene also is an appetite suppressant.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    I definitely think scheduled, weekly cheat days are the way to go. If you know you're going to cheat on a certain day, you don't feel so tempted on the other days. Like, right now, if i were to get a craving, i would just think about my plans to go to IHOP on saturday. I don't need to cheat now, i'm gonna cheat in 2 days..and it's gonna be **** good, not just whatever i can find around the house....which in my house isn't much anyway. One saturday night, i wanted some kind of late-night cheat food before i went to bed and there was NOTHING. I had to resort to peanut butter on a low-carb tortilla and oatmeal.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    I don't mean to jack this thread up, but since were talking about cheating....i drink probably every other thursday night, and every friday and saturday night (college). i usually throw in my cheat meals those days because i figure i'm already cheating (drinking). Do you guys suggest i stick to strict diet and consider the drinking cheating? I'm not to worried about it now because i've maintained 8-9% bf for a while, but i know i could prob be doin better and it will prob eventually catch up. Any suggestions?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by DNoMac
    I don't mean to jack this thread up, but since were talking about cheating....i drink probably every other thursday night, and every friday and saturday night (college). i usually throw in my cheat meals those days because i figure i'm already cheating (drinking). Do you guys suggest i stick to strict diet and consider the drinking cheating? I'm not to worried about it now because i've maintained 8-9% bf for a while, but i know i could prob be doin better and it will prob eventually catch up. Any suggestions?

    To the OP, make sure you schedule a cheat meal every 7 days, if you do so, you wouldn't have binged on your 10th day. To the thread hijacker what kind of alcohol are you drinking? Beer is not as great calorie wise in comparison to hard alcohol/diet soda. The latter is all I will drink if I feel the need to regress into the old me. Beer really will kill the diet, and I'd rather eat some real carbs.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Used to be mainly beer because of the abundance of kegs around campus. I try to switch it up now by pre-gaming on some liquer before putting in the IV of beer. Again, my bad Lean....

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    the biggest reason i dont drink much anymore is because i feel soo much more satisfied with a carb crash then an alcohol crash....600 calories of foamy liquid doesnt come close in comparison to the pleasure of a 600 calorie meal of pizza.

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