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Thread: Help, please explain

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Exclamation Help, please explain

    Alright I got very lucky tonight if you know what I mean! My unit did not get like its usual rock solid state tonight. Actually, it was far from that. Currently finishing the following cycle: (2nd in my career)

    DBOL 35 to 45 mg ed
    Test ent 500 mg pw
    EQ 600 mg pw
    Winny zambs and tabs 300 pw
    T3 75 ml pd with the ramp up and down (10 day max) BT up to 98.7
    Clen up to 1mg pd with the ramp up and down'

    I have about 2 weeks left. What the hell just happen and what should I expect? It was a great time the 2nd time around! Help though!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Under your bed.
    Your test should be ran higher then the EQ to keep libido in check. Whats your stats and previous cycle experience with eq and test?

    If you've ran a good amount of test cycles already, you can bump the test to 600mg and lower the eq to 400mg a week for the remainder of your cycle although them being longer esters the effects on libido might take a few weeks to kick in.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Ambulance
    Your test should be ran higher then the EQ to keep libido in check. Whats your stats and previous cycle experience with eq and test?

    If you've ran a good amount of test cycles already, you can bump the test to 600mg and lower the eq to 400mg a week for the remainder of your cycle although them being longer esters the effects on libido might take a few weeks to kick in.
    Yup, too much other stuff and not enough test to balance it out. Need to work on the androgen to anabolic ratio.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Thanks guys, 1st time this happened to me in my life. I did come up with a very respectable performance though. It was nice to know that this hard work from gear is paying huge rewards presonally and socially.

    Thanks again and I will follow the advice

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Under your bed.
    Also, the dbol should only last maximum the first 4-5 weeks of your cycle. If you've been on it longer then that, DISCONTINUE the dbol.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    I ran the dbol for 4 weeks, sorry I forgot to include it.

    Stats- 6'1 200lbs now 9% bf
    Bulk weight- 218
    Ideal weight- 190lbs

    1st cylce
    dbol 30 to 40 mg pd 4 weeks
    test ent 500 pow
    winny oil base 5 inject per
    tren 1 pd

    Can I increase the test ent to 750 mg per week? Will it help!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Under your bed.
    Quote Originally Posted by lollipops
    I ran the dbol for 4 weeks, sorry I forgot to include it.

    Stats- 6'1 200lbs now 9% bf
    Bulk weight- 218
    Ideal weight- 190lbs

    1st cylce
    dbol 30 to 40 mg pd 4 weeks
    test ent 500 pow
    winny oil base 5 inject per
    tren 1 pd

    Can I increase the test ent to 750 mg per week? Will it help!
    No, if this isnt like your 4th or 5th cycle 750mg is way too much overkill. Simply lower your EQ to 400mg and carry on the test at 500mg..if still having libido problems you can bump to 600mg of test but I'd recomend giving it time to see how it works...400eq and 500test should be your magic numbers.

    The only reason I tell you not to use 750mg test is because then your system will get use to it..and that means you'll need more later and eventually it will stop working well for you.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Ambulance
    No, if this isnt like your 4th or 5th cycle 750mg is way too much overkill. Simply lower your EQ to 400mg and carry on the test at 500mg..if still having libido problems you can bump to 600mg of test but I'd recomend giving it time to see how it works...400eq and 500test should be your magic numbers.

    The only reason I tell you not to use 750mg test is because then your system will get use to it..and that means you'll need more later and eventually it will stop working well for you.
    yep true, if i were you i would drop the eq to 400 mg and maybe increase the test slightly, but rather you should leave the test at 500mg.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2004
    A bridge down by da river
    agreed. Eq should be run lower then test. anywhere from 300-400mg pw

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    dbol and winny, both are 17AA man, and for a firest cycle thats a lot...i wouldnt have run all that

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