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Thread: No Pain No Gain

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    No Pain No Gain

    That is a saying that is very true. When I see someone who is big and in great shape I know that there was pain endured to get there. Not just the pain of a strain muscle but ligament pain and joint pain and pulled muscle's. That is what makes me apprecaite that person.

    Sometimes you have to fight through the pain and keep pushing it. I spent a year solid that every time I lifted on shoulder or bench every rep especialy at higher weights hurt on my left shoulder first then my right. Knowing if I just kept pushing I would get past it and I have.

    This brings me to my point. I hear it in the gym and on some threads of people talking pain. Some are legit issues and need to looked at. But you got to ask yourself are you hurt or being a wuss. Is some pain and discomfort gonna stop you from your goal? I believe the person who came up with NO PAIN NO GAIN understands what I am talking about.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    north carloina
    Bump that bro been through hell and back ,have looked right in the eyes of the beast and still fighting my way back , but if it is real pain you can do alot of damage by working through it one of my bro's tore his rotator like that ,just for the newbies if it still hurts a week later and you cant lift it or move it kind of pain ,go to the doc !!!!!!!!!!
    Last edited by gymnut4u; 02-17-2002 at 03:03 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    It is a matter of knowing your body. Understanding pain from injury. If your hurt do something about it and see the doc, but know that you are gonna have to face some discomfort from time to time.
    Last edited by Ironweb; 02-17-2002 at 10:11 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    i hear ya bros. up until about a 2 months ago i wasnt able to do squats and was limited to light leg presses because of a knee injury and a bad ankle. Well today i squated 265 for 5 reps (quads below 90 degrees) and put up 360 on the leg press machine for 5 . My ankle is still a little shaky but feeling much better and knee is strong as ever . Im makin steady strength gains every week. All i gota say i actually look foward to leg day wich is somethin i could have never imagined a year ago. Cant wait to blow em up on next cycle.
    Last edited by RageControl; 02-17-2002 at 10:20 PM.

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