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Thread: bigkev I need some advice...

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  1. #1

    bigkev I need some advice...

    Since I'm very new here and I realize that you get questions like these all the time I'll understand if you're too busy or would rather not answer. I'd like to know if you could help me out with some cycle questions. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Send him a PM and give him your stats (age, weight, height, bodyfat %), workout experience, cycle experience, and your goals. Better yet, list it all here and everyone can help you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Los Angeles, CA 90024
    so what was the question?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    How old are you?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    hey MINUS, let us know what big kev recommends.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    It sounds like a test/eq cycle is your best bet. If you don't want water retention, stay away from d-bol. As far as the liver goes, d-bol and winny are bad. Some would say test/deca but water retention is lower with eq. Research some of the things that I mentioned so that you have personal knowledge before you attempt anything.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    hey bro,

    welcome to the board and i'll bet big kev will agree with excess! test/eq cycle!

  8. #8
    Thanks for all the replies. You've all been much more helpful than the other boards that I've visited. After I do some homework I'd appreciate it if some of you would help me turn all of this info into a cycle. These are suggestions that I've received so far...

    Test Cyp 400 mg week 1-10
    Dbols 40 mg week 1-5
    EQ 1000 mg week 1-2 then 600 mg week 1-10
    Fina 75 mg week 7-12
    Test Prop 100 mg week 9-12
    arimidex/liquidex 0.5 mg Ed week 1-12


    -Durabolin (nandrolone phenylpropinate- not deca)
    wks 1-10 300mg/wk
    -Test Prop
    wks 1-10 400-600/wk
    wks 1-5 40mg/ed
    -liquidex at 1mg/day
    -nolvadex on hand

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by MINUS
    These are suggestions that I've received so far..
    Test Cyp 400 mg week 1-10
    Dbols 40 mg week 1-5
    EQ 1000 mg week 1-2 then 600 mg week 1-10
    Fina 75 mg week 7-12
    Test Prop 100 mg week 9-12
    arimidex/liquidex 0.5 mg Ed week 1-12
    I'm not so sure I like this cycle for somebody with your experience (no flame). I like the cyp, but there is no need to front load with EQ...especially if you are running dbol (which I also like). Fina (trenbolone accetate) is a fantastic drug for lean hard gains in mass and strength but it IS NOT a beginners drug!! I also would ditch the prop for now (100mg/week is not enough anyway...should be at least 50mg/ED...very fast ester). Arimidex..yes. Also get some clomid. Finally...10 weeks is sufficient. I would say the cycle should look like this:

    weeks 1-4 dbol @ 30-40mg/day
    weeks 1-10 test cyc @ 400mg/week
    weeks 1-10 EQ @ 400-600mg/week (I'm using 400mg/week)
    weeks 1-10 arimidex @ .25mg/day
    week 12 clomid 300mg day 1, 100mg/day x 10 days, 50mg/day x 10 days

  10. #10
    Pete, or anyone else...

    What can I expect as far as gains go with the cycle you laid out?
    Last edited by MINUS; 02-21-2002 at 07:12 PM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    If your diet and training are spot on...I think 15 lean quality pounds of muscle is realistic (maybe even 20). Remember, there are a lot of variables such as adequate rest, nutrtition and genetics that play major roles as well...that is why it's difficult to give accurate estimates. But, from people who have done this cycle 10-15lbs is the norm. Just work it hard, eat right and stay focused. Good luck bro.

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