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Thread: Just one of them days....

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004
    El Paso, Texas

    Just one of them days....

    I fvcked up in today. I went for a long ass walk today at 12:30. Was walking briskly. Didn't get my HR up over 112 the whole time. I'm 27 shoulda been up around 128 min.
    Any way I got back after two. I went to the store to get a new training log.
    I rested but didn't think to drink water for the rest of the after noon. I drank my ON Serious Mass with water.
    5:30 I take my cell tech and hit the gym. I do some sick calf work.
    Then I start squating shoulder width with 10lb plates under my heels.
    1x10@135 stretch and rest for 3 min's. My quads are feeling tight.
    1x6@225 stretch and feel like I'm gonna cramp. Really burning. Supposed to be a warm up set.
    Tried to rep out 315 and only get one. Second time down I stayed down. I gave up and let it fall on the pins.
    WTF happend? Last week I got 6 out wide leg. Then went narrow at 225 for 3x9. Could the long walk have killed me at such a low impact. The high today was only like 85 with 25% humidity. Is the water or lack there of that important?
    If so, I'm gonna have to slam water until like an hour before I go to bed. Piss every two hours of the night. Wake up, and slam some more water and hit the gym for my shoulder work out.
    BTW, in case you can't tell I'm pissed off at my self and the world tonight.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    on the dip rack.
    ya, its all in your head. maybe you were just feeling lousy/tired? thats a big issue alot of people have nowadays bro.

    dont blame it on the humidity/ temperature bro because listen to me, and i AM NOT bull****ting you, today i got up at 6:30 with only 6 hours of sleep, i worked from 7 a.m to 7 p.m diggin agricultural holes for oak trees alllllll day in the hot florida sun(high was about 98 today at 90% humidity), i went home, sat down for like 10 mins, went to the gym and still busted my ass and lifted up to par and even impressed myself.

    the thing that got me was, i was deadlifting oak trees today and moving them around to plant them(baby oak trees about 9/10 feet high which weighed a pretty decent amount of weight because most of the root is still attached to a large sum of dirt), so when i went to the gym today i thought i was gonna have a weak deadlift from all the work i did earlier. well i didnt, and it just goes to show bro that, moving iron sometimes is all in your head.

    your gonna have your sh!tty days, and your gonna have your good days, but stick with it and sooner or later your gonna be on top.always remember that.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004
    El Paso, Texas
    Coulda also been I only eat a lotta white rice and some chicken all day plus my gainer.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    I was going to say it sounded like you ran out of energy. Not a water problem, a glycogen problem. Make sure you eat bro. I always do a simple carb drink about 30 minutes before I lift. I can feel it if I don't and usually can't make it through the whole session.


  5. #5
    Join Date
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    El Paso, Texas
    Today felt pretty good. I had three egg whites with ham and cheese omlette and some potatos fried. Slammed lot's a water. Then two hours later you know where I was found. No, not smoking in the boys room.
    Had a nice shoulder day.
    Seated Military press, 1x12@45, 1x12@95, 1x12@115, 1x8@135, 1x3@155. Personal best for me. Then 1x15@95. Super setted lateral raises with 10lbs to failure right after each set.
    Iso-lateral behind the neck press
    3x10@55lbs. Super Setted with lateral raises at 10lbs to failure
    Incline bench press
    1x12@45, 1x12@95, 1x12@115, 1x12@135 Had to lay off these for a while afte I hurt that muscle. Felt good though. Just a lil' tight.
    Arnold presses
    1x12@30, 1x12@45, 1x8@45
    Super setted DB shrugs
    1x24@65, 1x13@80, 1x8@80
    Revers Wrist curls
    1x13@40, 1x11@40, 1x14@40
    Super Setted with Wrist Curls
    1x14@70, 1x14@70, 1x13@70
    No abs, had to leave post haste. I'll do crunches later.

  6. #6
    IronReload04's Avatar
    IronReload04 is offline "Rancid Protein Powder Mastermind Technician"
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    everywhere and nowhere
    you cant have the perfect lift every time. if you hit search, you may be able to find some of my threads. threads about being a vagina about my bad days at the gym. i hate the world too just like you when i have a bad day

    do what i do when you have a bad day. Do somthing creative. somthing you never wanted to do because you thought it might not work/ then a week later when you lfit the same muscle group, use it as badass fuel. 95% of the time, when i have a ****ty day, i perform a personal best next workout. and ia have the logbook to prove it. creative **** on ****ty days will make you grow big time.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2004
    El Paso, Texas
    Thanks bro. LOL Just yesterday I was talking to a bro at the gym and he said he hated to ask to work in with me because I make faces. LOL People I know outside of the gym tell me the same thing. That they don't even want to talk to me because I looke so pissed off. Am I the only one working out with my "game face" on?

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