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Thread: 2 part blood test question....

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  1. #1

    2 part blood test question....

    Me and my wife are trying to have a child. We've been together since '98 and she's never been pregnant. I did my 1st cycle this summer and now currently on my 2nd (Test E 500 mg a week & Prop 100 mg ED). I'm now addressing w/ my Dr this fertility issue as well as my wife also. My Dr has ordered a host of blood test and I assume it will be checking my current testosterone level. Now I'm a federal employee and I'm a lil concern if any red flags will go up if something is unusual is discovered. So basically that's my 1st question. Will my Dr take a look at these results and put 1&2 together.

    Part 2 of my question is for those that do get blood work on a regular bases. What are you testosterone levels? Are they off the chart? Is it slightly elevated, doubled or what? If my results come back really high what are some of the things I should say other that yep I use A.S?
    Now I do work out 6 times a week. Pound a lot of testosterone elevating/supporting supplements and do to a back problem and had a few weeks of Prednisone (Cortico-steroids) and maybe I can use these circumstances to explain any unusual feedback from my pending blood work. Thanks for the input.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    hi bro...dont trip
    i smoked weed from the ages from 15-25.....thought i was shootin blanks, started cycling heavy and reaaly thought i was impotent....did a huge 26 week cycle and knocked my gf up midway....go figure

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Warren, MI
    so you're on juice and trying to get preg but ur not going to tell the Dr this? dont you think that info might be useful in diagnosing whats going on? mybe you should of waited till after the cycle to go to the Dr with fertility problems....

  4. #4
    I would be totally up from if I knew that it wouldn't cost me my job and I just started with A.S. Which leaves 5 1/2 steroid free years in which we haven't conceived.

  5. #5
    Plain and simple. The MD is going to know by your bloodtest that you are on AS. I am assuming your wife doesnt know you are on them. I dont know if your job is going to be in jeopardy or not but you have definately picked a BAD time to go for fertility testing since you are on a cycle. You are going to end up looking like an a$$. Tell your wife the truth (if she doesnt know already) and put off the testing until you have been off of AS for a while (like 6 months).

  6. #6
    Kinda late now the blood was drawn and he had me shoot a load in a cup. I was actually following up on alot of other things (to include fertillty) and before I left he broke it down on what he was looking for. I did a lil research and found that Docs usually check for Test levels, Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH), and Luteinizing Hormone (LH). I was 3 weeks into my cycle at the time (Test E & Prop) so I would hope it wasn't ultra high. Anyway here's a link for those who care. I may or may not have super elevated levels. Just wondering if I can B.S him into thinking it's a combo of me being a stud & Cortico-steroids for my back.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by I-WISH-A-MF-WOULD
    I did my 1st cycle this summer and now currently on my 2nd (Test E 500 mg a week & Prop 100 mg ED).
    Is this a typo? You are doing 1200mg Test for your 2nd cycle?

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by I-WISH-A-MF-WOULD
    I did my 1st cycle this summer and now currently on my 2nd (Test E 500 mg a week & Prop 100 mg ED).
    Is this a typo? You are doing 1200mg Test for your 2nd cycle?

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by I-WISH-A-MF-WOULD
    I did my 1st cycle this summer and now currently on my 2nd (Test E 500 mg a week & Prop 100 mg ED).
    Is this a typo? You are doing 1200mg Test for your 2nd cycle?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Not a well known name.
    Quote Originally Posted by I-WISH-A-MF-WOULD
    Now I'm a federal employee and I'm a lil concern if any red flags will go up if something is unusual is discovered. So basically that's my 1st question. Will my Dr take a look at these results and put 1&2 together.
    You have doctor/patient confidentiality to depend on, there is no way your doc can tell your employer, unless there is an agreement between your doc and your job regarding disclosure of conditions that would effect your ability to complete your duties (but I doubt this is the case with your fertility doctor).

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