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Thread: Ranger's Iron Poetry!!

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  1. #1
    CYCLEON Guest
    hey ya bum - decide to grace us with your presence???? - - - Mike needs some poetry written about him. U guys got to read rangers Epic poem -

    The Christmas Workout
    (Reads like the Grinch who stole Christmas)

    Every Iron Brother,
    Liked training legs quite a lot.
    But WCP and E2,
    Surely did not!

    The Ranger loved legs,
    Trained them hard all season.
    Don’t ask why he worked so hard,
    No one could ever remember the reason.

    But WCP and E2,
    Were not quite right!
    It could be perhaps,
    Their spandex was too tight!

    But I think by far,
    The most likely reason of all.
    Were WCP and E2’s,
    Balls were to fucking small!

    “ We have to get out of legs!”
    They said with a sneer.
    “ Ranger’s too damned rough!
    And he’s practically here!”

    They got an IDEA!
    And laughed while they bragged.
    “ When he walks through the door,
    We’ll both be dressed in drag!”

    The windows were dark,
    Chalk dust filled the air.
    The gym door crashed open,
    And Ranger walked in without a care!

    He stopped in his tracks,
    Then looked all around.
    WCP and E2 weren’t there,
    Just two fags to be found?

    Ranger realized in a flash,
    Who stood there in sport’s bras and tights!
    Then he chuckled out loud,
    At this God-awful sight!

    He knew that he had them,
    And grinned with pure glee!
    “ You two rope smokers get ready!
    You’re doing legs with me!”

    They pissed and they moaned,
    They slithered and cried.
    “ Last time we did this,
    We damn near died!”

    “ You two fuckers ready?”
    Ranger growled through his teeth!
    “ If you don’t squat my weight,
    You’re both giving me a piece!”

    He wrapped his knees,
    Then stepped to the rack.
    Piled on 405lbs.
    And placed it on his back!

    Balls to the floor,
    12 times, they did count.
    They thought up excuses,
    As fear began to mount.

    “ We’re not warmed up!”
    WCP and E2 tried.
    “ That’s too much weight!”
    The little faggots lied!

    From the side came a whimper,
    From a little man with no chin.
    Ranger laughed out loud….
    It was just George Spellwin.

    “ Doing legs today little man?”
    Ranger boomed through the gym.
    “ Why I’m doing chest!” George squeaked.
    “ That’s it…why yes, I am!”

    “ Then get your ass over here!”
    Ranger said with a mock.
    Little George stood up and whined,
    “ Oh my…Look at the clock!”

    “ I must be going,
    I really must…you see!
    Doing legs with you Ranger,
    Just ain’t my cup of tea!”

    George pointed with a finger,
    With not one callus to be found.
    He spoke to WCP and E2,
    Who stood there not making a sound!

    “ Now this I can handle.”
    He smiled with desire.
    “ Love those outfits fellas!
    Yes!…Such fabulous attire!”

    “ They’re yours!” Ranger growled,
    “ Why they can’t even spot!
    If your ass stays in here,
    You fags are going to squat!”

    Ranger pulled out his cock,
    It fell to his knee!
    WCP and E2 winced,
    While George giggled with glee!

    They looked away,
    As Ranger stuffed it in his pants.
    As George snickered and jumped,
    And around Ranger, he pranced!

    Johnny O came riding in,
    On a bicycle with no seat.
    With a long, thin prick,
    He was beating his meat.

    “ Oh My! “ Look at the muscles,
    He said, licking his lips.
    “ Hop on George!”
    We’re going on a trip!”

    E2 and WCP,
    Didn’t know what to do?
    They surely couldn’t squat,
    And they couldn’t swallow Goo!

    “ Well?” Yelled Ranger,
    “ Are ya squatting this day?”
    They shook their heads NO!
    And said,” Sorry…we’re GAY!”

    “ Then get the Hell out of here,
    Ya four fucking queers!
    Have a Merry Fucking Christmas,
    And a Happy New Year!”


  2. #2
    Ranger Guest
    Bad Brains...Bite me....heh heh heh

    Here ya go Cy-Clops....


    It was the night before the contest,
    the Iron Brother lived all alone.
    In a one bedroom house,
    made of plaster and stone.

    The Iron God came to this home,
    for dedication that the Iron Brother did give.
    And to look upon the squaller,
    where the Iron Brother did live.

    He had scars and stretch marks,
    sprains and strains of all kinds.
    And one pensive thought,
    came through the Iron God's mind.

    The Iron Brother's house was different,
    inside was dark and dreary.
    He found the home of an Iron Worshipper,
    at once, he could see this clearly.

    The Iron Brother lay sleeping,
    breathing silent and alone.
    Curled up on the floor,
    in this one bedroom home.

    The Iron God realized,
    of all the Brothers he saw this night.
    They were all commited to the Iron Throne,
    and the Iron Bar, they were willing to fight.

    Iron Brothers around the world,
    knew the price they had to pay.
    They bleed their Iron through overtime,
    and rarely enjoy the light of day.

    They bypassed good times, and parties,
    each day, every month of the year.
    The Iron God felt a kinship,
    to the Iron Brother laying here.

    The Iron God couldn't help but wonder,
    how many Brothers lay alone.
    And bodies ached throughout the night,
    in these small, one bedroom homes.

    Just the very thought,
    brought a tear to the Iron Gods eye.
    He then dropped to his knees,
    and the Iron God began to cry.

    The Iron Brother awakened,
    and croaked out in a rough voice.
    Iron God don't cry,
    this life is my choice.

    I lift to feel the freedom,
    and I do not ask for more.
    My life is yours Iron God,
    and my body, to it's very core.

    The Iron Brother breathed deeply,
    and then lay quite, in his eternal sleep.
    The Iron God couldn't control it,
    and he softly, continued to weep.

    The Iron God sat watch,
    so silent...and so still.
    Until he began to shiver,
    at the coldness, of this nights chill.

    He didn't want to leave,
    on that dark and dreary night.
    For the Guardian of the Iron Throne,
    lay in death, before the Iron God's sight.



    The Iron Brother was getting old,
    And his hair was falling fast.
    He sat around the Iron Throne,
    Telling stories of his past.

    Of the Iron War he fought,
    And the lifting deeds he had done.
    In his exploits with his Iron Brothers,
    They were Hero's…Every one.

    And though sometimes unto his Brothers,
    His tales became a joke.
    All the Iron Brothers did listen,
    For they knew whereof he spoke.

    We shall hear our Brother no longer,
    Our Iron Brother has passed away.
    And the Iron World is somewhat poorer,
    For an Iron Brother died today.

    He won't be mourned by many,
    One child and a wife.
    Though he lived for the extra ordinary,
    He led an uneventful life.

    Held a job and raised a family,
    And he lifted his own way.
    The world won't note his passing,
    For an Iron Brother died today.

    When Politicians leave this earth,
    Their bodies lie in state.
    And the common ones note their passing,
    While proclaiming, they were great.

    They tell of their life stories,
    As far back as when they were young.
    But the passing of an Iron Brother,
    Goes unnoticed and unsung.

    His greatest contribution,
    To those hard and callused hands.
    Was when a Brother was scammed,
    He backed his fellow man.

    Yes, this is our Iron Brother,
    Who lived his life with strife.
    He served the Iron Throne,
    And sacrificed his life.

    It's so easy to forget them,
    For "Back in the Day" was long ago.
    But, our Iron Brother remained in the Game,
    Though he was tired and had to go.

    He was just an Iron Brother,
    And our ranks are growing thin.
    He is a symbol to remind us,
    That we need his likes again.

    If we cannot do him, honor,
    Though he's not here to reap the praise.
    Let's pay homage to the Iron Throne,
    And the passing of his days.

    Perhaps a simple grunt of pain,
    That would somehow seem to say.
    Our Brotherhood is in mourning,
    For an Iron Brother passed away.


  3. #3
    Ranger Guest
    What da hell....a few more to help with the War of Iron we fight each day....

    Gods of Thunder

    The Iron Brother stood and faced his God,
    Which must always come to be.
    He hoped his hands were callused enough,
    So his spirit may be set free.

    " Step to the Iron Throne, Brother,
    How shall I deal with you?"
    " Have you bled Iron daily,
    To this throne have you been true?"

    I give homage to this Iron Throne,
    And at times my talk was tough.
    Sometimes I've been violent,
    Cause this life is fuck'in rough.

    Yea, I never scammed a penny,
    That wasn't mine to keep.
    I pounded Iron through overtime,
    When the gains came to steep.

    I never passed a cry for help,
    Though at times, I shook with fear.
    And sometimes Iron God forgive me,
    I've wept unmanly tears.

    I do not belong in this place,
    Among the people down here.
    They never wanted me around,
    Except to calm their fears.

    If you've a place for me here, Iron God,
    It needn't be so grand.
    I won't expect you to spot too much,
    And if you don't, I'll understand.

    There was silence around the Iron Bar Throne,
    Where Iron Brothers had often trod.
    As the Brother waited quietly,
    For the judgement of his Iron God.

    You do not belong down there,
    With those who stare in wonder.
    Your place is here, Brother,
    Among the Gods of Thunder.

    Step forward now, Brother,
    You've lifted your burdens well.
    Lift peacefully with your Iron Brothers,
    You've done your time in HELL !!!



    The young Brother walked forward,
    His face sad and drawn.
    He held out a callused hand,
    And felt these scars were wrong.

    The Iron God stepped up,
    And smacked his hands with a clap,
    And through the chalky mist, he said.
    "Young Brother, what is this crap?"

    The young Brother drew away and sniffed,
    Hid his eyes while wiping a tear.
    "I've given you my best Iron God,
    And bled Iron for a solid year!"

    "It seems that I make no gains,
    There was a time, I thought I could.
    And the pain is getting harder,
    It causes more harm now…than good!"

    The Iron God stood there staring,
    Then locked on the young one's eyes.
    He searched his mind from "Back in the Day",
    And re-called something clever and wise.

    " Your ashamed of those hands,
    But wear those calluses with pride.
    For many an Iron Brother,
    With callused hands lay down and died."

    "It's not how many sets,
    Nor the exercise…now is it?
    It's when you feel the pain,
    And it makes you want to quit."

    The young Brother hung his head,
    And flexed those callused hands.
    "But Iron God", he said so softly,
    "You just don't understand."

    "Down there we are out numbered,
    And the common one's are the worst.
    They look and stare…they use bad form,
    And they say the Iron Brothers are cursed."

    "They never hit the squat rack,
    And sometimes I have fallen prey.
    Then they leave, and I'm in the zone,
    But they're back, the very next day."

    The Iron God squared his jaw,
    Then tapped a thick, scarred finger.
    And on the young Brother's face,
    His eyes did sadly linger.

    "This Iron war is not won,
    By those who just say,"Screw it",
    It is won by the Iron Brother's,
    Who decide they can do it!"

    "But what about the common one's,
    Who are misled in their lives.
    They've never felt the pain I know,
    I can see it in their eyes?"

    "You cannot help them young Brother,
    Nor dictate their sad chosen path.
    You cannot stop their ignorance,
    Nor heal their weekend wrath's."

    "Bleed Iron at the Iron Bar Throne,
    And the pain will someday cease.
    Then return to your one room house,
    If only for an hour…know your peace!"

    "But Iron God", the young Brother started,
    His heart heavy with lead.
    "I know the common one's down there,
    They wish that I were dead!"

    "I feel their stares burning,
    They laugh and fling their mud.
    Yet, who is there to thank me?
    When I sweat my Iron Blood?"

    The Iron God pursed his lips,
    His answer lay unknown.
    For he to had felt the pain,
    A pain that hurts to the bone.

    "There are no easy answers,
    For the ache that you feel.
    But appreciation, and their praise,
    I'm afraid ain't a part of the deal."

    "The respect will come with gratitude,
    And admiration from the Iron Brother's too!
    But, it will not come from the common one's,
    Who cannot do what we can do!"

    The young Brother felt the tears,
    And looked down at his callused hands.
    He knew he could not quit,
    As he had already planned.

    For now, he saw those callused hands,
    Not just as something he does.
    They are not just a symbol,



    May the Iron God Bless all her serve his POWER....


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    So Cal
    OMG unbelievable. That is getting framed and hung on a wall. Great stuff!!!!!!!

  5. #5
    The Iron Game Guest
    amazing, bliss, incredible, touched are a few words that come to mind

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the vast wasteland
    simply awesome.......................

    peace bb79

  7. #7
    wow....thats damn nice!
    almost brings a tear to my eye...


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Back from Hell
    hmmmmmm i have seen this before maybe a marine and Santa.........

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Good shit ya ol fart.........Post that one about "noodle arms staring with a grin"......I had it saved but can't find it, that was the best one, or at least the funniest one........Keep em coming.......

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Steroids are bad ummkay?
    I had absolutely no idea you all were so damn gifted. I'm sharing this in my english class for extra credit! thanks!

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