Many of you might have been experiencing significant scar tissue in cases of repeated injections or after injections of anabolics with high benzyl alcohol content. This makes repeat injecitons into those adhesed scar tissues difficult and painful.
One solution would be to inject hyaluronidase into the area of adhesions/scar tissue. Hyaluronic acid is part of the ground substance of connective tissue and hyaluronidase can help break it up. I have had good success by local injection of hyaluronidase into the affeced area followed by asking the patients to perform friction massage to the area to help break down scar tissue. The results have been pretty good: much less painful and smoother subsequent injections. I am also considering adding collagenase for injections and will post the results.
I don't think these injecions would be easily available. May want to ask your doctors for these injections.