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  1. #1

    Add "SIZE" with this workout.

    Seems No matter what gym you go to, in whatever part of the world, bodybuilders everywhere, amateur to pro to weekend warriors, are all obsessed
    with big arms development. Just think of the nicknames we have for big arms;
    the pythons, the guns, the cannons, the pistols, the weapons. I once saw a
    bodybuilder’s bumper sticker in L.A. that said, “It’s not how much the car’s worth,
    it’s the size of the gun hangin’ out the window.” Yes, arms development has
    captured the imagination of bodybuilders everywhere, including my own.

    Now, let’s forget for now the fact that I have University degrees, and academic
    scholarships. Let’s forget that I have made champion bodybuilders from rank
    beginners, and let’s forget the fact I have been training the best of the best in this
    sport for some ten to fifteen years, while I have been training my self for almost
    twenty-five. Yes, let’s forget I took years to develop the System of Training I
    named Innervation Training that is sweeping across the world. The fact is that
    this is a results oriented sport and brains and experience take you so far, and the
    proof as they say, lies in the pudding.

    Well, ponder this of my pudding. All of my credentials as the world’s top Guru aside, I myself put four inches on my arms during my comeback from crippling back surgery. Tell anyone in this game that anyone has put one inch on a body part and they are ready to take notes, make that four inches, and put them on your arms and well, they follow you around with tape recorders.

    Now that I have your attention let me delve a little further into how and why I was
    Abel (get it) to add such incredible dimensions to my arms development.


    Innervation Training as a methodology is a departure from normal training dogma
    to be sure. The majority of the research for this system centers around research
    to do with the nervous system and how it affects muscles and muscle response
    and not so much just muscle skeletal research per se. While this is the scientific
    explanation the truth is that Innervation Training generally and in the case of
    arms training in particular is a radical departure from traditional training methods.
    Let’s just say Innervation Training is non conventional to say the least. In the
    case of arms training, Innervation training led me to create arms exercises most
    of you have never even seen or heard of before, and to discard more traditional
    exercises as a complete waste of time, which I will explain below.

    You see, the research about the nervous system and the way it influences
    muscles at work leads you down a different path, and in arms training two pieces
    of that research demand close attention, and illustrate why many of you may not
    2 be making any real gains in arms development by following traditional methods.
    When focusing on technique, the research is unequivocal on two points that must
    be explained. They are 1. Excitation Thresholds and 2. Co Contraction of


    You see certain muscles in very specific ranges and planes of motion get a
    message from the nervous system to recruit fibers, before other muscles that
    may be contributing to the same movement. The lower the excitation threshold is
    for a certain muscles movement pattern, the more it will be activated
    preferentially ahead of other contributing muscle fibers.

    In the case of biceps and triceps this is very important because the muscles of the arms are usually used as levers in most coordinated sport activities etc. Therefore often the range and plane of motion for a lot of what you think are arms exercises end up not being arms exercises. The motor neurons making up the muscle fibers of the biceps and triceps tend to have higher excitation thresholds than other muscles that support them in contraction like shoulders etc. making it difficult to achieve maximum overload in a lot of traditional arm movements like standing barbell curls for biceps and lying barbell extensions for triceps. For both those exercises in those specific ranges and planes of motion neither the biceps nor the triceps will receive maximum overload because of generally higher excitation thresholds than other working muscles in those movements. Now, there are ways aroundthis, and they have to do entirely with technique. If you want to get the most out of all of your arms movements for both triceps and biceps, make sure that only the radius, and ulna bones of your arms move during contraction. These are the arms bones from your wrist to your elbow, and they should be the only bones moving during contraction of any arms exercises. Always keep the humerus, the upper bone of the arms that runs from elbow to shoulder, always keep it from moving during your arms exercises. You can see how this would make it difficult to do either standing barbell curls or lying barbell extensions, so I say scrap both of those traditional arms movements.


    Innervation Training research also reveals a ton of research regarding the co
    contraction of antagonist muscles, while muscles are at work. The biceps and
    triceps are obviously antagonistic muscles, and the research shows that in most
    sport related tasks the antagonists work to support each other. In other words,
    while the biceps is in full stretch, the triceps contract to absorb some of the load
    and when the triceps is stretched the reverse is true. Sounds reasonable and
    what’s the problem with that you ask? Well, plenty is wrong with that if your goal is maximum biceps and triceps development. 3
    You see Innervation Training research also reveals that a muscle stretched with
    resistance receives the maximum amount of overload. (See Behm 1995) which is
    exactly what you want for growth. With biceps and triceps so closely acting
    together during arms training movements this all important stretch of a muscle
    with resistance is often lost and therefore so is the growth quality of most of your
    sets. Only intense concentration of every inch of every rep of every set can
    insure you are stretching fully the biceps without letting the triceps contract and
    vice versa. If you are following along with the Innervation Training logic, this is
    yet another reason why most two arm movements are not as effective for
    development of the arms as are what are known as the “isolation exercises”
    where you can more closely concentrate and monitor the quality of the execution
    of a rep, and a set, rather than just trying to indiscriminately lift a weight from
    start to completion

    Wow. These two points of Innervation Training Research force a total
    reexamination of most arms movements for biceps and triceps to examine
    efficacy. People often ask me which is better for arms, barbells or dumbbells, and
    the answer is that neither are all that great. While dumbbell concentration curls
    are excellent for biceps development, almost all other most effective movements
    for biceps and triceps development, are done with machines or cables. Indeed
    almost all of my total revamping of my arms workout had to do with mimicking
    dumbbell or barbell work on the cable machine. Take one arm dumbbell
    extension for example. By doing this one from a low pulley instead of using a
    dumbbell the shoulder is taken out of the movement and gravity is more efficient
    on the eccentric portion of the rep all the way through the completion of a set.
    Doing this substitution instead of using the dumbbell was just one innovation that
    helped me to gain four inches on my arms. My arms are now a cool 22 inches
    cold. While focusing on machines and cables instead of dumbbells or barbells produce the most efficient results, you still have to employ high intensity Innervation Training Techniques to make the incredible four inch per side gains that I was able to accomplish.


    With arms training it is important to not stop at the bottom of a movement
    between reps. When you execute repetitions that way, other stabilizing muscles
    will contract to ease the stress off of the working biceps or triceps. When that
    happens once again you are negating the important full stretch with resistance
    phase, that is so vital to a maximum quality contraction that will force the most
    overload. The point isn’t to move the weight quick, but to pump and not stop in
    between reps.

    When training biceps or triceps don’t just rep a weight up, flex it up during the
    concentric phase. That is to say flex the targeted muscle, either triceps or biceps
    from starting point to full contraction. This produces maximum intensity and
    negates the tendency to use other muscles with lower excitation thresholds
    because you are literally lifting the weight up by flexing the targeted muscle from
    the starting position. After you complete the lifting phase of the movement this
    way then ‘fight the flex” as you go through the eccentric phase of the rep. That is
    not to say go slow or slow the movement down. No. What I am saying is that you
    should try to maintain the tension in the muscle that you just contracted with an
    intense flex. Maintain a tension in the muscle as it tries to stretch during the
    negative phase. You will feel the difference doing this almost immediately.


    The most intense Innervation Training Technique is the performance of strip sets.
    Not all exercises lend themselves to be good for doing strip sets, but any two arm
    isolation movement for arms make it a good one to try. But strip sets Innervation
    Training style are NOT drop sets. They are much, much more difficult. First you
    need to select a proper isolation movement for biceps or triceps to be able to do
    a proper strip set. And you also need to apply the above training principles
    during every inch of every rep of every set to be successful. But there is more.
    A strip set is the hardest form of intensity applied. First do progressively
    increased warm ups till you are ready for the maximum performance. Pick a
    weight you can do only 4-5 reps with in cheating form to totally exhaust the fast
    twitch fibers of any contributing motor units. When you reach failure you go to
    the very next lightest weight and try to complete a good rep. If you complete a
    rep you stay there, and try to complete another one. When you cannot complete
    another rep at that weight you move down to the next lightest weight and so on.
    As the muscle burns you can take fraction of a second rest, and then try to
    continue. The goal of a strip set is time not weight. The longer you can make it
    last, the more efficient the overload. But remember, try to complete every rep by
    fully stretching the targeted muscle without letting the antagonist contract, try to
    keep tension in the muscle by fighting the flex, and don’t stop at the top or bottom
    of the movement. Think Pump, even though you may only get one rep at each
    weight stop as you go down the weight stack with the selector pin.

    That is a lot to think about and proof that training properly for real results is as
    much mental as physical.

    With the above points and techniques in mind let me give you an example of just
    one of the workouts I used to make these incredible gains on my arms that I have
    kept now for over a year and I dare say I am adding to as I write this. There are
    literally dozens of movements you can do for arms as well as some of my new
    innovations. Rather than listing all the great arms movements let me for now just
    list the ones I think are not so good for developing the arms. By reading this list,
    you may think I am crazy, but don’t forget my choices are based on the
    foundations of Innervation Training Research and Not just traditional movements.
    And before you call that crazy, remember I’m the one who put four inches on my
    Anyway, here’s the list:

    1.) barbell curls:
    for reasons listed above this exercise is just not efficient for biceps
    it’s done more for the ego and because of tradition than because it produces

    2) seated or standing dumbbell curls not only is the shoulder more likely to absorb the work, but the whole supination logic is faulty. Starting the movement with the thumbs inward to the leg means you are focusing on the brachi radialis. This is done more efficiently with hammer curls or Zottman curls. As you supinate the wrist during contraction on this movement you shift the emphasis on to the long head of the biceps, which wasn’t properly stretched with resistance in the initial starting position, because the thumbs were faced inward.
    This means you get the least of two involved muscles rather than the most
    out of one, which is what you should be shooting for.

    3) triceps dumbbell extension
    this movement produces tremendous infringement on the shoulder and there
    is a tendency to move the humerus during the movement which subtracts
    from the quality of overload. By doing this exercise from a low pulley cable
    instead, you get a much more efficient contraction and more tension on the
    triceps through the whole range of motion.

    4) triceps kickbacks
    this exercise is a complete waste of time. Because of the plane of motion
    within which the movement is done, there is no gravitational pull on the
    triceps during the eccentric phase of the lift, negating a whole half of the rep.
    Again, performing it on a cable with a rope will be much more efficient but
    there are still other and better exercises which force more intense

    These are just a couple of exercises for both triceps and biceps that I no
    longer include in my workouts at all because they are just not efficient.
    As promised, a sample of one of my current workouts looks something like


    Triceps pushdowns 3-4 warm ups then 6 4 X’s 8-10 or 1 strip set
    seated machine triceps extensions 3-4 sets X’s 8-10 or 1 strip
    set one arm triceps rope extensions 3-4 X’s 10-12 each arm from the low pulley
    overhead rope triceps extensions 3-4 X’s 12-15 or 1 strip set
    dumbbell concentration curls 3-4 warm ups then 3 X’s 6-10
    high pulley one arm concentration curls 4 X’s 10-15
    machine preacher curls 3 X’s 10-12 or 1 strip set
    1 arm Zottman curls 3 X’s 12 15

    Now yes, that is a lot of volume for an arm workout. But I only train arms once
    per week. And to make my arms a priority I always trained them after a rest day
    and after my pig out day. So the gas tank was really full to say the least. But the
    story doesn’t end there. While unique training and blood and guts intensity can
    help you make great gains, you can’t put the kind of inches on a body part like I
    did with arms without close attention to supplementation. To support the rigors of
    hardcore training you need a supplement strategy that centers on helping your
    workouts, helping your recovery, and supporting a growth environment overall,
    inside your body. You accomplish this by including a strong high quality protein
    supplement, a creatine supplement.

    Scott Abel
    Last edited by clhp20; 05-14-2005 at 09:53 AM.

  2. #2
    There has to be some thoughts on this subject.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Good info.... So in other words when doing any bicep curl your elbow should be against something so your not cheating and using other muscles, you also should be flexing on the way up, right?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by clhp20
    There has to be some thoughts on this subject.

    Yeah, a guy trying to get technical on a simple matter. People always try and overcomplicate the iron game and come up with "secret lifting methods".......well let me tell you something, nothing said above is a new discovery.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2004
    bump... is this credible?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Always close to a gym
    BUMP....Looks like form is a factor...

    Scott Abel has been in the biz for years - Based in Canada from what I know and has worked with professional athletes as well as competition BBs.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Seems like too many machine exercises...i was told freeweights were the best for building..and why are you sharing this info for free? dont people pay you for this info? sorry im just a little offense.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the gym
    For myself I think this program would be money, I tend to have genetically overpowering shoulders that like to take on much of a bicep load instead of the arm. Actually, it would allow the shoulders to rest better so the chest would grow too I think. I'm going to give it a run for awhile. I'm talking like a good 4 or 5 months, it makes alot of sense, especially for a guy like myself who gets compliments on his shoulders all the time but hardly works them because of the fact they get overworked doing other shit.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    For myself I think this program would be money, I tend to have genetically overpowering shoulders that like to take on much of a bicep load instead of the arm. Actually, it would allow the shoulders to rest better so the chest would grow too I think. I'm going to give it a run for awhile. I'm talking like a good 4 or 5 months, it makes alot of sense, especially for a guy like myself who gets compliments on his shoulders all the time but hardly works them because of the fact they get overworked doing other shit.
    There is alot of good info, and it make going to try this as well, starting my next bad this dude hasn't posted in a while i would like to hear more of his training theories.

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