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Thread: chiropractor? do they work? med insurance?

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  1. #1
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    Question chiropractor? do they work? med insurance?

    i fuked my back up doin deads 9 months ago, still hasnt recovered even though i eliminated squats and deadlifts and barbell rows, i tried heavy today on squats and ****ed it sucks cause its my first week "on" too. thats life i guess...should i try a chiropractor? and does medical insurance cover it?

  2. #2
    It really seems to depend on how you f'd up your back- it could be a pinched nerve or damaged disc, theres more than one thing that could be wrong.

    I would see a regular doc first for x-ray and amybe a back specialist before just running off to the chiropractor- it will help you decide if the chiropractor is best or if it would be better to see a physical therapist instead.

  3. #3
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    ok cool, ill try for an x-ray then...then maybe a specialist

  4. #4
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    I would see a chiro. They're pretty much are back specialists and they can do x-rays, and order any type of MRIs depending on the injury. My back didn't feel better until I went to a chiro. Back to heavy squats for me.

  5. #5
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    i've had a shoulder injury for wich i've seen different physical therapist for 8 months and none of them seem to help much. it gave some relive for a while but after a couple of hours sometimes days the pain came back,after 8 months i visited a chiropractor and after 3 treatments in 1 week it was gone. i could train with it as before without any discomfort or pain. i had to visit him for a litle longer to ensure it stayed this way.

    now i visit him once a month just for pre caution.

    so my advice is give it a try.


  6. #6
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  7. #7
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    Chiropractors are a quack and a scam.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by newbrew
    Chiropractors are a quack and a scam.
    Stupid comment. Tons of elite athlethes use chiroprators, so you comment is pointless.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by kman
    Stupid comment. Tons of elite athlethes use chiroprators, so you comment is pointless.
    TRUE, I dislocated my hip, twisted my spine andslighly crushed 4 vet., my left leg was 3/4 of an inch longer and could barely walk. Three moths later the chiropractor had me back up and going strong. Med. docs wanted to opereate for about 50,000$ , chiroprator about a G. Not saying there for everything but they do work just ask DOCSUST, hes a member and a chiropractor!! Doc got to you before I could tell ya , cool!

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by JUSTSTARTINGNY
    TRUE, I dislocated my hip, twisted my spine andslighly crushed 4 vet., my left leg was 3/4 of an inch longer and could barely walk. Three moths later the chiropractor had me back up and going strong. Med. docs wanted to opereate for about 50,000$ , chiroprator about a G. Not saying there for everything but they do work just ask DOCSUST, hes a member and a chiropractor!! Doc got to you before I could tell ya , cool!
    So I am sure this will turn into a huge battle. I mean no offense, its just my opinion, and its an opinion shared by many.

    Doct.Sust: Feel free to educate me more on the subject, I am open minded.

  11. #11
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    Quote Originally Posted by newbrew
    Chiropractors are a quack and a scam.
    dude you are a jackass! first off i assume you have never been to one, otherwise you really would think before you would speak, and with such a bold statement to say they are a scam i would LOVE to hear your uneducated argument to why they are quacks

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
    dude you are a jackass! first off i assume you have never been to one, otherwise you really would think before you would speak, and with such a bold statement to say they are a scam i would LOVE to hear your uneducated argument to why they are quacks

    Here is even a better site: - I urge you to take a close look at this site.

    Chiropractics is based on subluxations. Go do some research on it. The whole profession is based on junk science. Chiropractic schools teach fundamental science that is wrong. You cant treat for something that doesn’t exist.

    Someone may feel better after any type of placebo treatment, doesn't mean it was actually effective. I think that whatever they do that is helpful can also be done by a physical therapist and at least a physical therapist won't give you a stroke. The is a reason almost the entire medical profession (real doctors) look down on chiropractics (possibly because the people who practice traditional, evidence-based medicine don't like when non-traditional medicine takes their patients and hurts them more).

    I think it boils down to a profession that should have been discarded in the 19th century. It's witch doctoring. You can't go this long without having any evidence supporting your profession. All the evidence is contrary. It doesn't work, they can't prove it works, it's fraud.

    All I can say is that its efficacy hasn't been proven through clinical trials. The evidence for chiropractic is very bare.

    With that said, do I think chiropractics has its place? Of course, much like Chinese medicine and acupuncture. It may 'work' for some, but I think I will stick to traditional proven medicine.

    And yes, I have been to many chiropractors.
    Last edited by newbrew; 05-16-2005 at 09:05 PM.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by newbrew
    Here is even a better site: - I urge you to take a close look at this site.

    Chiropractics is based on subluxations. Go do some research on it. The whole profession is based on junk science. Chiropractic schools teach fundamental science that is wrong. You cant treat for something that doesn’t exist.

    Someone may feel better after any type of placebo treatment, doesn't mean it was actually effective. I think that whatever they do that is helpful can also be done by a physical therapist and at least a physical therapist won't give you a stroke. The is a reason almost the entire medical profession (real doctors) look down on chiropractics (possibly because the people who practice traditional, evidence-based medicine don't like when non-traditional medicine takes their patients and hurts them more).

    I think it boils down to a profession that should have been discarded in the 19th century. It's witch doctoring. You can't go this long without having any evidence supporting your profession. All the evidence is contrary. It doesn't work, they can't prove it works, it's fraud.

    All I can say is that its efficacy hasn't been proven through clinical trials. The evidence for chiropractic is very bare.

    With that said, do I think chiropractics has its place? Of course, much like Chinese medicine and acupuncture. It may 'work' for some, but I think I will stick to traditional proven medicine.

    And yes, I have been to many chiropractors.
    You say that it is not proven that chiro works, well I am your proof. Along with tons of elite athlethes that actually travel with a full time chiropractors. Why would they do this if it is not working?
    Yes Chiro won't work on everyone, but that is probably cause the problem lies somewhere else. You are confused my man, I believe doctors and physical therapist look down on chiropractors cause they don't understand it, and also it takes bussiness away from them. To say that chiropractors are a scam is total B.S. Also that website has so many false statements it is not even funny.

  14. #14
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    well they somehow scammed there way into being able to use your med insurance for them...thats a bit hard to do for a scammer'd

  15. #15
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    oh yah...they are covered by med insurance

  16. #16
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    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    and as for the question, yes chiro, can work, i leveled my lumbar spine deadlifting as a teenager, i couldn't walk for over a week, i went to an orthopedic, he gave me pain killers, all they did was make me spacey, and i was still in pain. another week went by and i was worse, radiating sharp pains down my rt. leg, couldn't lift, couldn't drive, i decided to go to the chiro, even though my family who was more medically biased disaproved. one week leter i felt 90% better and 3 weeks later i was back to normal. now not every case is the same, and an x-ray will show you shit, it doesn't show the intervertebral discs o rspinal nerves,you need an mri for that. what will happen is the chiro will treat you with manipulation and physical therapy first, if you dont improve in 6- 8 weeks , time for an mri, and if needed he will refer you out to an orthopod, neurosurgeon, if necessary, but i doubt that will be the case. consevative care is best at first, you don't want to opt for a surgery or radical pain teatment first. and yes chiro is included in most major medical innsurance companies,
    Last edited by Doc.Sust; 05-16-2005 at 01:46 PM.

  17. #17
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    ok thanks guys, ill have to go see one then...

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainDominate
    ok thanks guys, ill have to go see one then...
    hey captain!! after you see the chiro. send me a personal message and tell me what the diagnosis is. i may be able to assist in helping you out.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    ok, im just gonna double check if my med insurance covers it then ill try to get to one soon, then ill pm you....

  20. #20
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    If you can get an mri. do that x-ray will only show bone damage. you need to find out what kind of muscle damage,if any you have. Find achiro who specialises in ART(active release techniques)it's along the lines of a deep muscle massage.My chiro. happens to have been Dorian Yeates chiro, Ihighly reccomend this it has helped when nothig eles has

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainDominate
    i fuked my back up doin deads 9 months ago
    Some insurance covers it, some have conditions, check with your provider.

    I believe very strongly in chiropractors, I've had several chiropractors who have helped me immensely with back problems over the years. But from my experience there are good docs and bad docs. The bad ones are the ones who just try to take your money and I think that's part of what give chiropractors a bad rap. The other thing is that really they're just cracking your back. Sure they are skilled at manipulation and can do wonderful things but people downplay chiros because ultimately they're still just cracking your back. But sometimes that's the ONLY way I can get adjusted and feel better.

    Now I don't really need chiros anymore because I've been lifting and building my back to be pretty strong. Now I think my spine stays in place because I have a good base of muscle to hold it there.

    I also hurt my lower back doing deadlifts a couple years ago. The chiro helped but it would still slip out once in a while. What I did then was build up my lower back slowly and carefully using just body weight on a 45 degree hyperextension. I actually bought one just so that I could train lower back at home. Then I worked up to holding some weight while doing hyperextensions. Then I worked up to doing rack pulls on the deadlift and have gone up to 365 X 3. My lower back is pretty strong and solid now and I haven't had any more trouble with my spine....

    So, based on my personal experience I would recommend that you avoid the heavy back work and try just body weight hyperextensions to build a strong base and then work your weights up on the dead and squat gradually. Maybe try rack pull deads to really focus on the lower back... Build a good base and then you can hit it hard again, but give it time - it took me a year to build good strength in my lower back since I had to baby it.

  22. #22
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    IMO they are quacks who are a crutch for weak-minded PPL...Pain what fvckin pain!!

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by KINGKONG
    IMO they are quacks who are a crutch for weak-minded PPL...Pain what fvckin pain!!
    dumb, dumb dumb comment!unbelievable, obvuiously, you never had a problem with you low back or you would be chirping a different tune

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
    dumb, dumb dumb comment!unbelievable, obvuiously, you never had a problem with you low back or you would be chirping a different tune
    Doc your not a real doc are you I mean an MD...Every MD Ive ever talked to thinks chiropractors are bullsh!t artist.Ive been to several and thats my opinion too...PPL are entitled to their opinion's and mine is the way it is..I have friends that swear by them, but the only thing a chiro has done for my pain is popped it away for twenty minutes and asked if I'd like to sue the PPL that hit me for all these problems I now have for the rest of my life(that arn't really there)Like I said you have your opinion and I'll have mine..

  25. #25
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    i am a physician, and yes i believe in chiro. did you know that less than 50% of people with back pain who under go surgery for chronic back pain improve? modern medicine is not always the only answer, chiropractic definately has it's place, along with physical therapy, Physiatry and acupuncture as well as massage therapy. as a competitive powerlifter i couldn't survive without all the above. pain killers can only do so much, vicodin,motrin, or any pain reliever can only do so much. it may make the pain less but not fix the problem. if you have lets say a lumbar sprain/strain, all the pain pills in the world won't fix the problem. the problem is spasticity in the muscles due to a macro, or minor trauma. at this point conservative care is your option, ice, rest, stretching, chiro, masage, acupuncture. every major sports team including all the nfl,nba, majorleague baseball and the olympics, use chiropractic, massage and Physical therapists. why? because they do whatever it takes for the athletes perform the best and these are the most elite athletes on the planet! if it was such a scam, would all these organizations have had the wool pulled over there eyes and are being scamed? no, i don't think. you certainly are entitled to your own opinion, all i say is open your mind, and don't take the word of others, if you have a first hand experience and decided this on yourself, i could respect that. but don't take the word of others,wether they are MD's DO's,DC'S or PT's. we all don't agree and i don't agree with your statement. there are many different physicians on both sides of the fence.
    Last edited by Doc.Sust; 05-17-2005 at 05:20 PM.

  26. #26
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    Bro...don't listen to MD's.....i have two in my family...and believe me...they know very little outside of their specialty.

    If you think the AMA is a reputable are as green and you as your post indicates. MD's are trained, bought and sold by the DRUG INDUSTRY. They are TRAINED from the GET GO to presribe medication for every aliment.

    Now....why is this?

    BECAUSE my young friend....THERE IS ALOT OF MONEY in DOPE.

    BTW....MD's have killed way more people than Chiro's. Sorry if it didn't work for you... but remember that Back surgery has only 50% success rate....that should tell you something.

    PS...have you looked at your Doctor lately? Most MD's i've seen look like Shit!

    Did you know that the average physician usually die's in his 60's?

    Not sure i want to listen to a group who's as unhealthy as physicians are.

    Quote Originally Posted by KINGKONG View Post
    Doc your not a real doc are you I mean an MD...Every MD Ive ever talked to thinks chiropractors are bullsh!t artist.Ive been to several and thats my opinion too...PPL are entitled to their opinion's and mine is the way it is..I have friends that swear by them, but the only thing a chiro has done for my pain is popped it away for twenty minutes and asked if I'd like to sue the PPL that hit me for all these problems I now have for the rest of my life(that arn't really there)Like I said you have your opinion and I'll have mine..
    Last edited by tcw; 12-09-2008 at 06:24 AM.

  27. #27
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    Just last week my son had what I assumed was a strained muscle in his middle back. He had thrown 91 pitches the day before and when he woke up he couldn't move. I took him to the doctor who gave him Motrin and a muscle relaxer. A couple hours later his coach called and offered to pay if we would take my son to his (the coaches) chiropractor. We got him in that day and the doc popped his back, then had him lay on his back and popped his shoulder. By the time we walked out of the office, my son was 90% better and had no pain within two hours.

    Placebo? Who gives a shit? He went from almost immovable to fine in a period of 1 hour.

  28. #28
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    way to ressurect a 3 year old thread.

  29. #29
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    how did you even find this?? were you like 5,000 pages deep??

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    why would you answer a question that was asked 3 years ago? dont you think they got there answer?
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  31. #31
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    I think this thread that is relavent to just about EVERYONE on the INJURY forum....especially this present DAY!

    I'm suffering from backpain right now....and quite frankly there are very few post regarding chiropractic care. I did a search and found only half dozen post....with this one being the most informative.

    thanks for bringing it to the top.

    PS. i NOTICE a lot of BS posts THAT aren't even worthy of a CLICK that are YEARS old....!!!

    ...and a lot of you guys keep pushing them to the top....more over a lot of you guys are putting your two cents in on those post (sigh) :-(

    Why harp on this guy for bringing something that is RELEVENT to all Athletes?

    Got too much time on your hands kiddies?

    Quote Originally Posted by PT View Post
    why would you answer a question that was asked 3 years ago? dont you think they got there answer?

  32. #32
    I agree....this post was excellant response to the question of chiropractic care. I'm seeing a chiro right now for a back injury too...and hoping for good results. My MD wants to operate or just give out MEDs to mask the problem.

    Thanks for finding this One!

    BTW....Rampage. You might wanna check into getting some Chiro Insurance for yourself. Wanderlei Silva has already whipped your Arse twice...and i don't think he's gonna be in a good mood when he see's you again. He doesn't really Care for Wise Asses from the States.

    Quote Originally Posted by T_Own View Post
    how did you even find this?? were you like 5,000 pages deep??
    Last edited by George Dubya; 12-11-2008 at 06:02 AM.

  33. #33
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    Doc.Sust sorry to tell you that chiro didnt to squat for me either, they jerked me around and i went to see 2 of them with over 35 years practice.

    That is what scary about them, they never want to let you go, adjustments 3 times per week for a year that is not normal, my back was getting worst due to ligament laxity. this is the best site ever and sadly expose many of the chiroprators has being worthless.

    After my adjustment i felt great for 2 days then the pain came back, i brought them articles on prolotherapy, spineforce machine, pulse signal therapy, sport medecine and more and they all turn that down saying it was crap and that chiro was all i needed.

    I ended up spending more then 2000$ in a year and a half blown away.

    The last chiro i saw would not send me for an MRI , now i know Doc.Sust that you do have a different method of treating people and you are not a jackass like the ones i saw but still subluxation comes from bad posture, and there are other reasons, its good to remove them but if you never get to the root of the problem you will never fix the pain.

    My MRI showed 2 discopathy L4L5 L5S1 the chiro said it was normal for a 35 year old man to have theses.

    When i went to the private clinic they told me it was not and chiro was not doing anything to improve this because each time i was getting pelvic adjustments my lower back was compressing even more.

    After 2 months of prolotherapy around 8 treatments, some good streching i am happy to say that my pelvic has stayed aligned. I just finished a 12 straight day of pulse signal therapy and i feel even better.

    Most of the time if the pain is not coming from the disc its lax ligaments and chiropratic cannot fix that.

    What i hate about chiros is they really get defensive when you say chiro doesnt work and always have excuses when they fail, or a good reason to make you beleive they can cure you.

    I have seen 6 chiros up to date, 1 of them graduated in 2002 with the latest techics, posture machines and more, they make you feel like if you dont get your adjustments its the end of the world, and if you miss one session they make you feel bad has if you are going to die if you dont get the adjustments.

    They discourage you to go elsewhere, i mean what kind of professional after a year still wants you to come back. is also real, chiropratic has been proven many times to relieve pain but never cure it.

    After finding the rebuildyourback website i bought the program 20$ donation and its just great my back felt better the very first day i started decompressing it. I also bought an inversion table, a lumbar extender and a posture pump, of course its not 100% but getting very close.

    If you have back pain rebuild yourback website is the best place to start for real information.
    Last edited by yannick35; 12-11-2008 at 09:07 AM.

  34. #34
    What kind of doctor is Doc Sust?

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrokenBricks View Post
    What kind of doctor is Doc Sust?
    He is a chiropractor from what i have seen he seems legit, he will send is patience for an MRI if he is not sure what the problem is, and is opened to other professions.

    Maybe if i would have seen him he would have refered me to someone else instead of wasting a year and a half of my life on 2 other chiros that sucked.

  36. #36
    I doubt he is a chiropractor. It is wildly inappropriate to call oneself a physician without an M.D. or D.O. degree.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrokenBricks View Post
    I doubt he is a chiropractor. It is wildly inappropriate to call oneself a physician without an M.D. or D.O. degree.
    No he is....

  38. #38
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    Where is the self-accoutability? I mean you have to admit that after a year and a half you would think maybe you should check into some other form of care? Man you should have looked in the mirror, no offense. Not even 5-6 years ago MD's were still questioning wether or not vitamins work. Some still think TUMS is a viable source of calcium(calcium carbonate). MD's are completely moronic as far as general health. Why? Where is their money? If their profession was so science and evidence based why do they not understand simple nutrition? Why is it they think muscle relaxers cure back pain? Ask at your next visit how to strengthen the psoas muscle and see if their reaction is to seek PT. I have great respect for DC(doctor of chiro) and none for a group of MD's who only hate because their very own profession NEGLECTS prevention. Meds are band aids, when is the general public going to figure this out? MD and DC have their place, but this quack watch shit should be turned on the Medical profession who is absolutely a major threat to society, pushing pills like candy. Oh and PS, my two best friends are an MD and a neurologist. The Neuro who is hands down more educated and respected and firmly believes in chiropractors. Meanwhile the MD says he doesnt see the benefit, go figure. Long post, but sick and tired of people who saythey went 3x/week for a year, damn man, own up...

  39. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by towtheline View Post
    Where is the self-accoutability? I mean you have to admit that after a year and a half you would think maybe you should check into some other form of care? Man you should have looked in the mirror, no offense. Not even 5-6 years ago MD's were still questioning wether or not vitamins work. Some still think TUMS is a viable source of calcium(calcium carbonate). MD's are completely moronic as far as general health. Why? Where is their money? If their profession was so science and evidence based why do they not understand simple nutrition? Why is it they think muscle relaxers cure back pain? Ask at your next visit how to strengthen the psoas muscle and see if their reaction is to seek PT. I have great respect for DC(doctor of chiro) and none for a group of MD's who only hate because their very own profession NEGLECTS prevention. Meds are band aids, when is the general public going to figure this out? MD and DC have their place, but this quack watch shit should be turned on the Medical profession who is absolutely a major threat to society, pushing pills like candy. Oh and PS, my two best friends are an MD and a neurologist. The Neuro who is hands down more educated and respected and firmly believes in chiropractors. Meanwhile the MD says he doesnt see the benefit, go figure. Long post, but sick and tired of people who saythey went 3x/week for a year, damn man, own up...
    There are very high quality study showing that supplementing vitamin intake above certain thresholds has no discernible benefit. MDs are very aware of medical conditions caused by deficiency of certain vitamins. Yet taking extra vitamins beyond normal can cause more problems.

    Medical Doctors attempt prevention constantly. Some prevention is based on taking a medicine. Some is educational. Understand that unless someone has a strong personal motivation to change it is unlikely they will change behaviors which are unhealthy.

  40. #40
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    The sad truth of the Matter is....MD's are controlled by the Drug Co's. Right from get go. Drug companies produce the literature they study and sponsor the text books they take exams from. If Dr's were so smart...their average age would be higher than the median sample. Turns out...that most MD's HAVE horrible health conditions and live a short life.

    After being thoroughly brainwashed in Med School....follow his up with 1-5 yrs of internship where the Dr's are literally "hazed" into following the standard protocol for 99 percent of ailments and maladies.

    After residency, the brainwashing continues with the pharmaceutical co's pushing the latest dope. They hire the Hottest babes with half a brain (as 99% of Dr's are Male) and sucker the Drs into prescribing the latest patented Meds...insuring greater profits for the Drug co's.

    Follow the buck and you will see where Dr's are most influenced.

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