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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Happiness Land


    **YOU MUST BE AT 10% Bodyfat BEFORE cycle!**
    Yes, you heard it right-10% MINIMUM--the lower the better. By having a low bodyfat percentage BEFORE you begin your cycle, you can "AFFORD FAT"--this will enable you to consume as many calories as possible, without worrying about gaining fat.(as you can afford it, so long as you are eating clean) When you are 12%BF+, you can NOT afford FAT--and you certainly can not expect to eat a huge calorie surplus and not reach increasingly higher levels of Bodyfat. YOU WILL, and rather than let your BF levels get so high that when you finally decide to cut you lose 25% MUSCLE MASS, just MANAGE your Bodyfat so that BEFORE YOU even start your cycle, you are at least below 10%.. This way, you can EAT EAT EAT EAT EAT--and then worry about MILD cutting later. Another reason that beginning cycle with a low bf% is ciritcal, is also because of PCT....

    **PCT means EAT EAT EAT!**
    During PCT (just like during a BULK), you will be consuming as many calories as possible, in order to maintain your newly aquired muscle mass. During this time, you will also gain addidtional bodyfat. NOW remember, because you started out LOW BF%, all of the fat you have aquired while bulking and during pct is only going to put you in the 12-13%: with only a few weeks of dieting, this small amount of fat can be cut. After waiting about 10 weeks, to fully recover(6-8 weeks if using non-aromatizing low androgenic steroids) you are ready to cut....

    ***TIME TO CUT!!***
    Now you have BULKED, completed your PCT, maintained nearly all of your muscle mass gains from your bulking cycle, and now you have some additional fat--NOT MUCH, but your six pack has turned into a decent 4 pack.. During this next 4-6week period, caloric intake is reduced, steroid aministration begins, and one starts to shed excess bodyfat. After only a 4-6 week period, one has ONCE AGAIN, reduced their bodyfat levels to at least 10%-(I have to get down to 5%) and one can start to BULK all over again!

    I have named this BULK/PCT/CUT/BULK/PCT/CUT the "PUNCTUATED CYCLE". This is what I do as a Fitness model. It is NOT for everyone and everyone will not be able to do this. However, it is by far the most effective means to making consistent and progressive gains.

    Last edited by Pump A Holic; 08-16-2005 at 04:58 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Darmstadt, Germany
    that might be appropiate for a fitness model, but not for a bodybuilder

  3. #3
    I pretty much agree and follow the same sort of approach myself i will keep boyfat at about 8-12% all year except when competing.

    Some fat and water can be helpful but too much is a hinderance the body grows best when in around 10-12% BF, also body fat contains a high amount of estrogen receptors so a little diet after a heavy bulking cycle is always reccomended IMO. You cannot be constantly bulking all the time, you have to diet down to shock your body into new growth when you start eating a lot of calories again.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Happiness Land
    Quote Originally Posted by j martini
    I pretty much agree and follow the same sort of approach myself i will keep boyfat at about 8-12% all year except when competing.

    Some fat and water can be helpful but too much is a hinderance the body grows best when in around 10-12% BF, also body fat contains a high amount of estrogen receptors so a little diet after a heavy bulking cycle is always reccomended IMO. You cannot be constantly bulking all the time, you have to diet down to shock your body into new growth when you start eating a lot of calories again.
    Well said my man.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Happiness Land
    AGREED--but not totally...

    What are the stats of a "bodybulder"?

    I am 5''10, 208lbs, 6%BF. I think I qualify as a bodybuilder and this method works great for me. It just requires SERIOUS dedication and a NON-ACCPETANCE of high bodyfat levls. Most guys accept 12%--I can not, and no one should. IMO.

    But of course, everyone is differemt.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Darmstadt, Germany
    Quote Originally Posted by Pump A Holic
    AGREED--but not totally...

    What are the stats of a "bodybulder"?

    I am 5''10, 208lbs, 6%BF. I think I qualify as a bodybuilder and this method works great for me. It just requires SERIOUS dedication and a NON-ACCPETANCE of high bodyfat levls. Most guys accept 12%--I can not, and no one should. IMO.

    But of course, everyone is differemt.

    the thing is that u have to look ripped all year long. bodybuilder don t have to. and it s no secret that u build more muscle mass with a higher, not excessive, calorie surplus. so while anything up to 15% bf (even higher, depending on the person)might be ok for us, for a fitness modell it s not ok.
    that s the big difference.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    95% of the people here are 10% bf or higher guaranteed. I like my look at 12% and enjoy the added muescle gain from the juice. I will eventually get to single digits but not until i hit a serious cutting cycle or just over time as continue dieting. Every test cycle i have done i have remnained the same weight almost to the lb yet still gain lean muscle and drop bf every cycle . I take in all the calories i need but they are clean so i dont add any fat if anything i drop fat for sure.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Happiness Land
    Quote Originally Posted by Deezuhl
    95% of the people here are 10% bf or higher guaranteed. I like my look at 12% and enjoy the added muescle gain from the juice. I will eventually get to single digits but not until i hit a serious cutting cycle or just over time as continue dieting. Every test cycle i have done i have remnained the same weight almost to the lb yet still gain lean muscle and drop bf every cycle . I take in all the calories i need but they are clean so i dont add any fat if anything i drop fat for sure.
    Next cycle, try to get to 10% before you start. Then BULK, then PCT, then CUT, then you can bulk all over again.
    See how it works out.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Happiness Land
    Quote Originally Posted by ***xxx***
    the thing is that u have to look ripped all year long. bodybuilder don t have to. and it s no secret that u build more muscle mass with a higher, not excessive, calorie surplus. so while anything up to 15% bf (even higher, depending on the person)might be ok for us, for a fitness modell it s not ok.
    that s the big difference.
    We do have to look ripped--but we don't ALWAYS look ripped. For us, 10% IS the limit. Bodybuilders don't NEED fat--it is simply a matter of standards. Give ita shot my way--I think you will be impressed by your new look.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Sea-town (upper left USA)
    It's good but not the ultimate bulker obviously. Let's face it, pro BBs use the best stuff. That's GH, IGF1, AAS, insulin, etc. You can bulk and lose fat with these combos. That's building high quality muscle while decreasing bf%. We're talking freaky lbm gains in a much shorter time period. GH and IGF1 also improve skin thickness and quality while healing and preventing injuries. If I were a fitness model, I would be on GH + AAS for sure. These are lasting gains because you alter your genetics via muscle cell division (IGF1). Giantism is not possible unless you're shooting 10ius+/day and that would not be cheap. So the risk of acromegaly is not a factor if you're taking 2-4ius/day. You just become a healthier person, simple.

    I prefer programs like pumps here, thanks. This is really my focus now, just looking good and feeling good. I don't care about strength and size anymore. I care about quality gains from now on.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Happiness Land
    Quote Originally Posted by Seattle Junk
    It's good but not the ultimate bulker obviously. Let's face it, pro BBs use the best stuff. That's GH, IGF1, AAS, insulin, etc. You can bulk and lose fat with these combos. That's building high quality muscle while decreasing bf%. We're talking freaky lbm gains in a much shorter time period. GH and IGF1 also improve skin thickness and quality while healing and preventing injuries. If I were a fitness model, I would be on GH + AAS for sure. These are lasting gains because you alter your genetics via muscle cell division (IGF1). Giantism is not possible unless you're shooting 10ius+/day and that would not be cheap. So the risk of acromegaly is not a factor if you're taking 2-4ius/day. You just become a healthier person, simple.

    I prefer programs like pumps here, thanks. This is really my focus now, just looking good and feeling good. I don't care about strength and size anymore. I care about quality gains from now on.
    No problem man--I enjoyed writing that little peiece--got it off my chest!

    Quality over quantity for sure.

    As for GH and IGF-1....not for me.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Happiness Land
    I also can not stress enough--you don't wanna end up losing muscle when you CUT!

    If your bodyfat levels get too high, you will have no choice but to sacrifice some muscle during your cutting period..

    Rather, if you MANAGE your bodyfat levels, so that before you even bulk you are 10%, when it comes time to cut, it will be as easy as pie.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Pump A Holic
    I also can not stress enough--you don't wanna end up losing muscle when you CUT!

    If your bodyfat levels get too high, you will have no choice but to sacrifice some muscle during your cutting period..

    Rather, if you MANAGE your bodyfat levels, so that before you even bulk you are 10%, when it comes time to cut, it will be as easy as pie.
    losing muscle while you cut isn't the same as not gaining near enouph muscle when you bulk??? if you gain 5 lbs bulking and lose none cutting and i gain 15lbs bulking and lose half cutting who is ahead?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by smiler
    losing muscle while you cut isn't the same as not gaining near enouph muscle when you bulk??? if you gain 5 lbs bulking and lose none cutting and i gain 15lbs bulking and lose half cutting who is ahead?
    ofcourse i am talking muscle weight

  15. #15
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    Happiness Land
    Quote Originally Posted by smiler
    losing muscle while you cut isn't the same as not gaining near enouph muscle when you bulk??? if you gain 5 lbs bulking and lose none cutting and i gain 15lbs bulking and lose half cutting who is ahead?

    Where are you getting this info? READ MY POST ENTIRELY. I think you have some misconceptions...

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Pump A Holic

    Where are you getting this info? READ MY POST ENTIRELY. I think you have some misconceptions...
    not to bust balls but thats not my idea of a bulking cycle.. some test and tren int here and now were talking. granted your physique is much better than mine but you read my history. i started at 26% 15months ago. in time i'll get to single digits when i really wanna cut. i doubt i'll see 6% ever again. not sure i wanna diet that hard to get there either.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deezuhl
    not to bust balls but thats not my idea of a bulking cycle.. some test and tren int here and now were talking. granted your physique is much better than mine but you read my history. i started at 26% 15months ago. in time i'll get to single digits when i really wanna cut. i doubt i'll see 6% ever again. not sure i wanna diet that hard to get there either.
    GRANTED--a more effective bulking cycle should include some stronger androgens. HOWEVER, I am a fitness model and can not use ANY aromatizing or highly androgenic steroids. For those concerned first and foremost with safety, the cycles I outline are great.

  18. #18
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    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Pump A Holic

    Where are you getting this info? READ MY POST ENTIRELY. I think you have some misconceptions...
    my example was simply example i used those numbers to make a then you said you gain 20lbs min. on a cycle and keep almost all of your gains and you are 208lbs...hmmm so did you start at 160 3 cycles ago or are you simply full of it??

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Your mom's
    don't take this to heart, but if i looked like you i'd kill myself! everyone is different. my 265lbs at 10%bf looks better to me in my opinion than your ?180?lbs of 6%. let's not be so authoritative...

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigbouncinballs
    don't take this to heart, but if i looked like you i'd kill myself! everyone is different. my 265lbs at 10%bf looks better to me in my opinion than your ?180?lbs of 6%. let's not be so authoritative...
    I am 5''10, 208lbs , 6% BF. WHERE DID YOU GET 180? ARE YOU NUTS? LOL...

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    city of brotherly love
    Quote Originally Posted by bigbouncinballs
    don't take this to heart, but if i looked like you i'd kill myself! everyone is different. my 265lbs at 10%bf looks better to me in my opinion than your ?180?lbs of 6%. let's not be so authoritative...
    Im with you on this one,I love the way people turn and look at me or stop what they are doing when i walk in a room...6'2" 290...even in a winter coat you can tell what i do in my spare time....the fitness model look is good if you are on a beach every day of the yr....hell,forget that.I even look good on the beach....and at my size i still feel small..i have reverse anorexia

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by DEVLDOG
    Im with you on this one,I love the way people turn and look at me or stop what they are doing when i walk in a room...6'2" 290...even in a winter coat you can tell what i do in my spare time....the fitness model look is good if you are on a beach every day of the yr....hell,forget that.I even look good on the beach....and at my size i still feel small..i have reverse anorexia
    you would be surprised how many people on here have reverse anorexia or develop it later on..

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Pump A Holic
    **YOU MUST BE AT 10% Bodyfat BEFORE cycle!**
    Yes, you heard it right-10% MINIMUM--the lower the better. By having a low bodyfat percentage BEFORE you begin your cycle, you can "AFFORD FAT"--this will enable you to consume as many calories as possible, without worrying about gaining fat.(as you can afford it, so long as you are eating clean) When you are 12%BF+, you can NOT afford FAT--and you certainly can not expect to eat a huge calorie surplus and not reach increasingly higher levels of Bodyfat. YOU WILL, and rather than let your BF levels get so high that when you finally decide to cut you lose 25% MUSCLE MASS, just MANAGE your Bodyfat so that BEFORE YOU even start your cycle, you are at least below 10%.. This way, you can EAT EAT EAT EAT EAT--and then worry about MILD cutting later. Another reason that beginning cycle with a low bf% is ciritcal, is also because of PCT....

    **PCT means EAT EAT EAT!**
    During PCT (just like during a BULK), you will be consuming as many calories as possible, in order to maintain your newly aquired muscle mass. During this time, you will also gain addidtional bodyfat. NOW remember, because you started out LOW BF%, all of the fat you have aquired while bulking and during pct is only going to put you in the 12-13%: with only a few weeks of dieting, this small amount of fat can be cut. After waiting about 10 weeks, to fully recover(6-8 weeks if using non-aromatizing low androgenic steroids) you are ready to cut....

    ***TIME TO CUT!!***
    Now you have BULKED, completed your PCT, maintained nearly all of your muscle mass gains from your bulking cycle, and now you have some additional fat--NOT MUCH, but your six pack has turned into a decent 4 pack.. During this next 4-6week period, caloric intake is reduced, steroid aministration begins, and one starts to shed excess bodyfat. After only a 4-6 week period, one has ONCE AGAIN, reduced their bodyfat levels to at least 10%-(I have to get down to 5%) and one can start to BULK all over again!

    I have named this BULK/PCT/CUT/BULK/PCT/CUT the "PUNCTUATED CYCLE". This is what I do as a Fitness model. It is NOT for everyone and everyone will not be able to do this. However, it is by far the most effective means to making consistent and progressive gains.



    Your PM is off. Do you dislike PMs or is it off my mistake?

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    Happiness Land
    Quote Originally Posted by Knight1811

    Your PM is off. Do you dislike PMs or is it off my mistake?
    Something appears to be wrong with my PMS...

    Pleaqse mail me at: [email protected]

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Happiness Land
    For those who wanna be 300lb may wanna try some harder shit! (Tren, test, Drol, dbol, decca)

    Those of us who seek to be the object of admiration for BOTH men and women, need to have low bodyfat levels, and can not have Gyno,Acne, or a bald head! For guys like us, they have EQ, Primo, Var, and TBOL.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Your mom's
    Quote Originally Posted by Pump A Holic
    For those who wanna be 300lb may wanna try some harder shit! (Tren, test, Drol, dbol, decca)

    Those of us who seek to be the object of admiration for BOTH men and women, need to have low bodyfat levels, and can not have Gyno,Acne, or a bald head! For guys like us, they have EQ, Primo, Var, and TBOL.
    we better clear out some space in here for your head! once again, you are not an object of admiration. if i saw your 13inch arms in the gym attatched to that ego i'd laugh myself off the bench.
    you're a skinny kid that stays lean. congratulations. i, and many others on here, admire those that tip the scales and still manage to stay on the lean side.

  27. #27
    a lot of animosity. you kids on a low carb diet or somethin?

    although pump, what works for you doesnt always work for everyone else.. keep that in mind.. you seem pretty content with your ideas being what Everyone should do.. not always the case. but good info either way.
    Last edited by IBdmfkr; 08-16-2005 at 08:06 PM.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Pump A Holic
    For those who wanna be 300lb may wanna try some harder shit! (Tren, test, Drol, dbol, decca)

    Those of us who seek to be the object of admiration for BOTH men and women, need to have low bodyfat levels, and can not have Gyno,Acne, or a bald head! For guys like us, they have EQ, Primo, Var, and TBOL.

    What?!? harder shit??--->> deca? dbol?? Tren, drol i agree... but the others are MILD aas. Test being the middle ground, with its conversion to DHT and all....

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    nice info!

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    What ever happened to good old fashioned bigness. When corpulence was a sign of wealth. I mean being ripped all the time is fine, but for those of us (my hand is up) that genetically are not predisposed to have lower bodyfat, those of us (hand is still up) who have a larger bone structure, this would never work. What happened to just being strong, who cares about look; its all about the weight on the bar, type of mindset? Sorry to rant, but thats just how I feel.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    May 2005
    in your girls panties
    5"10 is pretty short for a fitness model. I thought you can't be any shorter then 6"2.

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Low body fat is for Highschoolers!!

    Been there and dont like the look!

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by TheChosenOne
    Low body fat is for Highschoolers!!

    Been there and dont like the look!

    Thank You. . .

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Happiness Land
    We ALL bodybuild for different reasons.

    Some of us to attract women, some of us to be earn respect from fellow men, others to just be STRONG(algthough this is NOT bodybuilding--it is powerlifting/weightlifting)

    For those of us that are bodybuilding for HOW IT LOOKS--and admire beautiful bodies like Arnold's, Zane's, and Columbo's, having LOW BODYFAT is ESSENTIAL..

    FACT is extremely difficult to achieve low bodyfat levels while simultaneously maintaining vast size. This turns people off. However, it is possible, and with the proper education and dedication--it can be done.

    If you are bodybuilding for SHEER size--I suppose bodyfat is irrelevant.

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Pump A Holic

    If you are bodybuilding for SHEER size--I suppose bodyfat is irrelevant.
    Yeah, just ask Ronnie Coleman if being 300lb at 5%bf if this is true.

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    chill brother, we are just coming from the other side. letting you know that there is more to life then low BF.

  37. #37
    Join Date
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    in your girls panties
    Quote Originally Posted by Liftgod84
    chill brother, we are just coming from the other side. letting you know that there is more to life then low BF.
    Do you have any other pics "Pump a Holic" since you are a fitness model? I'm sure you have a collection. So let's see what 6% bodyfat looks like on a 208 frame .

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Happiness Land
    Quote Originally Posted by smak dat puzz
    Do you have any other pics "Pump a Holic" since you are a fitness model? I'm sure you have a collection. So let's see what 6% bodyfat looks like on a 208 frame .
    here are some from 2 months ago..
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  39. #39
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Happiness Land
    Quote Originally Posted by Liftgod84
    chill brother, we are just coming from the other side. letting you know that there is more to life then low BF.
    More to LIFE than LOW BODYFAT???

    Like WHAT?!?


  40. #40
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Pump A Holic
    More to LIFE than LOW BODYFAT???

    Like WHAT?!?

    coin collecting, stamp collecting, ooohhh ooohhh you should see my bottle cap collection, foreign movies, long walks on the beach, sunsets, a good dinner, if you can think of anything else, please let me know.

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