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Thread: prop/test/deca stack

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    prop/test/deca stack

    Test E: 300mg/ml
    Test P: 100mg/ml
    Deca : 300mg/ml

    Pct: clomid/novla

    Week 1-4 Test P 100mg/eod
    Test E 200mg/eod
    deca 160mg/eod

    everything is eod for 4 weeks to reduce injections.

    week 5-12 is mon/thurs

    week 5-12 Test E 600mg/wk
    week 5-10 deca 500mg/wk

    Pct: clomid/novla 3 weeks after last injection.

    Novla on hand to be ran during the cyc.

    *note i dont retain lots of water*<-- lean muscle gains (my body)

    Any advice, or restructure is welcome. Help me out guys.

    Last edited by GetHugeDieTrying; 11-03-2005 at 02:05 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by GetHugeDieTrying
    Test E: 300mg/ml
    Test P: 100mg/ml
    Deca : 300mg/ml

    Pct: clomid/novla

    Week 1-4 Test P 100mg/eod
    Test E 200mg/eod
    deca 160mg/eod

    week 5-12 Test E 600mg/wk
    week 5-10 deca 500mg/wk

    Pct: clomid/novla 3 weeks after last injection.

    Novla on hand to be ran during the cyc.

    *note i dont retain lots of water*<-- lean muscle gains (my body)

    Any advice, or restructure is welcome. Help me out guys.

    Do not increase your dosages. Keep them constant.

    wk 1-12 500mg/wk Test Enan
    wk 1-12 400mg/wk Deca
    wk 1-4 75-100mg/wk Prop ED

    Nolva on hand. 200mg/ED Vit-B6 needs to be included to prevent any prolactin issues.

    Prop could also be used in the final 6 weeks to harden any gains.

    Remember to match PCT times up correctly when using Test/Deca

    Lastly, it may be a thought to extend the cycle to 14 weeks as Deca is active in the blood only after 6-8 weeks.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    Do not increase your dosages. Keep them constant.

    wk 1-12 500mg/wk Test Enan
    wk 1-12 400mg/wk Deca
    wk 1-4 75-100mg/wk Prop ED

    Nolva on hand. 200mg/ED Vit-B6 needs to be included to prevent any prolactin issues.

    Prop could also be used in the final 6 weeks to harden any gains.

    Remember to match PCT times up correctly when using Test/Deca

    Lastly, it may be a thought to extend the cycle to 14 weeks as Deca is active in the blood only after 6-8 weeks.
    i didnt increase dosages, i split them between the 3 eod prop shots to reduce injections in the first 4 weeks, please read my stuff correctly.

    vit b6 - injectable or pill.
    whats prolactin issuses.
    i will run longer cycle (16+weeks) as deca gets better after week 12.
    what would be correct pct times.



  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by GetHugeDieTrying
    i didnt increase dosages, i split them between the 3 eod prop shots to reduce injections in the first 4 weeks, please read my stuff correctly.

    vit b6 - injectable or pill.
    whats prolactin issuses.
    i will run longer cycle (16+weeks) as deca gets better after week 12.
    what would be correct pct times.


    Injectable Vit-B6 would be perfect, but tablets taken orally will suffice. A larger dose should be used than 200mg/ED if taken orally as this amount will not be absorbed.

    Second, if you dont know what prolactin related side effects are, your not ready to cycle. You haven't done enough research IMHO.

    Go read up on Deca's side effects, its evident you havent.

    Test needs to be run 1 week longer to match PCT times up, as Deca takes longer to leave the blood.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    thx man, i will brush up on it, been busy, and dont remember all the info.



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