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Thread: Straps broke yesterday...

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Straps broke yesterday...

    Straps broke yesterday doin' back rows... this was after two working sets. So I had to finish without any. I had to shave some weight off to keep my grip but I tried my hardest to keep the reps up... and today, my forearms are sore top and bottom! This is good... I don't think I will replace them for a little while and sacrifice some back gains for thicker forearms...

    I usually do reverse curls and grip training - and limit my use of straps to my heavy rowing sets... but those 8 sets of Bent Rows without them at all really beat my forearms up...

    I'm happy with my back so I think I'll scarifice some of the working load for more improvement in my arms this year... especially improving on some beefy forearms...

    If you have been using straps for back for awhile - try your same workout without them next time...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    yeah, i was thinkin of doin the same thing, but the only time i use them is deads and shrugs, so i might just do some forearm training on my back/bi day...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Lake of Fire
    my wraps cut my wrists yesterday from heavy shrugs....i'm slowly eliminating the use of mine to just shrugs and deads.....theres absolutely no way i can do these two exercises without straps....but it just sucks having girly forearms, theyre always the first thing to give out on me

    Quote Originally Posted by lucabratzi
    i might just do some forearm training on my back/bi day...
    You probably know more than i do, but it seems to me that on my back and bi day my forearms take a good beating, i usually just wrap up my workout with a set or two of wrist curls. back and bi's is my first day of the week, and on fridays i lift legs and usually throw 4-6 sets of forearms in after that. Then again my forearms have alot of catching up to do.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Sheeeit... 2 days now and they still hurtin' somethin' bad. Usually my forearms recover pretty fast... and all I did was try and keep a heavy weight and iron-hook grip on the bar, without straps...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior
    Sheeeit... 2 days now and they still hurtin' somethin' bad. Usually my forearms recover pretty fast... and all I did was try and keep a heavy weight and iron-hook grip on the bar, without straps...
    How much bigger do you want those "Popeye" lookin' forearms of yours to be?Judging by your avy they look friggin' big already.Good genetics!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    you did 8 sets for barbell rows??? i bet your back gets pumped like woah.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    8 sets of bent over rows, not 8 sets of barbell rows. He is probably doing 4 barbell rows and 4 dumbell rows...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Flexor
    8 sets of bent over rows, not 8 sets of barbell rows. He is probably doing 4 barbell rows and 4 dumbell rows...
    oh okay bout to say lol...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by kaptainkeezy04
    you did 8 sets for barbell rows??? i bet your back gets pumped like woah.
    Well... now I am switching to Poliquin's German Body Comp training plan, the Advanced Program... but for the last several weeks I have been using an abreviated strength routine (while increasing cardio work) using a journal to track reps, sets and time for progress.

    So far I have found using an abreviated routine with flat pyramids (several sets with the same weight) results in less overtraining when cardio output is increased...

    My back workouts were as follows...

    A) Standing Barbell Bent Rows (keeping close to a 90 degree andlge and pulling to the abdominals) for 8 working sets of 8-12 reps then...
    B) Close Grip Lat Pull downs for 2-3 working sets of 12-18 reps...
    And that was back day... get in, pull hard, get out...

    I would either focus on adding a little more weight, increasing reps or decreasing the amount of time to completion. Every workout I calculated the power out put by (LOAD*REPS*SETS)/TIME... using that I could accurately gauge when this routine needed to be stopped by monitoring exactly how much progress, if any, I was making... sometimes I would think I took a step backward - but after running the numbers... find out I had really improved...

    But yeah... now I am going to give Poliquin's German Body Compostion Training a wirl and see how that goes... I love his theories and never tried GBC before (but read of it). Its similar to Hatfield's wholistic workouts... which I have used off and on too...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Sounds hardcore, nice one.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Flexor
    Sounds hardcore, nice one.
    lol - not really hardcore but more of a strategic way to guage progress (or the slowing down of progress) while increasing cardio...

    Here is an idea on what I am going into next...

    Lactic Acid Training for Fat Loss
    by Charles Poliquin

    Whenever an athlete shows up at my training facility looking like he has spent the better part of the off-season camped in front of Krispy Kreme Donuts, I immediately put him on a program that incorporates short rest intervals.

    Short rest intervals lead to an increased production of lactate, and an increase in lactate leads to dramatic increases in Growth Hormone, thus resulting in very significant losses of body fat.

    This method is called the "German Body Composition" program, or GBC for short.

    While many people in the field–TC included–have professed skepticism that the exercise induced GH release was sufficient enough to cause significant fat burning, my personal experience with scores of athletes confirms the effect.

    Consider that the typical amount of GH that professional bodybuilders inject each day is actually a smaller amount than that released by the pituitary during lactate training! In fact, if the program is done correctly, GH production is 9 times normal–enough to make an army of dwarves grow tall.

    While the original GBC program proved to be very popular for lay people and the average athlete, I often use an advanced version of GBC for elite athletes and super conditioned amateurs.

    Not only does Advanced GBC lead to dramatic fat loss, but it is also quite effective in growing muscle and developing muscular endurance.

    At first glance, the program seems easy, perhaps ridiculously so, but if done properly, it is anything but easy. When I first presented a version of it to the National Judo Team, they laughed.

    I simply challenged them to do 3 circuits of the following:

    12 squats (at 12RM)
    Rest 60 seconds
    12 chins (at 12RM)
    Rest 60 seconds
    12 deadlifts (at 12 RM)
    Rest 60 seconds
    12 dips (at 12 RM)

    Despite their confidence, they only completed one circuit and promptly turned green.

    The first time I tried it with Marty LaPointe from the Detroit Red Wings, we practically had to put him on the plane in a wheel chair.

    The secret to making it effective, though, is choosing the correct resistance. In the version of advanced GBC training I am about to present, you must choose weights that accurately reflect your 6RM of an exercise, your 12RM, and your 25RM.

    In other words, you must pick an exercise that will crush your spleen after 6 reps, after 12 reps, and after 25 reps. You should have one eye pop out of its socket upon completion of the last rep, whether it is 6 reps, 12 reps, or 25 reps.

    The Advanced GBC Program

    You will perform 2 exercises each training session using the following split:

    Day One: Chest and Back
    Day Two: Legs
    Day Three: Off
    Day Four: Shoulders and Arms
    Day Five: Off

    The cycle is meant to be performed 6 times. Doing it longer will result in diminishing returns.

    Here are some suggested movements, along with the prescribed rest periods.

    Day One: Chest and Back

    A1. 6 Incline Dumbbell Presses at 45-degree angle
    Rest 10 seconds
    A2. 12 Incline Barbell Presses at 45-degree angle
    Rest 10 seconds
    A3. 25 Incline Dumbbell Press at 30-degree angle
    Rest 2 minutes
    Repeat 3 times

    B1. 6 Weighted Chins
    Rest 10 seconds
    B2. 12 Bent-over Rows
    Rest 10 seconds
    B3. 25 Seated Cable Rows to Neck
    Rest 2 minutes
    Repeat 3 times

    Day Two: Legs

    A1. 6 Squats
    Rest 10 seconds
    A2. 12 Lunges
    Rest 10 seconds
    A3. 25 Leg Extensions
    Rest 2 minutes
    Repeat 3 times

    B1. 6 Leg Curls
    Rest 10 seconds
    B2. 12 Romanian Dead Lifts
    Rest 10 seconds
    B3. 25 Reverse Hypers or Back Extensions
    Rest 2 Minutes
    Repeat 3 times

    Day Three: Off

    Day Four: Arms and Shoulders

    A1. 6 Seated Dumbbell Presses
    Rest 10 seconds
    A2. 12 Seated Lateral Raises
    Rest 10 seconds
    A3. 25 Lateral Raises with Cables
    Rest 2 minutes
    Repeat 3 times

    B1. 6 Dips or Close-Grip Bench Presses
    Rest 10 seconds
    B2. 12 Decline Barbell Extensions
    Rest 10 seconds
    B3. 25 Cable Pressdowns
    Rest 2 minutes
    Repeat 3 times

    C1. 6 incline Dumbbell Curls
    Rest 10 seconds
    C2. 12 Standing Barbell Curls
    Rest 10 seconds
    C3. 25 Standing Pulley Curls

    Rest 2 minutes
    Repeat 3 times

    Additional Notes:

    • If you work out at a commercial gym, you might be hampered by slackers and fat cows who steal your exercise stations. As such, you may need to improvise and do different movements.

    • Strive to do each circuit 3 times per workout. Progress to 4 circuits per workout after two or three weeks.

    • Use a 40X0 tempo on the sets of 6; a 20X0 tempo on the sets of 12; and a 10X0 tempo on the sets of 25.

    • You must use the entire 2-minute rest period. If you do not, you might not be able to use sufficient weight (or complete the prescribed reps), thus affecting lactate production

    • Doing fewer reps tha what is prescribed will not elicit enough lactate and consequently not produce enough GH.

    • These workouts demand a high level of motivation, so you had better be on something like Biotest’s Spike to help you complete the workout.

    Additional Notes Regarding Fat Loss

    As a reader of Testosterone Nation, I am going to assume you are familiar with rudimentary rules of proper eating. However, I would like to stress a few points that you might not have routinely considered.

    First of all, keep in mind that approximately 75% of the American population simply does not do well with carbs. As such, try to eat carbohydrate foods that score below 50 on the glycemic index. The obvious exception to this is post workout, when it is recommended that you do eat high GI carbs, along with protein.

    Secondly, simply eat more vegetables–lots more vegetables. That simple trick alone will help you burn fat. You might also consider gorging on the cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage, as there seems to be an epidemic of "man boobs" in America. These vegetables are strongly anti-estrogenic, and including them in your diet could go a long way in eliminating this unsightly and decidedly embarrassing problem.

    Final Words

    You don’t have to be a pre-diet Jarrod from Subway to undertake this program, but if you decide to try it, you’ll be very pleased with your newly found definition and newly found size and endurance.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    S.Florida by way of NY
    that workout seems pretty intense .... i think im gonna try it out

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by QuieTSToRM33
    that workout seems pretty intense .... i think im gonna try it out
    I did the arms and shoulder yesterday... like this:

    A1. 6 Seated Barbell Presses
    Rest 10 seconds

    A2. 12 Standing Lateral Raises
    Rest 10 seconds
    A3. 25 Upright Rows
    Rest 2 minutes
    Repeat 3 times

    B1. 6 Close-Grip Bench Presses
    Rest 10 seconds
    B2. 12 Incline Cambered Bar Extensions
    Rest 10 seconds
    B3. 25 Cable Pressdowns
    Rest 2 minutes
    Repeat 3 times

    C1. 6 Incline Dumbbell Curls
    Rest 10 seconds
    C2. 12 Standing Barbell Curls
    Rest 10 seconds
    C3. 25 Standing Rev Grip Curls
    Rest 2 minutes
    Repeat 3 times

    Shoulders got a good pump - had to really stretch them out to get back full mobility. Triceps got a reallllly good pump - felt the muscle really contracting - almost to the point I was afraid I might get my first tear Biceps were feeling pretty weak and less able to keep up - but I'm going to drop the load and see if they get a better pump next time using lighter weights... since I can swear by EDT's no rest intervals for gettin' good biceps/arm pumps...

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    S.Florida by way of NY
    that kind of workout seems like it would give insane pumps .... just from all that lactic acid building up and burning .... im excited to try this

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by QuieTSToRM33
    that kind of workout seems like it would give insane pumps .... just from all that lactic acid building up and burning .... im excited to try this
    Well... it's the next day and my tricpes and biceps are giving me some painfull feedback - so I feel I have pulled myself out of the rut of my last training cycle. And the pain in the Biceps lets me know they did have to pull some weight yesterday - they don't tend to get sore very easily. Shoulders are feeling pretty sore too. I'm going to stick with GBC for awhile and keep records on progress... I have also recently added 10 grams of Vitamin C, 50 grams of Glutatmine post workout and 10 grams of Glutamine before bed.

    Let me know what you think of it. The lactic acid build up is suppose to trigger some nice results in fat loss via GH and other hormone triggers... you really need to push these sets out with 100 percent intensity and good form to get the benefit... and strongly adhere to the 10 second RI's and 2 minutes inbetween muscle groups... they are required from the right response.... think, "adrenelin"...

    Forearms are still recovering from keeping the grip on back day - three days ago... though, they should be good by tomorrow...

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    50gs of glutamine post workout, WOW. Can you even absorb that amount one type of amino acid all at once?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Flexor
    50gs of glutamine post workout, WOW. Can you even absorb that amount one type of amino acid all at once?
    Flexor - check this thread out on Glutamine PWO

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior
    Flexor - check this thread out on Glutamine PWO
    Thanks man, useful info.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    S.Florida by way of NY
    hey warrior ... i got a question .... did u do all shoulders, then all tris, then all bis ..... or did u go A1, B1, C1 .... and so on ???

    also ... say i wanted to substitute an exercise ... think it would matter what it was ??? (ex: lunges w/ leg press)
    Last edited by QuieTSToRM33; 01-11-2006 at 04:46 AM.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by QuieTSToRM33
    hey warrior ... i got a question .... did u do all shoulders, then all tris, then all bis ..... or did u go A1, B1, C1 .... and so on ???

    also ... say i wanted to substitute an exercise ... think it would matter what it was ??? (ex: lunges w/ leg press)
    Yeah - but I would never switch a free wieght with a machine... but will certainly switch a machine for another free wight option.

    Also, you should keep it in the same class of movements too... ya dig? Like you have the basic compound movements - Squat, Bench, Deadlift, Rows,... and then movements that target more for a full range stretch - Extensions, Flexions, yada yada...

    You work one muscle group at a time... all A's with 10 second RI's, rest 2 minutes then all the B's with 10 second RI's - rest 2 minutes then all the C's with 10 second RI's...
    Last edited by Warrior; 01-11-2006 at 09:24 AM. Reason: Forgot to answer other question...

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    S.Florida by way of NY
    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior
    Yeah - but I would never switch a free wieght with a machine... but will certainly switch a machine for another free wight option.

    Also, you should keep it in the same class of movements too... ya dig? Like you have the basic compound movements - Squat, Bench, Deadlift, Rows,... and then movements that target more for a full range stretch - Extensions, Flexions, yada yada...

    You work one muscle group at a time... all A's with 10 second RI's, rest 2 minutes then all the B's with 10 second RI's - rest 2 minutes then all the C's with 10 second RI's...

    and u do this for 3-4 cycles ??? ...... (ex. A,B,C,A,B,C,A,B,C)

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by QuieTSToRM33
    and u do this for 3-4 cycles ??? ...... (ex. A,B,C,A,B,C,A,B,C)
    Naa.. I think you are confusing this with the Hatfield Wholistic routine. This one you do all A's then all B's and finish with all the C's... 3-4 cycles each with 10 second rest intervals... and 2 minutes inbetween bodypats (letters)...

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    S.Florida by way of NY
    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior
    Naa.. I think you are confusing this with the Hatfield Wholistic routine. This one you do all A's then all B's and finish with all the C's... 3-4 cycles each with 10 second rest intervals... and 2 minutes inbetween bodypats (letters)...

    so you rest 2 min between cycles .... and then 2 min between bodyparts
    10 sec between cycles and 2 min between bodyparts

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