Originally Posted by
Beyond Pain
Okay...I am constantly thinking about getting huge 24/7. There is not 1 moment in which I stop thinking about my body...I am literally staring at the mirror every time I pass it, I am eating over 10 meals a day (6,000+ calories) and I work out in the gym until I just collapse (all in 1 hour).
I am 19 years old, will be 20 on May 29th..and I keep obsessing about steroids...it is like a day to day battle here...I am tempted every minute to shoot up testosterone..but I know I am too young to be doing this...however it is only a matter of time before I run over to the gym, consult the biggest guy there and buy the juice. I am 215lbs@12 percent bodyfat (however I am very vascular and have a strong, ripped six-pack) right now, and plan to get to at least 230, or better yet, 240 NATURALLY, before I juice. I am disgusted when people on this message board juice at 180, 190 or even 200 lbs deceiving themselves that they have reached their natural genetic max or that they have "low" test levels...get outta here..BS! In the long run, they will fail because they will base their steroid enchanced muscles upon a base of mere 180lbs...I mean...just how big can you get when your base is just 180lbs? Thats like trying to put clay over a pencil..sooner than later, the clay is going to collapse because the pencil cannot support the mass. Now clay over a thick, fat pen would be better for support
Anyways, if I add 2 meals to my 10 meal a day routine, and consume around 7,000 calories a day..when do you predict I will be 230lbs? I hopfully predict that I will get to the 230 range by April or May..is this unrealistic??? I am hearing impaired and wear hearing aids...so my determination and motivation is through the roof...I feel the strong need to have a MASSIVE body in order to communicate to other people...
when I get to 230 lbs, I will juice up Test E 500mg weekly, and hit for 260, 270...
My stats are
Benchpress-275x7 reps
Deadlift-405x13 reps
squat-405x8 reps
let me know if everthing is realistic..or I need to see a psychologist regardging this matter?