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Thread: I cant stop obsessing about steroids and getting I have a problem?

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  1. #1

    I cant stop obsessing about steroids and getting I have a problem?

    Okay...I am constantly thinking about getting huge 24/7. There is not 1 moment in which I stop thinking about my body...I am literally staring at the mirror every time I pass it, I am eating over 10 meals a day (6,000+ calories) and I work out in the gym until I just collapse (all in 1 hour).
    I am 19 years old, will be 20 on May 29th..and I keep obsessing about is like a day to day battle here...I am tempted every minute to shoot up testosterone..but I know I am too young to be doing this...however it is only a matter of time before I run over to the gym, consult the biggest guy there and buy the juice. I am 215lbs@12 percent bodyfat (however I am very vascular and have a strong, ripped six-pack) right now, and plan to get to at least 230, or better yet, 240 NATURALLY, before I juice. I am disgusted when people on this message board juice at 180, 190 or even 200 lbs deceiving themselves that they have reached their natural genetic max or that they have "low" test levels...get outta here..BS! In the long run, they will fail because they will base their steroid enchanced muscles upon a base of mere 180lbs...I mean...just how big can you get when your base is just 180lbs? Thats like trying to put clay over a pencil..sooner than later, the clay is going to collapse because the pencil cannot support the mass. Now clay over a thick, fat pen would be better for support
    Anyways, if I add 2 meals to my 10 meal a day routine, and consume around 7,000 calories a day..when do you predict I will be 230lbs? I hopfully predict that I will get to the 230 range by April or this unrealistic??? I am hearing impaired and wear hearing my determination and motivation is through the roof...I feel the strong need to have a MASSIVE body in order to communicate to other people...
    when I get to 230 lbs, I will juice up Test E 500mg weekly, and hit for 260, 270...
    My stats are
    Benchpress-275x7 reps
    Deadlift-405x13 reps
    squat-405x8 reps
    let me know if everthing is realistic..or I need to see a psychologist regardging this matter?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Under A Bar
    Quote Originally Posted by Beyond Pain
    Okay...I am constantly thinking about getting huge 24/7. There is not 1 moment in which I stop thinking about my body...I am literally staring at the mirror every time I pass it, I am eating over 10 meals a day (6,000+ calories) and I work out in the gym until I just collapse (all in 1 hour).
    I am 19 years old, will be 20 on May 29th..and I keep obsessing about is like a day to day battle here...I am tempted every minute to shoot up testosterone..but I know I am too young to be doing this...however it is only a matter of time before I run over to the gym, consult the biggest guy there and buy the juice. I am 215lbs@12 percent bodyfat (however I am very vascular and have a strong, ripped six-pack) right now, and plan to get to at least 230, or better yet, 240 NATURALLY, before I juice. I am disgusted when people on this message board juice at 180, 190 or even 200 lbs deceiving themselves that they have reached their natural genetic max or that they have "low" test levels...get outta here..BS! In the long run, they will fail because they will base their steroid enchanced muscles upon a base of mere 180lbs...I mean...just how big can you get when your base is just 180lbs? Thats like trying to put clay over a pencil..sooner than later, the clay is going to collapse because the pencil cannot support the mass. Now clay over a thick, fat pen would be better for support
    Anyways, if I add 2 meals to my 10 meal a day routine, and consume around 7,000 calories a day..when do you predict I will be 230lbs? I hopfully predict that I will get to the 230 range by April or this unrealistic??? I am hearing impaired and wear hearing my determination and motivation is through the roof...I feel the strong need to have a MASSIVE body in order to communicate to other people...
    when I get to 230 lbs, I will juice up Test E 500mg weekly, and hit for 260, 270...
    My stats are
    Benchpress-275x7 reps
    Deadlift-405x13 reps
    squat-405x8 reps
    let me know if everthing is realistic..or I need to see a psychologist regardging this matter?

    10 meals a day!
    You eat more meals then me, but I bet ya I eat more quantitys.
    How tall are you?
    If under 6ft. a lean 230lbs is hard to achieve.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Man you sure do sound determined! I like it - keep up the good work and best of luck to you. Sounds like you should hit your mark in no time. WORK HARD!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    HAHAHAHAHA! If you think about it all the time, I really dont' see a problem with it? If your take roids and don't feel good without them, so you keep taking them, then yea i think you might want to sit back and think. Just my opinion, but steroids are a good boost, to help you get to the goals you set, and also help maintain. But at the same time, you should be abel to cycle off them and still fill great about your body. But, as far as thinking of getting huge all the time.....I'm right there with you. HAHA

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    you should really read alot more into dieting to achieve what you want....

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Cfh_Y_guy
    you should really read alot more into dieting to achieve what you want....
    sounds like he has that down. I like your determination man. You should be 230 fairy quickly at this rate

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    dude 90% of the guys here are sick in the head like you.... and me..... so thats why we all get along great. im pretty much in the exact situation as you...
    19 years old, 6'0, 215 pounds, 17%, and cannot wait to start AAS, but I know I must wait, and i know i havnt hit a limit yet

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Always close to a gym
    You should see 230 within the next six months. The only problem with that many calories is that you may tend to be a little dirty in the eating to try to get the weight. Watch the bodyfat after the next 5 pounds and adjust accordingly.
    Please post your height so that others can chime in on this.

    You do have a problem if this is all you can think of at your age.
    And if you consult the "biggest" guy at the gym - if he knows what he's doing - he'll tell you to wait a while and do more naturally so that you know your bodies capabilities.

    You're all ready making great progress!
    Be patient and stay smart about it.

  9. #9
    Thats awesome...then I guess my situation is just as the same as over 90% of these people on this message board is.
    As for the information my height is 5"9 and I have never done steroids in my life.
    My diet isnt entirely clean..and for good reson it isnt..
    I took the advice of a fellow 315lb bodybuilder named Marty Trubilla
    and he said when in the off-season, he eats everything he gets his hands on. His favorite meal that he has 3 times a week is the Burger King triple whopper w/cheese king size with a grilled chicken caesar salad. Lee Priest in the offseason loves the big KFC bucket (see his pictures of him eating fried chicken on Muscle Development) and Ian Harrison (the original mass monster) was notorious for eating over 3 liters of Ice cream a day during bulking season! Lee Priest makes the quote: "Just three more days, and no more chicken and rice. Actually I will eat chicken, but it will be Kentucky, and I will have rice, but it’ll be fried." WAY TO GO..THATS MY MAN!!" The only way to eat 7,000+ calories a day is to CHUG IT ALL DOWN!! NO MATTER WHAT THE FOOD IS!
    and this greatly correlates with Mike Mentzer's quote "A calorie is a calorie", so if calories build mass, then eat as much calories as you humanely can, no matter where they come from! The fact is, in order to be freaky, you gotta eat freaky!. You can only go so far with clean calories...
    This philisophy about eating everything of course is only for the off-season beasts...those in competition shape must eat as clean as possible by all means...
    who else follows this philisophy about eating everything in site???
    Tomorrow, after leg day, if I give myself enough pain, and puke all over the floor, I will reward myself with a triple whopper king size+4 scoops of Baskin&robbins caramel fudge ice cream....
    Im out..time to sleep and GROW...
    hang in there bros!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Always close to a gym
    Sounds like you know what you gotta do to grow - and what it means as far as the bodyfat number rising.
    Go 235 - What the Hell - it's only a couple more of those triple whoppers!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by TADOLFI
    Sounds like you know what you gotta do to grow - and what it means as far as the bodyfat number rising.
    Go 235 - What the Hell - it's only a couple more of those triple whoppers!
    they make triple whoppers???

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    gates of hell
    Good job bro, but you cant flame people from weighing less. Bodyweight is very much a factor of genetics.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Richmond, Cali.(Bay Area)
    Oh yes, i had 1 last week, with cheese. LOL
    Quote Originally Posted by SVTMuscle
    they make triple whoppers???

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Under A Bar
    Why get fat? Eating shit is going to make you look like shit.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    northern cali
    only people that dont work out would say that you have a problem. i get that sh_t all the time. as far as im concerned, being obsessed is a good thing, cause it motivates you to keep trying.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Richmond, Cali.(Bay Area)
    Old news nothing relevant
    Last edited by Jray1der; 06-25-2021 at 09:40 PM.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    the gym
    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    Why get fat? Eating shit is going to make you look like shit.

    I disagree, simply because of his age and energy requirements. If he's at 12% bf and 220 right now he has to be a mesomorph, especailly at only 19 years old. I noticed this when I was in my late teens up until about 22-23. I had to eat more calories to gain than i do now, and as long as the bulk of them are clean I see nothing wrong with some cheats in your day either. The upside to it all, is as you get older(I'm only 25 and noticing it now) it seems to become easier to hold your muscle on less calories, but more focus on cardio and eating cleaner comes into play to stay leaner.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Steel City Ontario
    mmmmmmm triple whoppers!

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    West Coast
    burger king makes me yack! now a double bacon cheeseburger with some chedder cheese fries from jack in the box , now we are talkin!!!!!!!!!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    im 185......does that make me stupid for using at my weight?

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    a building
    so under 215 its bs to use gear??? i think the line to determine gear use is based on more factors then how much u genetically weigh.....ur weight doesnt mean shit if u dont know what ur doing....

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    New York
    12 tacos & a large pizza everyday along with your normal meals!! i swear by it!! i put on about 15lbs from july-september doing that & my bodyfat only went up about 1% (13 to 14) but i still looked fine just thicker
    i was also taking
    6000mg l-arginine
    5g l-glutamine
    10g bcaa's
    trained 5 days a week with cardio for 20min once a week

  23. #23
    Im not bashing anybody here...but come on guys...being a mere 185lbs and juicing up that light isnt good long term speaking...not good at least if your goal is to be the biggest muscle freak out there like Ruhl, Yates, or Coleman. But if you are juicing only for reasons to look good, then you shouldnt be juicing at all...there are so many ways to look great and not have to juice. Why am I planning to juice when I reach a natural base of 240lbs?
    Because I want to be a freak...contrary to you guys, I despise the old school look (with the exception of legs). The modern day freaks, who are all over 300 lbs in the off-season, just psych me out! If you guys inspire to look like a freak...then let me ask you this:
    Just how much muscle mass can you gain with a natural base of 185lbs?
    I strongly think that you arent going to get past 240 at the most.
    Now let me ask you much muscle mass can you gain at a natural base at 240 lbs? Its a whole new level of freakiness waiting to be unleashed..Ill tell you that allright! My long term goal is 315+..hopefully in a few years genetic doping will be out there...the day people can alter their genes, I will jump in and reconstruct my DNA and genetics
    I dont care...I just want to be a freak!!

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    central gerzy
    Sorry pain but i smell bs. lets see some pics. everybody has there own reason for taking it. your opinion is just your opinion. and not everybody can get to that weight naturally. there are some, yes. but if you tell me that you are about 230 naturally and haven't been on anything including ephedrine etc..... then i am calling your bluff. steroids are not as dangerous as some of the other sh*t that is out there, that is legal.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    I would like to see some scientific evidence rather than anecdotal evidence proving that u have to reach a natural limit before you can use steroids. I dont see how your size naturally at the time of usin is going to determine your size when u are done juicing, it doesnt make sense. If we are all born with a genetic limit reguardless of roids one would think this could be attained whether one was 250 or 130. Some anecdotal evidence is arnold he was juicing at 15 and he ended up huge, maybe this was just a ploy to scare teenagers but I choose to believe scientific fact over what people say but i guess thats just me.

    To the thread starter do you have a job?

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    bro you cant judge someone on his weight and a weight requirded when to start juicing .. ( 1 inch of body height equals 10lbs) so if im 165cm tall , 160pounds and a ectomorth and your 190cm , 210 pounds and a mectomorth. so your 50 pounds heavier so what, 15 cm = around 5 1/2 inches = 55 lbs + your bone density as being a memtomorth . so were about even and im only 160lbs . ? eg

    and eating everything you can is for someone who wants to get fat quick and is on their first bulk, needs to learn to bulk and put on weight.
    a calorie isnt a calorie , you want calories enriched in in nutrients to help you grow not saturated fats which only get stored as fat. dexter jackson and ronnie coleman eat clean all year round. and look at the size of them they dont stuff them selves full of crap to get there cals up. youll end up putting on the same muscle mass but then when cutting up comes round and youve gotta cut up for a extra 3 months to lose that extra 20pounds bf . youll probably end up losing another 10lbs muscle mass in that 3 months were you could of already been bulking again and being up another 6lbs muscle mass.

  27. #27
    Eat clean all year? hmm
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Coleman eating Pizza.jpg 
Views:	10306 
Size:	24.1 KB 
ID:	61580  

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Beyond Pain
    Eat clean all year? hmm

    Im pretty sure ive seen that pic before and that pizza is fat free.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    To be fair I agree with beyond pain. The pros DO NOT eat clean year round at all. Ive heard many times that pro bodybuilders eat all kinds of shit to get in extra cream, burgers, fries, burger king......u name it! I came across a thread on a uk bb forum and here it is (dunno if it will work).

    Basically its saying that its impossible to eat high amounts of clean calories. Some pros go upto 300lbs in the off season. That requires probably over 7000 calories a really think they consume 7000 CLEAN CALORIES. IMPOSSIBLE! Ive read some of beyond pains posts and I agree with some of the things he is saying. I am his age and by the sounds of things he has capabilities to do well.

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