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Thread: legalities and dangers of pgf2a, slin and IGF-1

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    legalities and dangers of pgf2a, slin and IGF-1

    I am going to be running a cutter in a while here. I would like to finish the last month(of a 3 month cycle) with pgf2a, IGF-1 and POSSIBLY albuterol. If I get caught with any of these, would there be any LEGAL reprecussions? Reason being: I live with someone on Parol and can have my house search pretty much at any time the PO officer wants(all though it hasn't happened yet). I don't want to endanger his or my freedom by having something illegal in my possestion.

    I know where to get pgf2a, slin and IGF-1LR3, but what are the possible consequences? Also: are pgf2a and IGF ok together? Possible complications? What about albuterol? Would that be a bad idea for using with those?

    One more question: Have any of you tried PGF2a transdermally? I would mainly like to use it to assist with loosing abdominal fat.

    Thanks in advance. It's greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Any thoughts?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    bunp on this one

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Some information on pgf2a I got from a Friend;

    Prostaglandins (PGF2Aa) are in a class of hormones known as EICOSANOIDS, which use fat as their raw materials. Scientists, Kurzrok and Lieb, discovered prostaglandins in 1930. PGF2a are known to regulate protein synthesis in skeletal muscles. It was originally used to help induce labor in cattle and was noticed to cause muscle growth. PGF2a has been used in the bodybuilding community over the last 5 years for localized muscle growth in lagging muscle groups.
    I will be discussing the straight version of PGF2a not the analog versions, as some have no anabolic properties whatsoever. It should be noted that PGF2A is not currently approved for use in humans and should be considered very hazardous to a woman’s health.
    PGF2a mediates the major parts of insulin and is great for increasing the growth of weak body parts (calves, delts and arms); it should not be associated with synthol (oil injected into weak areas for temporary gains). The gains are in real muscle tissue and are permanent. PGF2a may also be used as a thermogenic, as body temperature is increased after the administration of exogenous PGF2a. Unlike other fat burners, which only decrease the size of fat cells, PGF2a actually destroys them. Fat cells die when exposed to PGF2a.
    Side effects associated with its use are an elevation in body temperature, vomiting, troubled breathing and gastrointestinal pain. It vasoconstricts the lungs making you feel as if you have a throat cold, thereby making it a little hard to take deep breaths. PGF2a will enhance hypoglycemia, so necessary precautions should followed.
    PGF2a should be injected in the muscle, not in a vein. If injected into a vein, severe pain will last upwards of an hour. A dose of injected PGF2a has a very short half-life in the body (minutes actually), most of which is destroyed in the lungs, thus making frequent injections necessary. Inject as far away from the intestine as possible. It will induce a very strong contraction of the intestine and bladder, emptying the stomach and intestines of all its contents, and will last for 20 minutes. So make sure that you have unrestricted use of a bathroom.
    There are stimulatory effects on the actions of anabolics which makes them(effects)last longer. PGF2a and anabolic/androgenic steroids potentiate each other too much, making workout pumps almost painful. Therefore, the two should not be used together. PGF2a will make training near impossible because of the pump that is created from this drug. Although weight poundage during workouts may need to be decreased significantly during its use, strength will increase because of the new muscle growth after PGF2a is discontinued. Try to stay away from injecting into sore muscles. Do not inject in the same muscle that was just trained; try to wait 2-3 days before injecting into that body part and stop injecting 24 hours before training it again. Injecting into the outer heads of muscles hurts much less than inner heads.

    The main drawback of PGF2a is the difficulty of administration, because of the short half-life the injections will be very frequent. Dosages should be built up slowly and injection sites should be changed frequently. Normally PGF2a comes in 25mgs per 5ml (1ml= 5mgs). If you used 1ml per injection, 5 times per day, you would use 1 vial per day (2 vials if you use 2 ml). There is no optimal dosing schedule for PGF2a but as a starting point, do not use more than 2 ml per injection, and no more than 4 sites per day. This way, all parts will be kept equal. If you inject 2ml in the right shoulder, then the next shot you would use should be 2 ml in the left shoulder. That is 2 sites. Then if you used 2ml in the right calf and 2 in the left calf, that’s 4 sites per day. Rotate to 2 different sites on the next day (rear delts, triceps, etc.). It usually takes 1 week to notice the results of the PGF2a and it should not be used less than 2 times per day. The vials of PGF2a need to be refrigerated. The overall dose of PGF2a can be decreased if used when insulin secretion is at its highest point, 30 minutes after meals preferably.
    Cycle length is usually determined by how long someone can stand using it. Best cycle advice would be between steroid cycles. Two months would give great growth and still let your body recoup from the last cycle of steroids. This is not a huge weight-gainer type drug; it is best used to bring up lagging body parts and to help close the bridge between steroid cycles.
    Something else to consider is that it is currently not tested by any athletic testing group. So, for all the athletes who need to be concerned with their drug use, what type of results would a GH/INSULIN/PGF2a cycle bring? We will have to wait and see. Although it may alter the testosterone / epitestosterone values, but to what degree, is unknown. Creatine should be used with doses from 10-20 grams per day and aspirin at normal doses will greatly weaken its effect. To help with the pain associated with its use, try ice applied directly to the area being injected. PGF2a, called Lutalyse, is currently being made by Upjohn.
    Is PGF2a a perfect drug, far from it. Is it better than synthol, or other oil supplements, I believe so. PGF2a does has its side effects and should be considered just as dangerous as any other drug, but hopefully it will help in keeping all the weight that is normally lost after the steroid cycle is discontinued. As Dan Duchaine once said,” Body builders healthy, who knows, big and lean, definitely.”


  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005
    "It will induce a very strong contraction of the intestine and bladder, emptying the stomach and intestines of all its contents, and will last for 20 minutes. So make sure that you have unrestricted use of a bathroom."

    That makes it pretty simple. I think I'll pass. JMO.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Thanks for the article. Any thoughts on the IGF combo?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Deal Me In
    "It will induce a very strong contraction of the intestine and bladder, emptying the stomach and intestines of all its contents, and will last for 20 minutes. So make sure that you have unrestricted use of a bathroom."

    That makes it pretty simple. I think I'll pass. JMO.
    thats supposed to go away if you start with a low dose and slowly build up. You can't just jump in head first.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by sadukar
    thats supposed to go away if you start with a low dose and slowly build up. You can't just jump in head first.

    dude either way I'm suppose to be working out not sitting on the toliet. That freaking sounds painful too.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    any other thoughts?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Deal Me In
    "It will induce a very strong contraction of the intestine and bladder, emptying the stomach and intestines of all its contents, and will last for 20 minutes. So make sure that you have unrestricted use of a bathroom."

    That makes it pretty simple. I think I'll pass. JMO.

    Sounds like the ultimate FAT FLUSH DIET!!!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Dinoprost-Gel Transdermal Fat Reduction PGF-2a

    you rub a little bit in the palm of your hand then spread on the area you want to lose weight, you can use this twice a day, the dmso is the carrier and it takes the pgf-2a into the fat, the pgf-2a turns the mature fat cells into imature fat cells, the imature fat cells cannot store fat so the fat is released into the blood steam and by excercisng you burn off that fat, after applying you may get a bit of an itch, if you do use some aloe vera cream to cure the itch, if you get a slight tigthness in your chest and maybe a small cough that lasts just for a moment it is a good sign you have applied enough,

    Please note this product is not safe for women to take.

    QFS Dinoprost-Gel, Transdermal Fat Reduction active ingredients Dinoprost Tromethamine 150mg ( Prostraglandin F2 alpha) and Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO 25%)

    Prostaglandin F2alpha is a potent inhibitor of adipocyte precursor differentiation and a physiological negative modulator of adipocyte function (ie triglyceride accumulation) through stimulation of transforming growth factor-alpha mRNA expression. It initiates a cascade of effects in the adipoctes which have physiological importance to reducing the size and it appears number of mature cells,long after PGf-2a is cleared from the system

    Mature adipose cells only shrink in size in response to restricted caloric intake or increased metabolic demand. Before now the only method of reducing the number of fat cells was liposuction. It now appears that Pgf-2a applied topically can have the same same effecst as diet and liposuction. Pgf-2a can reduce the size of mature adipocytes and the number of mature adipocytes through negative modulation and reversing the process of differentiation

    There are no studies on topical application. DMSO does carry PGF-2a through the dermal layers and the low concentration spread over a large area is ideal for the intended purpose. One cannot spread PGf-2a (or anyother substance) over the surface area that one can with DMSO topical application. The idea being that you need to interact as many molecules of PGF-2a with as many mature fat cells as possible. The biggest asset to DMSO as a carrier is the ability to spread the PGF-2a applicatiion over a large surface area, thereby maximising the interactuion of the number PGF-2a molucules with the maximum number of fat cells. This is where the DMOS method really shines. QFS is not masking the smell of the DMSO. It is not that bad and goes away in about 5 minutes.

    It is important to remember that dinoprost tromethamine does not burn the released fatty acids, aerobic exercise and or T3 will take care of that. PGF-2a only changes the way fats are stored and the formation and function of adipose tissue. As well I find that about half of the time I feel a tickle in the back of my throat and sometimes I have a full out coughing fit. This says to me that I have applied a good dosage.

    Here are some studies that support PGF-2a and negative modulation of adipose tissue.

    Endocrinology 1995 Aug;136(8):3222-9

    Prostaglandin F2 alpha stimulates transforming growth factor-alpha expression in adipocyte precursors.

    Lepak NM, Serrero G.

    W. Alton Jones Cell Science Center, Inc., Lake Placid, New York 12946, USA.

    Transforming growth factor-alpha (TGF alpha) and prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha) are potent inhibitors of adipocyte differentiation. We demonstrate here that TGF alpha messenger RNA (mRNA) is expressed in freshly isolated fat pads and in primary culture of adipocyte precursors cultivated in defined medium before and after differentiation. We show that PGF2 alpha stimulated TGF alpha mRNA expression in a dose-dependent manner. PGF2 alpha also stimulated TGF alpha production in the culture medium of adipocyte precursors in primary culture. PGF2 alpha stimulated TGF alpha mRNA expression in both undifferentiated and differentiated cells. 9 alpha,11 beta-PGF2 alpha, which also inhibited adipose differentiation, stimulated TGF alpha mRNA expression similarly to PGF2 alpha, whereas other PGs had no effect on TGF alpha mRNA expression. The time-course experiment indicates that the stimulation of TGF alpha mRNA expression by PGF2 alpha is observed within 6 h of exposure to PGF2 alpha and is inhibited by treatment of the cells with actinomycin D. The effect of PGF2 alpha on TGF alpha expression did not require activation of protein kinase C and was fully reversible. As both TGF alpha and PGF2 alpha are inhibitors of adipose differentiation, it is suggested that stimulation of TGF alpha expression by PGF2 alpha could represent an amplification mechanism to modulate adipocyte precursor differentiation and adipocyte function within the adipose tissue.

    Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 1996 Mar;20 Suppl 3:S58-64 R

    Endocrine and paracrine negative regulators of adipose differentiation.

    Serrero G, Lepak N.

    W Alton Jones Cell Science Center, Inc, Lake Placid, NY 12946, USA.

    Obesity which is characterized by an abnormal adipose tissue development is a first degree public health hazard in industrialized countries. One important aspect in the study of adipose tissue development is to investigate the hormonal control of proliferation and differentiation. Any qualitative or quantitative change in these hormones or their receptors can result in abnormalities in the process of proliferation and/or differentiation possibly leading to obesity. Therefore, it is important to identify these factors and investigate their mechanism of action. We have concentrated our efforts in the study of factors triggering differentiation (positive regulators) and also of factors inhibiting differentiation (negative regulators). The present paper provides evidence of the importance of EGF/TGF-alpha and of PGF2 alpha as differentiation inhibitors for adipocyte precursors in primary culture. Data presented here also demonstrate that TGF-alpha is expressed in adipose tissue and that its expression is specifically stimulated by PGF2 alpha, thus suggesting the existence of an amplification mechanism between two differentiation inhibitors within the adipose tissue. The importance of these two types of differentiation inhibitors in the regulation of adipose tissue development is discussed.

    ^^^ the above was taken from osbb. I didn't write it. ^^^^

    What ya guys think. i can get 300mg for about $160 + S&H. I would need the DMSO seperate. Should I just skip on the IGF/albuterol until later?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    A quote from big cat on Trans pgf2a:

    For localized fat loss ?

    Dissolve the PGF2 by adding benzyl alcohol until completely dissolved, then add a 50/50 mixture of acetone and isopropanol until you get a total volume that gives you the mg/ml ratio you want.

    Then apply as many ml as you deem necessary to the target area.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Sadukar, if you put it that way (the transdermal delivery system I mean) then it sounds like a very interesting product and one that I would like to try. The side effects with the injectable form just seem to be prohibitive to me.

    Again, JMO.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Deal Me In
    Sadukar, if you put it that way (the transdermal delivery system I mean) then it sounds like a very interesting product and one that I would like to try. The side effects with the injectable form just seem to be prohibitive to me.

    Again, JMO.
    well, the same effects will be there. But I have heard they will be lesser. It is the PGF that causes the smooth muscle contractions and muscle soreness. I'm going to use low dose anyways, as it will be for fat loss and not muscle gain. I will probably start at 1mg 3x each day just to see if I can handle it.

  15. #15
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    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by sadukar
    well, the same effects will be there. But I have heard they will be lesser. It is the PGF that causes the smooth muscle contractions and muscle soreness. I'm going to use low dose anyways, as it will be for fat loss and not muscle gain. I will probably start at 1mg 3x each day just to see if I can handle it.
    you should take pictures before and after and post them.
    I know I always ask but half the time no one ever post good picts when using such items to cut? There have been some but not good pictures. I would and will try to get that type of PGF. That transdermal sounds like what I am craving. If I get a hold of it. I definately will take pics. I mean the contractions may suck but at least they will be to a lesser degree.

  16. #16
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    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by kaorialfred
    you should take pictures before and after and post them.
    I know I always ask but half the time no one ever post good picts when using such items to cut? There have been some but not good pictures. I would and will try to get that type of PGF. That transdermal sounds like what I am craving. If I get a hold of it. I definately will take pics. I mean the contractions may suck but at least they will be to a lesser degree.
    I'm gunna make my own trans. DMSO carrier + pgf2a. Just make sure you don't come in contact with a girl! It can cause severe contractions of the uterus(sp?). It's been used as an abortion drug in the past(for animals)...
    I will try to take pics too. I don't think you will like my "before" pics. I'm A powerlifter, and I look like one too!! LOL.

  17. #17
    waste time..............

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Good to see you around ossie this is for you!!! Do you still have a big belly?


    Inject is the only method that would work,you would have to be crazy to try it,shitting for hours,lol.And thats no joke.


  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    Good to see you around ossie this is for you!!! Do you still have a big belly?


    Inject is the only method that would work,you would have to be crazy to try it,shitting for hours,lol.And thats no joke.


    ^^I can't follow the link^^. Thanks.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    Good to see you around ossie this is for you!!! Do you still have a big belly?


    Inject is the only method that would work,you would have to be crazy to try it,shitting for hours,lol.And thats no joke.

    big belly? are you kidding ?

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    It`s the most Detailed information you can get on pgf2a and how to use it,if you want PM with your email,and I will send it.

    How much are you paying for pgf2a ?


  22. #22

    "It will induce a very strong contraction of the intestine and bladder, emptying the stomach and intestines of all its contents, and will last for 20 minutes. So make sure that you have unrestricted use of a bathroom."

    That makes it pretty simple. I think I'll pass. JMO.

    is just strong laxative

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    I still would try it. Hell some of those colon cleanser don't know when to stop from what I hear. You would have to weigh yourself before and after.

  24. #24
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    gates of hell
    Quote Originally Posted by sadukar
    I am going to be running a cutter in a while here. I would like to finish the last month(of a 3 month cycle) with pgf2a, IGF-1 and POSSIBLY albuterol. If I get caught with any of these, would there be any LEGAL reprecussions? Reason being: I live with someone on Parol and can have my house search pretty much at any time the PO officer wants(all though it hasn't happened yet). I don't want to endanger his or my freedom by having something illegal in my possestion.

    I know where to get pgf2a, slin and IGF-1LR3, but what are the possible consequences? Also: are pgf2a and IGF ok together? Possible complications? What about albuterol? Would that be a bad idea for using with those?

    One more question: Have any of you tried PGF2a transdermally? I would mainly like to use it to assist with loosing abdominal fat.

    Thanks in advance. It's greatly appreciated.
    Alubterol? Did you get oral version? I hope you arent thinking its going to help fatloss like clen.

    LR3-IGF-I is not intended for human use, so yes its illegal to use since its not FDA regulated. Slin and albuterol are prescription only, so possession without a script is illegal. However, unless you are selling them I dont think any jurisdiction will bring charges against you for possession tho. Even if they did, I think a light fine would be the only penalty and maybe a misdemeanor offensive. AASs are a different story entirely tho (they will prosecute, felony, etc).

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by powerliftmike
    Alubterol? Did you get oral version? I hope you arent thinking its going to help fatloss like clen.

    LR3-IGF-I is not intended for human use, so yes its illegal to use since its not FDA regulated. Slin and albuterol are prescription only, so possession without a script is illegal. However, unless you are selling them I dont think any jurisdiction will bring charges against you for possession tho. Even if they did, I think a light fine would be the only penalty and maybe a misdemeanor offensive. AASs are a different story entirely tho (they will prosecute, felony, etc).
    Thanks for the info. Why wont Albu help with fat loss like clen? I thought they were pretty much the same, but clen was longer lasting??? I may be WAY off there though. Not 100% on that one.

    The folony charges are the only reason I Don't use AAS yet...

    EDIT: Thanks again for all the help guys. It means a lot to have all this help.
    Last edited by sadukar; 01-22-2006 at 08:15 PM.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Who knows about PGE1? I hear this has been used in BB,whats does this do?


  27. #27
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    Who knows about PGE1? I hear this has been used in BB,whats does this do?

    I've seen very limited info on it. Seems like it is used for spot injections to temorarily bring up weak points pre contest.

  28. #28
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    Aug 2005
    [QUOTE=goose4]Who knows about PGE1? I hear this has been used in BB,whats does this do?

    Well I found out what PGE1 does and it`s purpose, bizarre and I would not try this at home,PM me if any dudes want to buy this stuff,a mere 120$.
    PGE-1 which is used as an erectile function drug injected directly into the base of the penis. The result is a sort of inflammation: A woody.


  29. #29
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    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    Who knows about PGE1? I hear this has been used in BB,whats does this do?

    Well I found out what PGE1 does and it`s purpose, bizarre and I would not try this at home,PM me if any dudes want to buy this stuff,a mere 120$.
    PGE-1 which is used as an erectile function drug injected directly into the base of the penis. The result is a sort of inflammation: A woody.

    ouchy... Does it have any BBing use?

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    How would you run DNP with slin? Do you have to increase your carbs? How much? Would you run DNP with slin?


  31. #31
    funny thing goose I was going to ask you about dnp
    i saw some posts from you about dnp,and sparkled my interest.
    dnp is for real,like say you, i believe in dnp also.
    you allow me to investigate, he he

    to dig deeper.....................
    Last edited by oswaldosalcedo; 01-25-2006 at 01:13 PM.

  32. #32
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    Last edited by goose; 01-25-2006 at 02:29 PM.

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Well I have not done slin yet,planning soon.Have heard DNP and slin to be the ultimate combination,the key for me with DNP is to stay at 200mg and play around it,at this dose you get less sides from Clen,lol. unfortantly I am having problem researching this combo,as I cant find someone genuine that has tried it.The best guy here got banned,before my time here,an Incredible guy that ran this combo.A very SMART guy.I mean you must get this right,no room for error.If done corectly,I think it`s quite safe,Yet insane results,perfect before a cycle.

    Last edited by goose; 01-25-2006 at 01:55 PM.

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    Well I have not done slin yet,planning soon.Have heard DNP and slin to be the ultimate combination,the key for me with DNP is to stay at 200mg and play around it,at this dose you get less sides from Clen,lol. unfortantly I am having problem researching this combo,as I cant find someone genuine that has tried it.The best guy here got banned,before my time here,an Incredible guy that ran this combo.A very SMART guy.I mean you must get this right,no room for error.If done corectly,I think it`s quite safe,Yet insane results,perfect before a cycle.

    yeah, I heard about that and was pretty interested as well...

  35. #35
    yes, two potential killers; slin and dinitrophenol.
    louis rea has written something about that.
    Last edited by oswaldosalcedo; 01-28-2006 at 10:08 AM.

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by oswaldosalcedo
    yes, two potential killers; slin and dinitrophenol.
    louis rea has written something about that.
    True, but the effects of insulin and DNP are quite different, right? Which would mean that the dangers of each would not be exagerated at all. It would be like getting drunk one weekend, then driving fast another. Two risks, but they aren't going to by synergistic with one another, like say, IGF-1 and slin, right(b/c of the possible increase of hypo associated with the use of these two)???

  37. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by sadukar
    True, but the effects of insulin and DNP are quite different, right? Which would mean that the dangers of each would not be exagerated at all. It would be like getting drunk one weekend, then driving fast another. Two risks, but they aren't going to by synergistic with one another, like say, IGF-1 and slin, right(b/c of the possible increase of hypo associated with the use of these two)???
    correct, i agree
    straigthforward way.................

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    I just came across a thread on PGF2a and DNP by accident. It loods like he was having great progress, but just stopped posting for some reason. Check it out:

  39. #39
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    Aug 2005
    Well the idea when you combine the two is to make the crazy ride safer,YES less sides.DNP alters ATP synthesis. Insulin with it (necessary for glycolisis) ain't a damn thing on the planet that burns fat like DNP,I can tell you that. metabolic rates elevate 100-200% in only a few hours. Sounds great, but DNP can be deadly. Since increased energy is dissipated as body heat, too high of a dosage of DNP for to long of a period can actually COOK ORGANS!!!. No joke, I mean medium well done,thats why at 200mg these sides will not happen,you will still feel like shit,but it`s not as bad as being on tren.
    Note of interest: DNP could clean out androgenic receptor-sites and may have cause receptor-site up regulation!


  40. #40
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    Aug 2005
    Got to say PROSTAGLANDINS are extremely interesting just like a jemma jamerson flick,my Research has shown a rapid and quite strong direct anabolic action from PG's in muscle cells. If PG's such as PGF-2 and PGE-2 are introduced into muscle cells, protein synthesis occurs at an incredible rate. If insulin is introduced into muscle cells with PGF- 2 or PGE-2 there is a profound synergistic response,I don`t how you would run this,as hypo with the two would be a difficult challenge,a guy has done this here,but he got banned,I say you would have to be a slin vet to attempt the combo. This places certain PG's among the most potent of anabolic activators. Perhaps far more so than anabolic steroids. This also suggests that the powerful anabolic actions of IGF-1, insulin, and amino acids are all mediated in one way or another by PG's.


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